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Do Your Dreams Mean Something?

Do you dream?
If so, do you keep a journal of them?
Do you ask Abba what they mean?
Do you think your dreams are too weird to mean anything?
How many people don't dream at all?
"For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, and his life from perishing by the sword" - Job 33:14-18
Keep in mind, Job lived at a time when God communicated more directly with man, because the written version of God's word was not yet available. God often spoke in dreams or visions to men and women of the Old Testament. But we have the Bible now, as well as the testimony of other believers, to ask as a help and guide for us. God doesn't speak in dreams and visions as much -- in fact, I suspect it is quite rarely done now -- because He doesn't need to. He gave us His word, both living, and written, by which to learn.
I had a dream that was very vivid, which isn't the norm for me. I was in bed and my cat named 'Goose" was there. She was at my feet and seemed to be giving herself a tongue bath. But when I looked closer it looked like she was licking her kittens. Looking closer still revealed that it wasn't her kittens that were being licked but it/they were mice. Now, my "Goosey" is a mouser. There is never any concern about rodents with her around. She's that good. So it was strange to see her doing this. Very. My eye was drawn to the activity and a short time passed in the dream as it some times does to indicate a continuing action. Again, this was very vivid dream, almost like I was awake.

After a moment though, one of the blankets at the foot of the bed began to be pulled back. And there, in my bed, it was revealed, was a giant rat. My cat was seen to nurse the offspring of that foul creature. There was nothing "cute" about it.

So, then that's it. Something happened that went against nature. Then it was shown that this "cat and mouse" thing included nurturing the mice (they were cute). Then there came a period where what was hidden was revealed. The clarity of that revelation was very emphatic, as you might imagine. When I woke, I had to wonder, was this dream for me? Was it for mine? Was it for my near ones or far. Seemed to me that the best thing would be to start with me and also tell the dream to those close and then also to my extended family (my best friend).

None mistook the meaning. Only a few "heard" what was being said and put what they heard into action. That was years ago and there has been much destruction in the lives of my loved ones since. Mine too, but, well... I don't feel like I lost anything. But that's just one side of me, on another level I have lost it all. Lost. Divorce is painful and who will say otherwise yet it is good to see behind the "blanket" and be given a glimpse into what is obvious yet hidden. Even after the pain there is no indication of repentance (that I've heard) about the issues that were being dealt with. We won't go into detail but I thought I'd repeat the dream just to start the thread off.

Geeeez. I hope not. Otherwise I'm in trouble. :lol

The other night I woke up at the hour of a devil (3AM). Then the house cracked and creaked 3 times. :crazy Just in case it's a sinkhole, good thing my insurance for that is paid up. :lol
God spoke to me in a two dreams when I wasn't yet a christian, but I was already seeking for Him.

The first dream was like that:
It was summer and all my friends were gone for vacation. I was alone and bored, so I decided to follow my friends and travel with them, although I didn't really feel like it. So I was feeling really uncomfortable and abandonned.
Then all of a sudden God was there, not physically or visibly or so, but I felt His presence in such a way that doubt was impossible. Without words He told me that I shouldn't follow my friends. He turned my attention to some weird and difficult looking path in the woods and I just knew I should trust Him and walk that path instead. So I did. I was alone, the path was thorny and I was barefoot, but I felt like I was guided, and it was *my* path. I was happy and optimistic and looking forward to all the adventures that would await me. I knew that my vacation would be much more awesome than all of my friends' vacations, because I was following God Himself. Everything was well.
Then all of a sudden the dream changed. I found myself standing in my old room in my parents' appartment, and I was looking out of the window. It was dark outside, so I was expecting to see my own mirror image in the window. But instead of my own image there was the image of a man looking at me. I instanly knew that man was the devil. But there was nothing devilish about his appearance, he was the most attractive man you could possibly imagine. I wanted him more than anything. I knew God wouldn't allow me to touch that man, so from that moment on God's warming guiding presence seemed like a cold prison instead. I kept looking at that man in the window while God's presence faded from me.
That's how the dream ended. :sad
It's pretty much what my spiritual situation was like at that time, and sometimes still is.

The other dream in which I felt God with me was shorter... I was reliving some of my mental health problems in that dream, I hurt myself and attacked some other poeple and I was suffering terribly. I ran away from the people I'd been in trouble with, and I ran down a road that turned out to be a countryside road in a place where I spent a part of my childhood. There were large healthy trees on both sides of the road and their leaves formed something like a roof over the street, a ceiling with holes to let the sun shine through. While running along the street I looked up to that leaf ceiling, where the wind was playing with the warm summerly sunlight, and suddenly everything was perfect. Moments ago I'd been so desperate and aggressive, and now I was overwhelmed by the beauty of everything around me. I was looking at God and He was looking back at me. The world itself was like a masterfully composed piece of music. Everything was alright, everything was what it was supposed to be. I was where I was supposed to be. I could never find words that would describe that feeling. I kept running down that road with my head turned up into the sun, and I arrived at a house that really exists, and in my dream I was to meet someone there, and I was looking forward to it, but I think I woke up at that point.
I believe that it was a message from God because I often had dreams about my horrible mental health situation at that time. I dreamt of self-hate, violence, rejection, pain and self harm almost every night, and those dreams were dark and never ended well. But that one dream God let me know of His presence and that the darkness can be overcome.

I've also had a number of sleep paralysis experiences in my life, and those were rather weird, interesting or even fun, but never spiritually meaningfull. Many people feel like they are attacked by demons while they are going through sleep paralysis, but that never happened to me.

my cat named 'Goose"
I've also had a number of sleep paralysis experiences in my life, and those were rather weird, interesting or even fun, but never spiritually meaningfull. Many people feel like they are attacked by demons while they are going through sleep paralysis, but that never happened to me.

I would be concerned about this, we can be deceived to think we are free when really we are in bondage. pray for discernment and study the word of GOD in order to understand what relevance dreams have. It is my perception that sleep paralysis is demonic activity.

Praise be to GOD the heavenly father and his son lord JESUS CHRIST forever>>>>>>>>>>

I had a dream that was very vivid, which isn't the norm for me. I was in bed and my cat named 'Goose" was there. She was at my feet and seemed to be giving herself a tongue bath. But when I looked closer it looked like she was licking her kittens. Looking closer still revealed that it wasn't her kittens that were being licked but it/they were mice. Now, my "Goosey" is a mouser. There is never any concern about rodents with her around. She's that good. So it was strange to see her doing this. Very. My eye was drawn to the activity and a short time passed in the dream as it some times does to indicate a continuing action. Again, this was very vivid dream, almost like I was awake.

After a moment though, one of the blankets at the foot of the bed began to be pulled back. And there, in my bed, it was revealed, was a giant rat. My cat was seen to nurse the offspring of that foul creature. There was nothing "cute" about it.

So, then that's it. Something happened that went against nature. Then it was shown that this "cat and mouse" thing included nurturing the mice (they were cute). Then there came a period where what was hidden was revealed. The clarity of that revelation was very emphatic, as you might imagine. When I woke, I had to wonder, was this dream for me? Was it for mine? Was it for my near ones or far. Seemed to me that the best thing would be to start with me and also tell the dream to those close and then also to my extended family (my best friend).

None mistook the meaning. Only a few "heard" what was being said and put what they heard into action. That was years ago and there has been much destruction in the lives of my loved ones since. Mine too, but, well... I don't feel like I lost anything. But that's just one side of me, on another level I have lost it all. Lost. Divorce is painful and who will say otherwise yet it is good to see behind the "blanket" and be given a glimpse into what is obvious yet hidden. Even after the pain there is no indication of repentance (that I've heard) about the issues that were being dealt with. We won't go into detail but I thought I'd repeat the dream just to start the thread off.
wow Sparrow.... yes, it appears you already know the meaning. You were nurturing and intimately involved with a 'dirty rat' ... yes.. Papa absolutely still speaks to us in dreams and visions today. It has always amazed me when cessassionists argue differently. What part of "In the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons & your daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams and your young men shall see visions" is remotely arguable? lol ... Joel 2:28
God bless you and I pray He continues to pour dreams & night visions out on you in Jesus' name
Keep in mind, Job lived at a time when God communicated more directly with man, because the written version of God's word was not yet available. God often spoke in dreams or visions to men and women of the Old Testament. But we have the Bible now, as well as the testimony of other believers, to ask as a help and guide for us. God doesn't speak in dreams and visions as much -- in fact, I suspect it is quite rarely done now -- because He doesn't need to. He gave us His word, both living, and written, by which to learn.

I was talking to a cessassionist convert yesterday who told the story of how he used to not believe the gifts of God are for today, and now the man is a full blown prophet of God speaking forth messages from the very heart of Abba to His children for edification, correction & encouragement.
... yes.. Papa absolutely still speaks to us in dreams and visions today. "In the last days I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh and your sons & your daughters will prophesy and your old men will dream dreams and your young men shall see visions" - Joel 2:28
His richest blessings
I've also had a number of sleep paralysis experiences in my life, and those were rather weird, interesting or even fun, but never spiritually meaningfull. Many people feel like they are attacked by demons while they are going through sleep paralysis, but that never happened to me.
I would be concerned about this, we can be deceived to think we are free when really we are in bondage. pray for discernment and study the word of GOD in order to understand what relevance dreams have. It is my perception that sleep paralysis is demonic activity.
Praise be to GOD the heavenly father and his son lord JESUS CHRIST forever>>>>>>>>>>
For every good and real gift of God, the enemy has a counterfeit. When we are sold out for Jesus we hear from Him. But when there are certain areas in our heart not yet surrendered to Abba, the enemy can come in and attack us through dreams and other ways (financially, physically, spiritually). If you're having sleep paralysis then there is some right the enemy has to invade. Most likely someone in your family lineage dabbled in the occult and you're in need of deliverance from that. There are prayers you can pray specifically to ask Abba for release from this.
If any reader is suffering from sleep paralysis or demons attacking them at night, please contact me and I will help you get free of it by the blood of Yah'shua/Jesus Christ
I think that sleep is more important than people realize. When one sleeps, the body rests, but portions of the brain turn on and are busy throughout the night. Probably assimilating the recent events and informational input. When one asks another something, and the reply is is, hmm, let me sleep on it. This is significant and true. Foe the input that we have received (I believe) is chewed upon while we sleep and processed from information into knowledge. When we awake, it is then that we 'know' it. It is knowledge now.
I think that dreams can either be significant or not. Sometimes, my dreams are about what I have been dwelling upon lately, and other times not, bizarre dreams that seem to come from nowhere. Perhaps these are the dreams that are significant where God is speaking to us, and most times the meaning escapes us, others we can see the meaning of or a portion of it at least.
I had a dream once where my wife and me were at a strange house with strangers, young people having a rave of sorts and the music was loud and people were all over. It was impossible to sleep in such a place, so I went to the backyard for a smoke and some air. (I didn't smoke??). Anyway, while I was in the back yard, I was suddenly lifted up and began flying through the air towards the mountains. An unmistakable evil presence could be felt and I was scared. But remembering the words of the Lord, that to use the name of the Lord had great power in it and had power over evil ones, I said aloud to the evil presence that by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ you shall not harm me and I order you to leave me, you have no power over me. I began descending immediately and was deposited upon a mountaintop where the evil presence left me. I thought great, now how am I going to get back? I'm miles from where I need to be and where my wife was. Then I thought, well I have called upon the name of my Lord to save me from this evil, surely He will not leave me here. Then as I finished the thought, I was immediately lifted into the air again and began flying back towards the house I was taken from. This time, the loving presence of the Lord was upon me with all His love and comfort instead of evil presence I had felt earlier. I was gently deposited back into the back yard of the house where I had left. Then I woke up.
The meaning if the dream seemed clear. Call upon the name of the Lord and he will be with me with all his power and might to keep me safe. I hold a greater significance to those words ever since. There is great power in the name of our Lord and I just 'knew that' so very thoroughly now. I didn't necessarily begin living for the Lord as I should have but it was upon my heart and I carried the truth of it with me after that. Years later back in 2009, I had occasion to call upon the name of the Lord and He saved my life for it. I was in Ohio looking for better prospects of work that were available to me in the larger city than C. Springs. There was more work there, but I was doing all the wrong things, headed down the wrong path dabbling with too many women, taking advantage of my newfound freedom in divorce to play around since my wife had left me to go be materialistic. I had never cheated on her but was playing the field now, and only half heartedly living for the Lord. I was on the freeway doing 70 miles an hour going to see a man about a work contract in the center lane. I felt myself begin to black out. I remember thinking I have to pull over and stop but was fading fast. I looked up into the rearview mirror and said Lord be with me aloud. I woke up talking to paramedics who told me I had been in a bad accident and that I had rolled the truck three times. I broke my back in two places but lived. I even still walk, though with the daily pain of rememberance. I didn't touch any other vehicles as I went from the center lane and off the road, it was rush hour!
In the hospital, I remembered calling upon the Lord and it became very clear that He was with me and saved me. This had a profound effect upon me and I began a renewed more serious walk with the Lord ever since. He chastised me sore for my disobediance and to get me focused upon Him again, yet saved my life. It was a tremendous blessing upon me to not be given over unto death and be given another chance, and proved very dramatically to me the power in calling upon the Lord. Was the dream years ago a significant factor in me having the presence of mind enough to call upon Him in my hour of need? Perhaps. I moved back to Colorado to be with my sons and now rejoice in my poverty of having less, yet having more time to develop my relationship and walk. The biggest blessing of my life. I haven't touched a woman since then and remain focused upon my Lord and my God.
Wow powerful testimony re the accident and you are right, the name of Jesus, Yahshua messiah is powerful and saves.
I can see what the dream meant and I can see how it ties in with your story as well... Bare with me as I interpret for you...
Your dream indicates that at some point in your life you would become bitter & rebellious in regards to confusion or chaos in your home. Rock & roll music symbolizes rebellion -- Smoking cigarettes in dreams symbolizes bitterness & unforgiveness.. so this seems to describe how you were feeling after your wife left you. At that point, when we allow rebellion in, the enemy has room to attack us, and that is obviously what he did in this car accident - Seems he was out to destroy you while he had the opportunity. But you called on Jesus just as in the dream and the Lord set you on a high place... the flying indicates your journey back to a place of relationship with your heavenly Papa. Flying also represents "rising up and overcoming" something in your life and that is exactly what the Lord helped you do. God is so good and He loves you very much... He saved you from sure destruction. God bless you brother.
I pray He continues to pour dreams & night visions out on you in Jesus' name

I am still grateful for a vision that has been given (in the daytime) too. Am watching it unfold before my eyes even 40+ years later. But that is another day, a different thought and another thread topic.

Be blessed in the Lord as you follow closely after Him who is Worthy!
Originally Posted by Sparrowhawke
my cat named 'Goose"

Here is Goosey, the cat:
View attachment 3132

No worry. She was found under my house by my (at the time) 6-year-old son. She's been hand bathed since a kitten. She's gone now and I still love my cat named "Goose" who was featured in a dream given in season for reason.
No worry. She was found under my house by my (at the time) 6-year-old son. She's been hand bathed since a kitten. She's gone now and I still love my cat named "Goose" who was featured in a dream given in season for reason.

Why did you name her "Goose"? I mean... that's biologically a false statement. You might have driven people insane because you insiste that the cat is a goose! :o

Did she like the hand bathing? Most cats look like an epitome of suffering when being bathed. :lol

I wonder what happened to our dream interpreter. Haven' read from her in a while.

Sparrow's reply said:
Pardon my reply within a reply but you know I'm trying to talk and stay on subject and all that. Her name originally was Mewliette and her brother's name was Romeow. A little play on a play or the words playfully found in a play. You know. Then, later we (my sons and I) watched the movie, "Top Gun" and the kittens names were changed as they grew. She became Goose and he became Maverick (named after the names in yet another play, written by yet another playwright).

Her name was changed slightly to "Goosey" because there is a play on words in English language that gives a subtle reference to sexuality and being "goosey". Unsure if you are familiar with that innuendo or not. She was mommy to many kittens and they were all adorable.

Did she like hand bathing? She did. She would also allow herself to be bathed in the shower as she was held to my chest and never once did her claws come out. She would hop up if I were to take a bath in the tub but she never hopped in, sometimes I thought she might, but I don't think she ever got used to 'swimming'.
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It was summer and all my friends were gone for vacation. I was alone and bored, so I decided to follow my friends and travel with them, although I didn't really feel like it. So I was feeling really uncomfortable and abandonned.
Then all of a sudden God was there, not physically or visibly or so, but I felt His presence in such a way that doubt was impossible. Without words He told me that I shouldn't follow my friends. He turned my attention to some weird and difficult looking path in the woods and I just knew I should trust Him and walk that path instead. So I did. I was alone, the path was thorny and I was barefoot, but I felt like I was guided, and it was *my* path. I was happy and optimistic and looking forward to all the adventures that would await me. I knew that my vacation would be much more awesome than all of my friends' vacations, because I was following God Himself. Everything was well.
Then all of a sudden the dream changed. I found myself standing in my old room in my parents' appartment, and I was looking out of the window. It was dark outside, so I was expecting to see my own mirror image in the window. But instead of my own image there was the image of a man looking at me. I instanly knew that man was the devil. But there was nothing devilish about his appearance, he was the most attractive man you could possibly imagine. I wanted him more than anything. I knew God wouldn't allow me to touch that man, so from that moment on God's warming guiding presence seemed like a cold prison instead. I kept looking at that man in the window while God's presence faded from me.
Hi Claudya, This particular dream shows that you struggle with temptation - something that looks great on the outside but is dark on the inside. The mirror symbolizes this is a reflection of yourself. The thorny journey speaks of your vulnerability (bare feet) to hinderances (thorns).
I pray the Lord will give you more dreams to show you how to deal with these things and have them removed from you so you can walk in more joy in Jesus' name...
blessing you
I ran away from the people I'd been in trouble with, and I ran down a road that turned out to be a countryside road in a place where I spent a part of my childhood. There were large healthy trees on both sides of the road and their leaves formed something like a roof over the street, a ceiling with holes to let the sun shine through. While running along the street I looked up to that leaf ceiling, where the wind was playing with the warm summerly sunlight, and suddenly everything was perfect. Moments ago I'd been so desperate and aggressive, and now I was overwhelmed by the beauty of everything around me. I was looking at God and He was looking back at me. The world itself was like a masterfully composed piece of music. Everything was alright, everything was what it was supposed to be. I was where I was supposed to be. I could never find words that would describe that feeling. I kept running down that road with my head turned up into the sun, and I arrived at a house that really exists, and in my dream I was to meet someone there, and I was looking forward to it, but I think I woke up at that point.
This speaks of a part of your life journey in which you decide to be obedient to the Lord (being in the country speaks of obedience & being led by God)... The Lord is covering you at this pointin your life with more peace & the love of His son (sun) is shining through. I believe the Lord is telling you that you have a divine appointment..with Him!
blessing you
I dreamed that my dad came back and was talking about how wonderful heaven was a few times.
But I doubt there was really any meaning to it, or most dreams I have. Dreams tend to be about things like desires, or fears, or things we think about.
I have a lot of deja vu, and remember the dream the moment is from. My husband has this a lot too. We have never paid too much attention to it but now I am curious if this happens to everyone!