conchoreb said:
So what are we to make of Luke 23:43?
Luke 23:43 (King James Version) "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise."
If one accepts the doctrine that when one dies, one falls asleep and doesn't go anywhere, but is actually dead, as the Seventh Day Adventists and others believe, then the idea that one goes to heaven or hell is mute.
So what could Luke 23:43 mean, then?
When you fall asleep at night and wake up in the morning how aware of time are you. The night can seem long, and sometimes it seems as if you just went to bed. Similarly, when one falls asleep in the grave, to wake up at a later date (the first or second resurrection) time is irrevelant. So from the thief on the cross' perspective, he wakes up in Paradise and it seems to him that no passage of time has occurred. And the "Today" that Jesus is referring to could easily be the day of the Lord (one of several - another topic) pointing to the pre-tribulational rapture.
PS Hell is a pagan doctrine introduced into the church around the time of the Council of Nicea, and does not exist.