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Bible Study Do Christians Have Rights?


Even as Christians are instructed to not be part of this World because of their citizenship in The non Earthly Kingdom of God, let's pretend here it is an issue needing attention. Do Christians have Rights conferred and guarded by Earthly Government? Yes? State what those Rights are, and exactly from where in Scripture they come.

While you are searching, this will review imaginary Rights not to be held by Christians anywhere on Earth, not established in any endurable documents, and not in place within God's Word.

1.) The Right of Life.

No place in Scripture states Christians have a right to continuation of their physical life. Rather, they are appointed to give up their lives either as a dynamic, or as an endpoint of death.

2.) The Right of Liberty.

No place in Scripture states Christians have any rights for civil liberty, but are commanded to submit to secular government that is not breaking God's Laws for holiness of conduct. Christians are to claim no rights for property ownership, personal travel, free speech, economic opportunity, redress of violence, protection from assault, access to information, access to material resources, handouts from the Government, or participation in Government.

3.) The Right to Pursuit of Happiness.

No Christian can find in Scripture their Right to be happy. Rather, we are to receive Joy superior to temporal happiness, Joy unrelated to circumstances and to physical amenity. Although Joyful Christians are to "Judge All Things" (1 Cor. 2:15) and be as wise as serpents, they are to refrain from using their awareness acuity to think they are victims of anything in the World. They are to speak of reality without complaining about it.

4.) The Right to Be Equal.

No Scripture gives Christians this as a Right in the World's System. Yes, in Christ Christians are equally redeemed and reborn, but are commanded to be lowly in life not as an incidental feature, but in heart (Prov.16:19, Phil. 2:3). Lowly people are far from equal to the elevated and dynamically renowned. Christians are to thoroughly enjoy being lowly.

5.) The Right to be Respected.

Although Christians indeed are to be persistent upon the Gospel, service, and worship in their own conduct and speech, Scripture denies them acting with froward intent to jam anything into someone else's privacy. Christians are to be skillfully alert opportunists, ready to be opposed for spurious reasons, and not to be little dictators because of their position.

Let us know about other false Rights imagined by Christians which can be discovered, so all can repent unto Obedience to Christ.
May I sincerely ask who has hurt you so bad with their religious standards that has damaged your heart? You really seem to be a bitter man towards religion.
Maybe this will help you within that idea of bitterness.

If I look at a dog, and see what a dog is and does, and have no illusions about that dog, I would think:

This dog is by nature very similar to all dogs which have ever existed, they are predictable, they dump on the ground, they reflexively smell disgusting things with their nose. They carry vermin and germs on them, they will never be different than a dog, they may respond to commands but never will understand language. They are indeed very effective in what they do to work with humans, but they are limited to being a dog.

Now, upon all of that, am I being bitter and unfair when I recognize and state these things about a dog? Yes? No?

If a person were to think I am being bitter and unfair about the dog, am I really affecting the well being of that dog? Or, would that person be doing nothing more than just chatting about "how something seems to be?"

It is no different than looking at human behavior to see what it is. Chatting about and classifying human activity upon what is observed does not affect or change it.

Conversely, imagining human behavior to be doing other than what is observed will not affect or change it. Verbally describing something will not change it. We do not speak things into existence as does God.
Do Christians have Rights conferred and guarded by Earthly Government?
The idea that individuals have rights in themselves is a Christian idea.
There is no other religeon or political or philosophical set of ideas that gives the ordinary person any rights.
They all assume that the individual exists to serve or benefit the group.
The idea that individuals have rights in themselves is a Christian idea.
There is no other religeon or political or philosophical set of ideas that gives the ordinary person any rights.
They all assume that the individual exists to serve or benefit the group.
Please notice not one of the "rights" in the opening post can be found in the Scripture. That means they are not "Christian rights."

It is best to distinguish imaginary things from facts. That is the Will of God, who identifies Himself as "The God of Truth."

It is best for all of Truth is spoken, rather than imaginary falsehoods.
There are many falsehoods gone out into the world that deceive the minds of those who are weak, especially in faith. Many church teachings have gone astray from the true doctrines of Christ as many have not the indwelling of the Holy Spirt who teaches us all truths if we are truly listening.

1 John 2:27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.
Children of God
1 John 2:28 And now, little children, abide in him; that, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming.
1 John 2:29 If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.
The right of life can only be that of a Spiritual life as all man are destined to physical death, but those who believe in Christ will have eternal life with Him, John 3:16

The right of liberty is FREEDOM is God giving us liberty through his power that gives us the authority to speak his word to those who need to hear no matter the location or the environmental situation that would otherwise prohibit freedom of another religion or speech. Although we are given this freedom we have to exercise restraint from forcing our beliefs onto others. As we came to God through our own freewill so will others that hear his call to salvation. If we use force then we are outside of Gods will of love and compassion and become no effect in another’s life and only become as sounding cymbals like the Pharisees who loved to be seen of others. Galatians 5:13; Matthew 23:1-8

JURISDICTION is given by God for us to take authority over things that are not of God. The territory of God is one of power to be exercised over anything that tries to come against his authority. That power is given to us by the measure of faith to stand and take authority over the wicked principalities of this world which include false religions, demonic possession, pornography, drugs, violence, astrology and the list goes on. This does not interpret that we go commando, but we need to educate the minds of people with the truth of Gods word until it reaches the hearts of all we can reach out to. Mark 1:21-28

FORCE speaks with such execution of knowledge and understanding with authority and power that draws others to listen to what is being presented. Force is demanding in edifying and lifting up others through the love and compassion of the words being spoken and also can bring judgment to those who heart needs convicting through Gods Spirit to bring them into submission of the word of God that helps brings them into the refining fire to make them pure and righteous before the Lord. There are many with eloquent of speech that force their teachings on us, but speaking without Spiritual knowledge and that of a carnal mind. For us to know for a surety of what is being taught us we have to study for ourselves through Gods Spirit to know that Gods word it truth as we prove his word to ourselves to know Gods word does not come back void in our lives. Malachi 3:1-3; 2 Timothy 2:15, 16; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

LIBERTY is freedom to speak the truth through the utterance of the Holy Spirit without allowing us to be condemned by mans laws and traditions. Jesus gave his disciples instructions on how to carry out his ministry and to go out with the Holy Spirit guiding them (ref: Matthew 10:5-42). We too have these same instructions that we should never be under worldly bondage, but that the Holy Spirit will speak all truths through us and others will receive truth through ears that are opened to the Holy Spirit speaking to them. Galatians 3:10-14; Galatians 5:1, 13, 14; Matthew 10:16-19
The right of life can only be that of a Spiritual life as all man are destined to physical death, but those who believe in Christ will have eternal life with Him, John 3:16

The right of liberty is FREEDOM is God giving us liberty through his power that gives us the authority to speak his word to those who need to hear no matter the location or the environmental situation that would otherwise prohibit freedom of another religion or speech. Although we are given this freedom we have to exercise restraint from forcing our beliefs onto others. As we came to God through our own freewill so will others that hear his call to salvation. If we use force then we are outside of Gods will of love and compassion and become no effect in another’s life and only become as sounding cymbals like the Pharisees who loved to be seen of others. Galatians 5:13; Matthew 23:1-8

JURISDICTION is given by God for us to take authority over things that are not of God. The territory of God is one of power to be exercised over anything that tries to come against his authority. That power is given to us by the measure of faith to stand and take authority over the wicked principalities of this world which include false religions, demonic possession, pornography, drugs, violence, astrology and the list goes on. This does not interpret that we go commando, but we need to educate the minds of people with the truth of Gods word until it reaches the hearts of all we can reach out to. Mark 1:21-28

FORCE speaks with such execution of knowledge and understanding with authority and power that draws others to listen to what is being presented. Force is demanding in edifying and lifting up others through the love and compassion of the words being spoken and also can bring judgment to those who heart needs convicting through Gods Spirit to bring them into submission of the word of God that helps brings them into the refining fire to make them pure and righteous before the Lord. There are many with eloquent of speech that force their teachings on us, but speaking without Spiritual knowledge and that of a carnal mind. For us to know for a surety of what is being taught us we have to study for ourselves through Gods Spirit to know that Gods word it truth as we prove his word to ourselves to know Gods word does not come back void in our lives. Malachi 3:1-3; 2 Timothy 2:15, 16; 2 Timothy 3:16, 17

LIBERTY is freedom to speak the truth through the utterance of the Holy Spirit without allowing us to be condemned by mans laws and traditions. Jesus gave his disciples instructions on how to carry out his ministry and to go out with the Holy Spirit guiding them (ref: Matthew 10:5-42). We too have these same instructions that we should never be under worldly bondage, but that the Holy Spirit will speak all truths through us and others will receive truth through ears that are opened to the Holy Spirit speaking to them. Galatians 3:10-14; Galatians 5:1, 13, 14; Matthew 10:16-19
The Founding American Documents are not the basis for any Spirituality. They speak only of civil rights. Any other extension of their significance is mere delusion and prattle.
Maybe this will help you within that idea of bitterness.

If I look at a dog, and see what a dog is and does, and have no illusions about that dog, I would think:

This dog is by nature very similar to all dogs which have ever existed, they are predictable, they dump on the ground, they reflexively smell disgusting things with their nose. They carry vermin and germs on them, they will never be different than a dog, they may respond to commands but never will understand language. They are indeed very effective in what they do to work with humans, but they are limited to being a dog.

Now, upon all of that, am I being bitter and unfair when I recognize and state these things about a dog? Yes? No?

If a person were to think I am being bitter and unfair about the dog, am I really affecting the well being of that dog? Or, would that person be doing nothing more than just chatting about "how something seems to be?"

It is no different than looking at human behavior to see what it is. Chatting about and classifying human activity upon what is observed does not affect or change it.

Conversely, imagining human behavior to be doing other than what is observed will not affect or change it. Verbally describing something will not change it. We do not speak things into existence as does God.

1 Corinthians 10:29
29 “Conscience,” I say, not your own, but that of the other. For why is my liberty judged by another man’s conscience?.../

2 Corinthians 3:17
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty

1 Corinthians 7:22
22 For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord’s freedman. Likewise he who is called while free is Christ’s slave.

Galatians 5:13
13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

James 1:25
25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

So the scriptures talk quite a bit about liberty. These are just a few of them.
1 Corinthians 10:29
29 “Conscience,” I say, not your own, but that of the other. For why is my liberty judged by another man’s conscience?.../

2 Corinthians 3:17
17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty

1 Corinthians 7:22
22 For he who is called in the Lord while a slave is the Lord’s freedman. Likewise he who is called while free is Christ’s slave.

Galatians 5:13
13 For you, brethren, have been called to liberty; only do not use liberty as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

James 1:25
25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

So the scriptures talk quite a bit about liberty. These are just a few of them.
Apparently, you think the liberty in America's Founding documents is referring to freedom from Mosaic Law. This is a typical mental error of Christiand. Very odd. Lol.
Please notice not one of the "rights" in the opening post can be found in the Scripture. That means they are not "Christian rights."

It is best to distinguish imaginary things from facts. That is the Will of God, who identifies Himself as "The God of Truth."

It is best for all of Truth is spoken, rather than imaginary falsehoods.

An irrelevant reply. Only Christianity values the individual and give rights.
Your whole argument is based on Christianity being true. What rights are assumed are irrelevant without a foundation that the individual has rights.
The Founding American Documents are not the basis for any Spirituality. They speak only of civil rights. Any other extension of their significance is mere delusion and prattle.
I agree with this. We are instructed in Romans 13:1-7 to submit to governing authorities which God has established, but we do not find much of that anymore since there is so much corruption in government. That's why I do not concern myself to much with the affairs of this world with the governing powers from that of the evil principalities of this world.
An irrelevant reply. Only Christianity values the individual and give rights.
Your whole argument is based on Christianity being true. What rights are assumed are irrelevant without a foundation that the individual has rights.
Is such a foundation in Scripture? No. In fact, no American Founding Documents contain any Scripture. Although touted and cited to have possessed faith, the writers were afraid to use either the name "God" or "Jesus." Most were Deists and Masons, or of some empiric tradition having a corporate doctrine.

Regards upon your progress.
Is such a foundation in Scripture? No. In fact, no American Founding Documents contain any Scripture. Although touted and cited to have possessed faith, the writers were afraid to use either the name "God" or "Jesus." Most were Deists and Masons, or of some empiric tradition having a corporate doctrine.

Regards upon your progress.
If people only knew what America was founded on as it was not founded on Godly principles. You could take just about every states original constitution and see how it has changed throughout the years with all the new amendments added to it and not once see anything about God in them. Some of them might mention the actual word God, but yet not to many in government conforms themselves to be obedient to Him.
If people only knew what America was founded on as it was not founded on Godly principles. You could take just about every states original constitution and see how it has changed throughout the years with all the new amendments added to it and not once see anything about God in them. Some of them might mention the actual word God, but yet not to many in government conforms themselves to be obedient to Him.
Thanks for realizing, as well, none of the States' Constitutions have Scriptural "rights" in them. No government founding documents have any Biblical quotes, not even if someone pretends it is there by imagining it, or by how it "just seems to be!"

Expectations and Faith are not ink on paper.

Regards for the best conclusions.
Is such a foundation in Scripture? No.

Yes we are valued by God as individuals, not as tribal or people groups. Jesus died for us as individuals and as individuals are responcible for how we live, we have the right to become Children of God, the right of access to God, we are co heirs with Christ.

I have to teach you what is simple Christian truths which others have taken and applied to all mankind.

Only Christianity teaches that ordinary people have rights.
Yes we are valued by God as individuals, not as tribal or people groups. Jesus died for us as individuals and as individuals are responcible for how we live, we have the right to become Children of God, the right of access to God, we are co heirs with Christ.

I have to teach you what is simple Christian truths which others have taken and applied to aankind.

Only Christianity teaches that ordinary people have rights.
I see by using Scripture's "teaching" you cannot state what those rights exactly are, and cannot materially demonstrate them. Therefore, the statements above are just imaginary.

Regards upon obvious Truth which is blatantly in front of all people.
I see by using Scripture's "teaching" you cannot state what those rights exactly are, and cannot materially demonstrate them. Therefore, the statements above are just imaginary.

Regards upon obvious Truth which is blatantly in front of all people.

As you only recognise quote from he Bible when preferred by book, chapter and verse, that is a telling demonstration of your lack of biblical knowledge.
Reread again what I wrote and see if you can spot the biblical quotes.
As you only recognise quote from he Bible when preferred by book, chapter and verse, that is a telling demonstration of your lack of biblical knowledge.
Reread again what I wrote and see if you can spot the biblical quotes.
Yes, continue to speak of Scriptural context without having actual content. Chapter and verse is substance, not imaginary perspective.
