Sandy Zalecki
"Though He was rich, yet for your sakes He become poor, that you...might become rich." 2 Corinthians 8:9
Count you blessings, this is wise council provided that we realize our spiritual wealth in Jesus is immeasurably more valuable than material possessions.
In America we value our material wealth and possessions almost more than anything. But that isn't where our happiness lies. It lies in knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. We can have very little and still be happy if we have our priorities straight. Jesus first, others second, material wealth last.
God didn't give us the Bible as a guidebook for happiness. But we can be eternally joyful knowing that we are destined for a wonderful place in heaven. Being grateful for what God has promised us will keep us from the trap of covetousness that many people get caught up in.
So let's focus on the wonder of God's grace, training ourselves to make a spirit of gratitude pervade our lives. That's the way to experience joy today and to be forever joyful.View attachment 4386