Because you're prolly being tempted to follow in your father's sinful footsteps. That's what a generational curse is about. We may be wired to repeat their sins because of the common biological connection we have with them, and, we've been watching and learning their ways for the first 18 or so years of our lives. For me it has meant saying, 'no', to patterns and temptations to sin that my father struggled with and was overcome with. I have to purposely choose to reject the particular things that challenge me because of who and what my father was by virtue of how his physical body was wired, and the things that characterized his person.
I was following some, and felt the tug, even if ever so slight, to walk in others.
I did it to simply avoid being like my dad in those problematic areas. I had to resist the influence my father had on my life, biologically and socially. If you want to call that breaking a generational curse, then I guess that's what it is. The bottom line is I did not want to do what he did. I want to be like my heavenly father.
Recognize the source and acknowledge how those sins and ways have a particular foothold in your own life because of your father's particular biology and/or the nurture he provided. Then take ownership and responsibility of them just like you would any other sin and deal with it between you and God. ALL sin is ultimately a generational propensity to sin problem, anyway. Adam started it.