Just thought I'd pop back in and hopefully settle this question.
First- the two witness are Moses and Elijah. The plagues that the witnesses have power to do are the same plagues Moses and Elijah did in the OT (no rain, water to blood,etc.) Rev.11:6. Only Moses and Elijah went without food forty days (besides Jesus) and then met with God on Sinai. It was Moses and Elijah who appeared glowing on the mount with Christ.
Enoch died; Hebrews 11 speaks of Abraham, Noah, Enoch, etc. and says "these all died in faith" (Heb.11:13). So obviously the fact that Enoch "should not see death" doesn't mean that he didn't die, but rather that he was probably translated directly into death without going through the process of dying.
The Bible says that "Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him." (Gen.5:24). Saying that he "was not" is Bible language for "dead."
When Jacob thought Joseph was dead he said, "The child is not; and I, whither shall I go?" (Gen.37:30)
When Joseph's brothers said he was dead they said, "We be twelve brethren, sons of our father; one is not," (Gen.42:32)