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Fight the good fight of faith
2024 Supporter
God has always given his people constructive criticism, counsel and instruction, not to condemn us or punish us, but to help us to grow in truth, love and compassion so we can use the power and authority he has given us through His grace to be an effective member of his body in ministry. Matthew chapter 5-7 gives us instruction how to live our lives according to Gods word. I have paraphrased these chapters and verses through the Holy Spirit to define what is expected of us and how to walk that narrow path that leads to life. Please read all the verses and draw from the power of God what you need from His word.

Matthew Chapters 5-7

Chapter 5
Vs. 1-6 we need to learn to recognize the need to speak to people about Gods word which is instruction for our lives here on earth. When we speak with confidence and convictions of truth, that truth will draw others unto the reconciliation of grace.

We live in a world that is always focused on monetary gains, which are only temporal. When we can humble ourselves and be thankful for what we do have, even though it may not look like much, Gods blessings become more relevant to our lives and draws us closer to trusting in the Lord for our needs, which also produces testimony to others of the greatness of God.

Vs. 7-9 Forgiveness is one of the hardest acts of kindness we can achieve in our lives. When our hearts are truly sincere through the love of Christ within our own heart then we must have compassion towards anyone no matter what they have done to us. If we can show that love and give out compassion this too witnesses to others and brings glory unto the Lord. Make peace with yourself so you can make peace with others.

Vs. 10-12 Persecution will always follow truth. Anything that comes against the carnal mind of reasoning will develop into misinterpretations and false accusations. Never waver for when you stand grounded in all truths greater is your reward for your convictions.

Vs. 13-16 Show your strengths so others can see the works of the Lord through you. If we hide our knowledge and never share it then what good does knowledge gain. There is nothing that we can do of ourselves apart from the Holy Spirit working through us. We are to be examples of Christ here on earth and continue in the good works he has started in us. If we are weak and easily swayed then we are no good for anyone.

Vs. 17-19 Live your life through the righteousness of the heart of God’s law, which is to love the Lord with all your heart and to love you neighbor as yourself, Matthew 22:36-40. Jesus had to come to fulfill the law for the law had no saving provisions within it for Salvation. Jesus was made to be the final blood sacrifice for all our sins so we could live life eternal with the Father. There were over 613 Mosaic laws, which were added to daily by the Priest and Rabbis to justify their own misgivings. The laws soon put man under a curse for they could not keep all the laws and if found guilty of breaking just one you were accursed by breaking them all. The laws were of man and not by the seed of faith God promised to Abraham and all generations to come. Genesis 12:1-3; Galatians chapter 3.

Vs. 33-37 do not be fence riders

Vs. 38-48 walk in unconditional love towards all people

Chapter 6
Vs. 1-4 do for others in secret wanting nothing in return

Vs. 5-15 pray with a sincere heart and present your petitions before God with praise and thanksgiving

Vs. 16-34 humble yourself to the needs of others to fulfill the happiness of your own heart knowing that this is the perfect will of God

Chapter 7
Vs. 1-6 never judge others, but put yourself in their place to see where they are coming from and help them to be an over comer

Vs. 7-14 pray knowing that God always has our best interest at heart and be not inpatient and learn that all things are in Gods timing and God alone knows what is best for us

Vs. 15-23 learn how to discern what truth is so you can be a vessel of honor for God

Vs. 24-29 stand strong for what you believe in as you gain knowledge and understanding through the Holy Spirit so others cannot shake or break you down​