Well since someone brought the topic up, I will post something I was pondering the other day while reading about AI. (Beware, you may get the opinion that I have too much time to think on my hands.....)
The article (I will try to find it again at some point to cite it) was stating that at the current rate of computer technological advancement, it is possible that at some point, we will have the capability to download the human brain into a computer simulator and recreate you as an AI.
This program will think it is you, act like you, have all of the sum of your expeiriences in life (up to that point of course). Basically, for all practical purposes, you would have just been re-created into a computer.
Of course all of this is theory, so its not entirely clear if it would be possible, but no known boundary exists yet.
The article went on to postulate that it may become the new cryogenic eternal life. At death, or before your body completely wears out, people could pay to be downloaded.
If this were possible, what does it have to say about the soul? From the AI point of view, you did not die. It would just like you went to sleep and woke up inside a computer. It may even be possible at that point to create an android that is human like, and store yourself into that machine. You could walk, talk, feel, etc. just like you were human.
Now, would that version of you contain your original soul, create a new soul just as if a baby had been born, contain no soul, or any other possibility.
Obviously from my posts people realize I do not believe in the concept of a soul, but it is an interesting thing to think about.