So glad he emphasized that faith comes from hearing God speak to you.
That is so important.
That was a big one for me when I watched it too. I used to think, Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, is...hearing Preachers preach. But that's not what it means. Hearing preachers preach can be very good, but that's covered in the , do not forsake fellowshipping. Romans 10:17 means, Faith comes by hearing what the Lord is speaking to you. And when the Lord speaks to you, (and you obey and listen) then ones faith is increased which allows our inner man more certainty in his everyday dealings with the world. It then becomes easier to a more (far fetched) expectation of God and your faith in Him.
I learned it accidently (Ha) a little while back. I started inviting the Lord to go with me when I went to work or somewhere else in the world, and you can't invite a friend along and not talk, so, at first I'd wind up just praying most of the day, but prayer is not a monologue, it is a dialogue and when I realized that, I started pausing and waiting to hear an answer. At first it sort of, like a game almost like a child might play. Pretending, reaching, grasping whatever popped into my head and accepting that as an answer. Now, to meditate on it briefly and consider if it could be a legitimate answer for my question...well, waddaya know, it actually does. It sort of snowballed from there. Over a bit of time it became apparent to me that, this was no game that I played.
The thing is, He doesn't always give me the answer that I want. I have regretted asking certain things, lol. He seems to mostly answer all the time but I wish He would speak more plainly in general to me. He sure knows how to make me think! He's got this way of always saying the right thing, even if I don't like it,