Hey Lewis.
I'm stuck working late tonight and was just browsing around and saw your post. Man, it's been a busy day! Glad it's almost over.. whew...
Anyway, here's what I meant. Maybe it's more of a confessional, I don't really know. Does it matter? I'll just ramble as my thoughts come out unededited ok?
Often, we seek to have all the answers the quick way. In other words, we look for the answers that others have found. (i.e. all those sites mentioned). They just seem so.. well, textual without any real substance.
Sometimes we thread scripture together to plea our cause, and we totally miss what the scripture was trying to tell us to begin with. How many people here have read their entire bibles? Me? I havn't. I'm close, but just not there yet. Sure, I've read the NT a few times, even studied it. But the OT is a whole different story. What I've found is that the NT really comes to life the more I read the OT.
When I was debating an athiest in another thread, it was easy to sit back and see his errors without really having to put any forethought into it. Perhaps that showed (my lack of forethought

: ), but it was hard to not spell it out for him (he needs to do his own homework). Anyway, I remember a year or so ago when it was hard to keep up with em. But I didn't get that way by reading sites in how to defend the faith against an athiest. I got that way by digging deep into the OT for no other reason than I just wanted to.
For instance, I've listened to Leviticus twice in the past year and recently I read it twice. The second time through I studied it just letting myself ask and seek questions as they arose. Most of it without commentary. Same thing with most of the OT that I've gone through. Currently I'm on Eziekiel. Pretty soon, I'll move into the minor prophets. Once this is done, I plan on doing Hebrews again, then maybe I'll go into revelation. who knows??
I guess my point is this. Those sites can help, but they can also be misleading because it's our nature to take the short cut. Those sites are not a substitute for studying the Bible. I guess I just kind of think that when we defend our faith, a certain part of it has to be from the work that we've already put into our walk with God. Does that make any sense? I guess what I'm afraid of, is that we start tossing these scriptures around not fully understanding their original purpose.
For example, We need to ask
WHO wrote the book. Yes, the bible is
BIAS, and so are
WE and so are
THEY. Bias is not a bad word, it just means that you come into something with a
presupposistion. The authors of the books in the bible are no different.
Once we realize
WHO wrote the book, we have to know
WHO the book was written to.After that, we need to know
what occured in the first place for the book to be written. In other words,
WHAT EVENT spurred the writing? What part of history prevoked the other to write what he wrote, and what bias was his motivating factor for writing it? Here's an example that jumps out of the wood work, it's Lametations. Wow.
I'm starting to see some of my previous errors here and there because I didn't take some of those factore into account. Instead, I searched for the quick and easy way to be smart. Because I took the shortcut, it's easy to put things together that don't belong together. It has been asked, why are there so many denominations? Maybe one answer might be realized within a shortcut.
Learning your bible is hard work. It's something that I know I'll be doing the rest of my life.