Me and few other started a Q&A session on creation/evolution a few years back in my school, we now have over 150 members involved, we started a campaign and got a petition to eliminate evolution teachings in bio class, we got over 2000 names form the town, and the school got rid of the old textbooks with all the lies, and with funding from the campaign bought new text books, before you go all nuts these books, don't use evolution for teaching but to make everyone happy they don't teach creation either , they tech basic bio, without the evolution crap.
Chalk one up for the good guys !
Me and few other started a Q&A session on creation/evolution a few years back in my school, we now have over 150 members involved, we started a campaign and got a petition to eliminate evolution teachings in bio class, we got over 2000 names form the town, and the school got rid of the old textbooks with all the lies, and with funding from the campaign bought new text books, before you go all nuts these books, don't use evolution for teaching but to make everyone happy they don't teach creation either , they tech basic bio, without the evolution crap.
Chalk one up for the good guys !