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Did Fallen Angels Have Sex with Earthly Women?


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Did a race of GIANTS exist at the time of Noah?
Was the flood meant to KILL these giants?

There has been much speculation about the meaning of the first few verses of Genesis Chapter 6. Some teach that fallen angels took on the form of flesh and had sexual relations with women producing a race of giants called the Nephilim. Is this TRUE?

Genesis 6 verses 1 and 2 state:

"Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose." (Genesis 6:1-2, NKJV throughout)

We find there that the "sons of God" took wives from the "daughters of men." The important question here is, who are the "sons of God?" Are they demons, fallen angels taking the form of flesh? Would God call evil, fallen spirits "sons of God?" Notice also that these sons of God chose for THEMSELVES certain "daughters of men."

Verse 3,

"And the Lord said, 'My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, for he is indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.' "

We see here that because the "sons of God" took for themselves the "daughters of men" God limited man's days to one hundred and twenty years and said "My spirit shall not strive with man forever." Men had lived to be much older prior to this judgment, notice also, the judgment had to do with God's spirit abiding in man. In the previous chapter we find that Methuselah lived to be 969 years old. We must ask the question, " if the sons of God were fallen angels, why was the judgment against "man?"

Romans 8 tells us twice that only those who possess the indwelling of the holy spirit are the "sons of God." Although the holy spirit was poured out on Pentecost right after Jesus died, there have always been faithful men and women whom God had given His spirit to.

In Psalm 51 we find King David praying that God would not take His holy spirit from him. Jesus called Abel righteous (Matthew 23:35). In Genesis 5 we find that Enoch "walked with God" and God took him. Notice also the time line of the great cloud of witnesses so eloquently spoken of in Hebrews 11, almost all lived prior to the coming of Christ.
Jesus, after he was resurrected from the dead and seen by Thomas, said to him and all the disciples:

“Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.†(John 20:29)

I believe He was referring to the faithful who lived before He came as the Savior. These Faithful servants could not look back to Calvary as we can, but had to look forward to the cross and believe that God would someday redeem them from their sins.

Let us consider for a moment that the "sons of God" in Genesis 6:2 were faithful MEN whom were given God's Holy Spirit, men who were not only born of men but born again of God and who married worldly women.

The Hebrew word translated as "strive" in Genesis 6:3 literally means "rule in." Some ancient versions read "abide in" or "in his going astray he is flesh."

Genesis 6:3 paraphrased states that when the faithful sons of God, righteous men possessing the holy spirit, saw that the women of the world were beautiful, they lusted after them, taking them as their wives, thus becoming "unequally yoked" together with unbelievers. (1Corinthians 7)

These faithful men chose wives for themselves rather than letting God provide for them. In this they were quenching the spirit within them, which is why God said "My Spirit shall not strive", "rule in" or "abide in" man forever, for "he is indeed flesh," therefore I will limit his years on earth to one hundred and twenty. Notice that God was saying that His spirit could not stay in those who lusted after the flesh. This means that there were men who had the holy spirit abiding in them but fell away when they set their eyes and hearts on the flesh, in this case, women who were not born of the spirit.

Genesis 6 verses 4 - 6:

"There were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown. Then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the Lord was sorry that He had made man on the earth, and He was grieved in His heart. " (Genesis 6:4-6)

The Nephilim were a result of the unholy union of the sons of God with the daughters of men. Nephilim is taken from "Napal" meaning "to fall." But who are these who fell? Was it angels who had become demons at Lucifer's rebellion, or was it faithful men who fell away from God by going after fleshly desires?

Notice that God said that He "saw that the wickedness of man was great." He knew that "every intent" of man's heart had become evil and was therefore sorry that He had made man in the first place.

Again, it is MAN whom God holds to blame. And it was to men that God's judgment was pronounced against. The same men who were once called the "sons of God."

Did a race of GIANTS exist at the time of Noah? Was the flood meant to KILL these giants?
I saw this on the History channel or maybe youtube?
Skeletons of giants have been found and it is clear that the Bible mentions giants. But I don't see fallen angels. I think Nephillim (fall) is referring to them becoming evil. I don't really know much about this. I take what I see on tv as a grain of salt and honestly haven't heard any preachers mention it either.

The "giant skeletons" were a hoax.

As for "angels having sex with earthly women", what is an angel, and what form to they possess? Would an angel have . . . . "the ability". . . . to have sex? I would hope that anyone would see the problem with this and recognize the impossibility of it.
The giant skeletons weren't a hoax. There are people today who are 7 ft tall. Golliath from David & Golliath was a giant. No need for me to go on, is there.
As for Angels taking human form, that is written in the Bible.
However, I don't see or don't have enough knowledge to know of scripture mentioning angels falling to earth and mating with women.

As for Angels taking human form, that is written in the Bible.

Do we have a biblical example of a form impregnating a women in scripture ?

The word form in scripture means external appearance

I do not believe by merely appearing in a external form gives angels reproductive organs.
The giant skeletons weren't a hoax. There are people today who are 7 ft tall. Golliath from David & Golliath was a giant. No need for me to go on, is there.
As for Angels taking human form, that is written in the Bible.
However, I don't see or don't have enough knowledge to know of scripture mentioning angels falling to earth and mating with women.

7' tall does not make a "giant". And there WERE photos of what seemed to be HUGE human skeletons that WERE found to be a hoax. You can find this by doing a simple google search.

Regardless, really think hard about the idea that "angels came to earth to have sex with women". It said "sons of god". Were these angels? If so, did god allow them to have sex with women, create a race of "giants" that he knew he would have to destroy [and saying that he wished he had never made people]? Is there logic in that?
I believe the "sons of God" in Genesis is referring to angels taking wives from among the "daughters of men".

Several of the earth church fathers believed this also, including Irenaeus, Justin, and Tertiullian.

Are the early church fathers authoritative?
I only list them to show that this view was well established and taught early on.
The giant skeletons weren't a hoax. There are people today who are 7 ft tall. Golliath from David & Golliath was a giant. No need for me to go on, is there.
As for Angels taking human form, that is written in the Bible.
However, I don't see or don't have enough knowledge to know of scripture mentioning angels falling to earth and mating with women.


I'm not of the idea of semi-angels who are super-humans.

But more broadly I am sure that there is angelic activity (and there are both good angels and bad angels) who influence the actions of men and women.

What the believer needs to concentrate on is being sanctified as 'heirs of salvation' by faith, to whom angels as ministering spirits are sent to minister (Hebrews 1). But we don't see angelic activity directly.

(But anyway, some ladies wear platform heels /boots with 6" or more...imagine, a foreigner from a country where the average height was less than in North America, and seeing some apparitions in heels float into a church, and s/he might think they were giants too.... :) )

I'm not of the idea of semi-angels who are super-humans.

But more broadly I am sure that there is angelic activity (and there are both good angels and bad angels) who influence the actions of men and women.

What the believer needs to concentrate on is being sanctified as 'heirs of salvation' by faith, to whom angels as ministering spirits are sent to minister (Hebrews 1). But we don't see angelic activity directly.

(But anyway, some ladies wear platform heels /boots with 6" or more...imagine, a foreigner from a country where the average height was less than in North America, and seeing some apparitions in heels float into a church, and s/he might think they were giants too.... :) )

I never mentioned semi angels or super humans. Don't address me if you're going to put words in my mouth (in this case on the thread) that I never stated. Get some popcorn and watch the videos. I'm not gonna argue with're welcome for the entertainment.

Have a good one
I never mentioned semi angels or super humans. Don't address me if you're going to put words in my mouth (in this case on the thread) that I never stated. Get some popcorn and watch the videos. I'm not gonna argue with're welcome for the entertainment.

Have a good one



Actually I was kind of talking round the difficult subject and not suggesting that you actually believed this. I was kind of suggesting some kind of Biblical framework to understanding the matter of angels today.

I think your approach is sound, in wanting to be careful to see what the Bible exactly does and does not say. And I agree about not making things up as we go a long, which is more putting things into the text, rather than getting truth out of it.

God bless.
Watching the videos.

The Paluxy tracks are not found to be credible by the science community, and even may creation scientist.

The guy in the video uses a communication technique to make him sound authoritative, but he is using a lot of supposition and [pardon the comparison] "used car salesmen" type of speech to "sell what he's wanting them to buy".

The "Italy coal mine skeleton" picture, bone of Noah, and other large skeleton are stated to be real by such speakers, but when asked to show where these skeletons ARE, . . . they have to resort to "conspiriacy theories" of them "being hidden away and out of the public eye because their reveal would prove the bible to be true and evolution wrong".

I trust you can see the problem with that sort of answer . . . as it is the same answer given by those who claim alien abduction.

Finally, for argument sake, . . . let's say that there WERE giants at one time. That in no way could ever automatically mean that angels somehow "had sex" with human women. Furthermore, just because an ancient writing states the existence of "giants", that doesn't automatically make the rest of it correct, by default.
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I actually prefer the Jewish take on Elohim. Hey, it came from their part of the globe :lol

Here is how they translate the text.
4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of the nobles would come to the daughters of man, and they would bear for them; they are the mighty men, who were of old, the men of renown.

This is the Jewish official document on the usage of the word Elohim as it pertains to judges.

Halacha 4
The term Elohim can be applied only to a court which received semichah in Eretz Yisrael alone . They are wise men who are fit to render judgment who were scrutinized by a court within Eretz Yisrael which appointed them and conveyed semichah upon them.

Halacha 8
Cases involving financial penalties, robbery, personal injury, the payment of double for a stolen article, the payment of four and five times the value of a stolen sheep or ox, rape, seduction, and the like may be adjudicated only by three expert judges who have received semichah in Eretz Yisrael,
Other cases of financial law, e.g., admissions of financial liability and loans, do not require an expert judge. Even three ordinary people, or even one expert judge may adjudicate them. For this reasons, cases involving admissions of financial liability, loans, and the like may be adjudicated in the diaspora. Although a court in the diaspora is not referred to as Elohim, they carry out the charge of the court of Eretz Yisrael. This charge does not, however, give them license to adjudicate cases involving financial penalties.

Now, Angels can also be refered to as Elohim as well...
Halacha 7
The different names with which the angels are called reflect their [spiritual] levels. Thus, they are called:
1) The holy chayyot, who are above all the others;
2) the ofanim; 7) the elohim;
3) the er'elim; 8) the sons of the elohim;
4) the chashmalim; 9) the keruvim;
5) the serafim; 10) the ishim.
6) the mal'achim;

This all being the case, Rashi, a respected Rabbi comments as such.

The Nephilim: [They were called נְפִילִים because they fell (נָפְלוּ) and caused the world to fall (הִפִּילוּ) (Gen. Rabbah 26:7), and in the Hebrew language it means giants (Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer , ch.22). and Targum Jonathan. הנפלים: על שם שנפלו והפילו את העולם, ובלשון עברית לשון ענקים הוא:in those days: in the days of the generation of Enosh and the children of Cain. בימים ההם: בימי דור אנוש ובני קין:and also afterward: Although they had seen the destruction of the generation of Enosh, when the ocean rose up and inundated a third of the world, the generation of the Flood did not humble themselves to learn from them. — [from Mechilta Yithro, Massechta Bachodesh 6; Sifrei Ekev \'a743] וגם אחרי כן: אף על פי שראו באבדן של דור אנוש שעלה אוקיינוס והציף שליש העולם, לא נכנע דור המבול ללמוד מהם:when…would come: They [the mothers] would bear giants like them [the fathers]. — [from Gen. Rabbah 26:7] אשר יבאו: היו יולדות ענקים כמותם:mighty men: to rebel against the Omnipresent. — [Yelammednu, Batei Midrashoth, p. 148] הגבורים: למרוד במקום:the men of renown: Heb. אַנְשֵׁי הַשֵׁם Those who were called by name: Irad, Mechuiael, Methushael, who were so named because of their destruction, for they were wiped out (מְחוּיָאֵל from נִמוֹחוּ) and uprooted (מְתוּשָׁאֵל from הוּתָּשׁוּ). Another explanation: men of desolation (שִׁמָמוֹן), who made the world desolate. — [from Gen. Rabbah 26:7]

Sorry, I'm lost.

Would you be able to summarize pls...?

(Interesting, but it's hard to follow what you're saying.)
Sure :yes

4. The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of the nobles would come to the daughters of man, and they would bear for them; they are the mighty men, who were of old, the men of renown.

Elohim is often translated as God, or god, sometimes Angel and sometimes those in a leadership role. It's roots are not Hebrew, rather the Hebrews adopted the word Elohim into their vocabulary and can be found written in some of the oldest literature around that pre-dates the Bible from before Abraham.

The title of the OP is, " Did Fallen Angels Have Sex with Earthly Women?"

Well, the Elohim had sex with the "daughters of man" so the question really needs to be asked, "How do you translate Elohim" within that portion of scripture?


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