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Bible Study Didn’t know where to put this please change as needed. Thanks.

One of the powerful Scriptures for me is Galatians 4:19 where Paul is talking about once again being in labor until Christ is formed in his hearers. That gives a perspective that isn’t seen often in our day. I guess the ones that come closest are the street corner preachers who many times alienate or scare those who might hear the Good News. What does it mean to you to be in labor until Christ is formed in those the Lord sends us to make disciples of? Labor is an interesting experience but not for the difficulty and the pain but for the joy. A joy that I believe is only found through the things that give birthing a child bad name. I believe the joy that comes from being part of the forming of Christ in others is worth all the pain felt when someone rejects our Lord who He had us working on. But there was an interesting teaching that Paul may have been taught as he advanced up the school becoming a Pharisee of Pharisees as Saul. Was it that he was thinking about when he wrote to us about the crowns we will place at the feet of the Lord. In the schools where the Rabbi’s would have taught Saul/Paul the students sat on the floor or the ground in front of their teacher and they were considered his crown each one a living stone. Will this be what we place at the Lord’s feet our crowns with the living stones of those we worked on with the Lord in forming Christ in them? There is a whole world of living stones waiting to make a crown fit for the King of kings
What does it mean to you to be in labor until Christ is formed in those the Lord sends us to make disciples of?

CROWNS/REWARDS - Greek: (misthos) pay for service, good or bad have power, to separate from others, worthy

We are called of God to be partakers in Christ sharing in his ministry here on earth if we heed his calling as travailing is not in vain. Our service is unto the Lord for the purpose that brings glory and honor to his name when a lost soul comes back to Gods grace. This is not done without rewards as our rewards are Spiritual laid up in heaven until we come to be with the Lord forever, but there are also rewards for those that are not of God, but of a Pharisee spirit and their reward will be eternal separation from God and their reward of damnation when Jesus returns and separates the wheat from the tares or the sheep from the goats.

There are five crowns (not literal crowns) we can obtain here on earth for the accomplishments of service we do unto the Lord. When our race here on earth is done and our time is over we will have the privilege of laying these crowns down before the feet of Jesus to honor him and to hear those words of grace that says “well done thou good and faithful servant”. Hebrews 12:1; 1 Corinthians 9:24; Matthew 25:21

Martyr's crown is the crown of life given to those who have endured all temptations, trials and tribulations here on earth and have never taken no thought of their own lives, but remained steadfast in the word of God living their lives in total surrender to Jesus. James 1:12; Rev 2:10

Elder or Pastor Crown is given to those who hold the office of leadership over the members that make up the body of Christ. It is their leadership through the Holy Spirit that helps to teach us about God through his word. Theirs is the greatest judgment for what proceeds out of their mouth. 1 Peter 5:1-5

A crown of rejoicing is a soul winner’s crown. When we accept Gods commission to take his word out into the world through the power of the Holy Spirit working through us we all rejoice when one lost soul comes back to Gods grace. It’s like the story of the Shepard that had a flock of sheep and one of them strayed away. Even though he loved all his flock he rejoiced more for the lost one he found as now his whole flock was again all together. Imagine the rejoicing if all Gods lost children were found and brought back to Gods grace. What a day of rejoicing that would be. We rejoice in the goodness of God for all the blessings he pours out on us as he is faithful with his promises. 1 Thessalonians 2:19, 20; Philippians 4:1; Matthew 28:18-20; Matthew 18:11-13

A crown for those who love his appearing and will be given in that day to the Lord as a bride to a groom. We will see God in all his glory and his righteousness which is our strength when Jesus returns in the clouds to catch us up to meet him in the air and to be with the Lord forever. Gods’ righteousness is perfect in all his judgment on his people. With Gods righteousness we are perfected as we go through the refiner’s fire to be made pure and holy before his throne of grace. It doesn’t matter how we ourselves try to be righteous we can never be so on our own ability because our own righteousness is as a filthy rag before the Lord because we are all sinners, but those who have been Spiritually reborn or renewed of Gods Spirit to them they have been made righteous before the Father. 2 Timothy 4:8; Isaiah 45:24; Isaiah 61:10; Colossians 3:2-4

An incorruptible crown is a victor’s crown to those who have died to self and are subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit leading them in all their ways and teach with the knowledge that only comes by the Holy Spirit who will teach us all things and bring those things back to our remembrance. None of us are perfect in our own ways, but are perfected by the Holy Spirit working in us and through us.

There are many out there walking around in sheep’s clothing, but are only ravenous wolves as they devour those without knowledge of Gods word as they are puffed up and edify themselves by teaching a corruptible word of God through a carnal traditional doctrine that not only puts condemnation on those they teach, but also on themselves as they have no knowledge of the truth of Gods word and are only acting on their own behalf as they have not Gods Spirit in them and on that day of judgment they will hear Jesus say that he never knew them.

We strive for an incorruptible crown that allows us to have more of Jesus and less of ourselves to be able to let the light of Christ shine through us before others so they will see the righteousness of God displayed through us that will draw others to his glorious light so their corruption can be made incorruptible and also become pleasing to the father in all they do and say. 1 Corinthians 9:25-27; 1 John 2:28,29; Rev 4:10, 11