johnny botwright
Do you have a Gift,often it is said such Gifts exsists to benefit others,
be it healing, dream interpretation, a word of knowledge and so forth,
do you know some one who has a gift. ?
Jesus said he who believes im me, will do the things i do and greater things he will do, but a large part of christian thought believe such gifts no longer exsist.
those who believe they can be a channel of such gifts, also speak of counterfiet gifts, gifts that have their scource in the light,
and gifts that have their scource in the darkness.
take vodoo, people do not doubt the power and effect of vodoo,
like wise magic, black magic, spells and curses.
do you believe such Gifts exsist,
have you ever desired a Gift, if so what might it be.
be it healing, dream interpretation, a word of knowledge and so forth,
do you know some one who has a gift. ?
Jesus said he who believes im me, will do the things i do and greater things he will do, but a large part of christian thought believe such gifts no longer exsist.
those who believe they can be a channel of such gifts, also speak of counterfiet gifts, gifts that have their scource in the light,
and gifts that have their scource in the darkness.
take vodoo, people do not doubt the power and effect of vodoo,
like wise magic, black magic, spells and curses.
do you believe such Gifts exsist,
have you ever desired a Gift, if so what might it be.