Adullam said:It sounds like a no-brainer to answer yes, but there is more to the question than meets the eye. Can a person HAVE the HS?
Some who have been filled with the Spirit will not be saved. Balaam is a fine example. Also Jesus said that many will come to Him and say Lord Lord! They did many spiritual works but their characters remained foreign to HIm.
So then "have been'S" can quickly become "has beens!"
Were the Ninevites filled with the Spirit when they repented?
Was the "good" samamritan filled with the HS when he simply helped his fellow man?
What kind of religion are we building here?
People commonly confuse gifting with godly character. You are not saved for your gift.
It is a question of anointing vs Life. Don't ever confuse the two!
I'm not sure - actually in fact I am sure - that Balaam was not filled with the Holy Spirit.
If I'm not mistaken scripture tells us that the Holy Spirit came 'upon' him which is different to saying it 'filled' him.
Many of course, prior to Jesus coming in the flesh, have been moved by the Holy Spirit. But as Jesus said when speaking to the disciples, the Holy Spirit which is with you, will be in you. To me this 'baptism' of the holy spirit is the point at which man is 'saved' and this is the ushering in of the kingdom of God - which is eternal life.