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Does the 2012 rumor exist?


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Ive been thinking a lot about it lately. Everything was go lucky happy until a couple friends showed me the science about 2012 and it supposedly being the end of the world. its depressing at times thinking about it. Does anyone believe in it? Somebody pray for me, its been affecting my schooling and everything. Is their something in the bible that proves that this is just a rumor? Ive been wanting to tell some people at church how i felt but it was kind of embarrassing.
Hey and happy(almost) new year! Im not really to concerned about 2012. What science? Other than the fact that there are some significant celestial events scedualed for the 21, theres not much else. Do you have any links to some of the stuff you read???

I dont believe it would happen because the Mayans(who started this unintentionally) didnt say the world would end. If you watch the history channel, they like to get historians who believe the world will end to talk about the subject. They say that the Mayans believed that the world was created and destroyed 4 times and in 2012 it will be the 5th and final time. After my own research and the research of real mayan historians, im pretty sure were ok. They actually believed that at the end of a set period of years the earth would have a time of renewing. Thats it. No destruction, no world ending. I think the main reason people are freaked out about this particular 'doomsday prediction' is because there is so little known about the mayans. We havent even deciphered most of their language yet. We know that they were very advanced in mathematics and geometry, they were astrolagers, and when things got hard, just like other tribes in americas, they would resort to human sacrifice. Although mayan human sacrifice happened far less often, theirs were much more brutal then the other tribes. And even after all of the other mayans had died off, another group managed to survive some 2000 years longer, and then they just vanashed. No sign of war or disease. A lot of people believe that the mayans received their knowledge from aliens and of course that would explain the vanishing, but I dont believe in aliens.

My point is, most of the work done on mayan history is speculation.
Even if it is the end, just remember, were going to a better place.
Ive been thinking a lot about it lately. Everything was go lucky happy until a couple friends showed me the science about 2012 and it supposedly being the end of the world. its depressing at times thinking about it. Does anyone believe in it? Somebody pray for me, its been affecting my schooling and everything. Is their something in the bible that proves that this is just a rumor? Ive been wanting to tell some people at church how i felt but it was kind of embarrassing.
Yes, the whole of the Bible dispels all rumors and conspiracies. True believers do not find the end in God's word. His word leads us to the "beginning". Amen!

Isaiah 8:11-12 (New King James Version)

10 Take counsel together, but it will come to nothing; Speak the word, but it will not stand, For God is with us."
11 For the LORD spoke thus to me with a strong hand, and instructed me that I should not walk in the way of this people, saying:
12 “ Do not say, ‘A conspiracy,’ Concerning all that this people call a conspiracy,
Nor be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.
We need to be ready for the Lord Jesus at His coming. But the Bible doesn't give us the date.


Ive been thinking a lot about it lately. Everything was go lucky happy until a couple friends showed me the science about 2012 and it supposedly being the end of the world. its depressing at times thinking about it. Does anyone believe in it? Somebody pray for me, its been affecting my schooling and everything. Is their something in the bible that proves that this is just a rumor? Ive been wanting to tell some people at church how i felt but it was kind of embarrassing.

You can't depend on the Bible to dispel every single rumor that comes along. You said you are in school, but didn't say what level or grade you are at. Are you old enough to remember when the year 2000 came along and so many people thought that was going to be such a big tragedy, if not the actual end of the world as we know it? All infrastructure was supposed to come to a halt. Airplanes would fall from the sky and cars would simply shut off wherever they happened to be. Wars would break out between gangs of people trying to protect their resources or trying to procure resources to stay alive. Russia and the U.S. would launch nuclear war against each other. Etc, Etc, Etc. I personally met people who had purchased thousands of dollars worth of supplies and went out into the uninhabited desert of the southwest U.S., dug huge holes in the ground to hide and store their supplies and to live in during the aftermath.

But what truly happened on New Years Eve, 1999? People had parties and welcomed in the new year. That was it. And that was only one of many end of the world stories that have circulated throughout history. None of them have come true. Why should this one?

Time is better spent growing in the Lord and showing others the way to Him than it is worrying about 2012!:)
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We will never know the day or hour. We must be prepared always. Do I know if I'll be here tomorrow? Do I know if I'll make it home tonight? Do I know if I'll still be around at the end of my work day 1 hour from now? Do I know if I'll still be here at the end of this coffee break in about 8 minutes? I don't even know if I'll be here long enough to finish typ
We will never know the day or hour. We must be prepared always. Do I know if I'll be here tomorrow? Do I know if I'll make it home tonight? Do I know if I'll still be around at the end of my work day 1 hour from now? Do I know if I'll still be here at the end of this coffee break in about 8 minutes? I don't even know if I'll be here long enough to finish typ

Ive been thinking a lot about it lately.

Seems that lots of folks have been. The Media has done it's job well, there's MONEY to be made, BOOKS to sell, and a Movie (a long, stupid, boring one) to generate an audience for.

"Everything was go lucky happy until a couple friends showed me the science about 2012 and it supposedly being the end of the world."

The significant word, here is "SUPPOSEDLY" - i.e just another fanciful "tabloid": THE SKY IS FALLING manipulation. 2012 is the simply the"Recycle point" of the "Mayan Calendar" supposedly. It's not an "END" of anything, just the point at which the "calender" starts again at the beginning. And there IS NO "Science" anywhere in sight about it.

"Its depressing at times thinking about it."

Don't see why - I think it's a HOOT that anybody would even take anything that the totally PAGAN culture of the "Mayans" did as being anything other than another silly "Superstition".

Naturally the the Media is blowing NOTHING all out of proportion - just to manufacture a "Story" where there isn't one. It's their "job" - and apparently You've actually "bought into it" - amazing!!!!!

OF COURSE, however -

There WILL BE a point in time when the World as we know it WILL end, and naturally it would be a REALLY GOOD idea to be ready when that occurs (duh).

And the way to get ready is to Pray to Father, In Jesus' name that HE would reveal Himself to you in terms you can understand, and SHOW you your SIN, and true hopeless condition Before him - and give you the faith to believe for your salvation.

A visit to the pastor of an evangelical church (Assembly of God/Baptist/Nazarene/etc.) will get you some REAL guidance about what to do. Salvation IS NOT by "Good Works", but by FAITH in the shed Blood of Jesus on the Cross to cleanse you from sin.

"Is their something in the bible that proves that this is just a rumor?"

Sure - Mat 24:
35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,
39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
40 Then shall two be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
41 Two women shall be grinding at the mill; the one shall be taken, and the other left.
42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

Mat 25:
13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

MESSAGE: "anybody that tells you that they DO KNOW when the end is coming IS A LIAR" - Case Closed.

I still have my copy of "88 reasons the Rapture will occur in 1988". It's biblical, nicely written, well researched, good "apologetics" - and it PROVES BEYOND A REASONABLY DOUBT that Jesus WILL RETURN in 1988.

Except for just one thing - He didn't.

But that book "scared" a lot of folks who didn't know the "WORD", too. When you're IGNORANT of the Word - lots of things can be scary.

Of course - Ive been wanting to tell some people at church how i felt but it was kind of embarrassing.

Could be some of 'em feel the same way. I'd talk to the pastor first - If he's a "Man of God".
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We will never know the day or hour. We must be prepared always. Do I know if I'll be here tomorrow? Do I know if I'll make it home tonight? Do I know if I'll still be around at the end of my work day 1 hour from now? Do I know if I'll still be here at the end of this coffee break in about 8 minutes? I don't even know if I'll be here long enough to finish typ

Oh my! The rapture is upon us!

Ive been thinking a lot about it lately. Everything was go lucky happy until a couple friends showed me the science about 2012 and it supposedly being the end of the world. its depressing at times thinking about it. Does anyone believe in it? Somebody pray for me, its been affecting my schooling and everything. Is their something in the bible that proves that this is just a rumor? Ive been wanting to tell some people at church how i felt but it was kind of embarrassing.

My freind my heart goes out to you. But I am pretty sure that all the hype about the end of the world happening in 2012 is just that; hype! I am 49 years old and I have lived long enogh to have seen many doomsday senerios given that never panned out. like in the 1980's there was a book that came out titled '88 reasons why Jesus will come in 1988', then in 1989 another book came out that was titled '89 reasons why christ will come in 1989'. of course, jesus did not come in 88 or 89. Then there were many prophecy experts who were teaching that the anti-christ would rise to power no later then 1993. and that the millinial reign of Jesus would begin in the year 2000. I beleived these things and taught them strongly to others. What a fool I was! Then there was the y2k scare in 1999, wich also did not pan out! The myans did not predict a doomsday in 2012, They simply stoped making calanders that prgressed further on in time. The reason why they stoped is unknown. perhapse they ran out of rock space as is depicted in cartoons above. Or perhaps they just got tired of making calanders. or perhaps they were wiped out and could not continue to make the calanders because they were now dead! NO one knows. But my educated guess is that the year 2012 will come and go without any major calamities happening!

But if you really want peace of mind concerning all of this; then learn how to walk in Gods love! Then it wont matter to you at all what happens in 2012, because you will know that God is in control of your circumstances! and if it does prove to be the end of the world, then it still wont matter to you because you will be ready for it!

Jesus said

Matt 6:31-34
31 "Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' 32 For after all these things the Gentiles seek. For your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

And in
Eccl 12:13-14
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil. KJV

So don't worry about 2012; just concern yourself with doing the will of God and everthing will be o.k.

have a great day
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Ok if someone is trying to convince you that in 2012 the world will end, ask them to display their conviction to you by not insuring their cars and houses in latter 2011 for the next year, that and getting a huge loan and giving it to the poor. coz if the world ends in 2012 it wont matter will it.

It's like all the other doom and gloom theories it sells books to people gullible enough to part with their time and money to entertain the thought.

In 2010 have a good time and bless others

in 2011-12 do the same and seek the lords will.

in 2013 we can all laugh together at the suckers who believed this stuff.

Its just another hoax in a long list of them, as you get older you get less inclined to believe these.. thankfully.

cheer up friend :)

think on the 10/10 2010 something was going to happen too i do recal it being a booring day like many others. every time the calendar hits round numbers or similar numbers something is going to happen...YAWN.. AGAIN.

this should make you laugh the world has ended multiple times in the last 20 years LOL


ramsies with my post I am not making fun of you just end time predictions...seen it all before. When you first come across them you get really concerned as you are but dont worry. the world isn't going to end, it is just another money making thing. Because no one knows for sure when except for God when it would be. Dumb my myans couldn't count to thirteen Lol
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Ramsies, I hope you don't think I was making lite of your concerns. My response was meant to be serious even though I kind of ended it with a little humor. The thing is, we should be living every day, every moment as if it is our last. Jesus said, "Don't worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself." Roughly quoted from memory. Live your life for God and you have nothing to be concerned about.


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