I have to say that the Bible account is more reasonable. The Big Bang theory basically says that first there was nothing, then nothing happened (because there was nothing for anything to happen to) and it cause nothing to explode into everything. I find that rather hard to swallow.
Time as we know it seems to have been created on day 4. Days 1-3 are undefined as to duration.
The bible defines the serpent as losing mobility (higher order moving to lower order- negative evolution).
The second law of thermodynamics seems to agree. True science agrees with the bible.
Romans 1:19-20 describes how human body structure agrees with knowledge of God.
Kidneys remove physical toxins just as mental vain imaginations are removed from the mind.
To me the creation account covers it all but Science stops short. Even if one considers the "big bang" theory to have validity, it is unable to explain where the matter came from not only to produce the big bang but to produce all the matter that exists. Even Steven Hawking admitted that the big bang started from nothing and in my view, he described what God did but he failed to recognize it and give credit where credit is due.
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