johnny botwright
Cuba,s president has stated, big reforms are needed,
is it the same for Europe, to many factors in play, a case of to little to late,
unemployement and cuts , Irelands banks can still fail. Like wise, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Belguim,and the UK.
Is it all a case of a bridge to far.
Financial gridlock?
Like a psychological drama, money markets and countries staring at each other, who will blink first, then the storm begins.
How many countries are about to over turn and crash onto the rocks? Globaly U.S, India.?
A time of Reckoning. johnny
is it the same for Europe, to many factors in play, a case of to little to late,
unemployement and cuts , Irelands banks can still fail. Like wise, Portugal, Spain, Italy, France, Belguim,and the UK.
Is it all a case of a bridge to far.
Financial gridlock?
Like a psychological drama, money markets and countries staring at each other, who will blink first, then the storm begins.
How many countries are about to over turn and crash onto the rocks? Globaly U.S, India.?
A time of Reckoning. johnny