Hi all!
Interesting replies - the OP article struck me as I am now halfway thru a 14-week therapeutic gym program...

I have my halfway assessment on Friday :fadein:
Today, I had my usual muesli breakfast - but about 2.5 hours later, on my way to gym, I realised my tummy might well rumble with hunger during the workout, so I grabbed a McD bacon cheeseburger... :robot:
& a cheese salad sandwich after the gym

Next Sunday, L'pool's City Church, Jubilee Drive, L6 will have one of our occasional 'Butty Sundays' - we all take sandwiches to the big garden of one of the members
Pastor said that, as his wife will then be on a mission trip to Poland, he'll probably bring jam butties - but didn't say if they'll be from Ken Dodd's famous 'Jam Butty Mines'
We all try & make more than we need ourselves, for any new folk that may not have heard the invitation on Sunday
We have Atlanta GA's Dr Howard Morgan speaking at nearby Coleridge St Kensington Elim's Sat men's breakfast, 10am, £2.50, talking @ A Prophetic People for a Prophetic Time -
food for the soul
I thought I had the booking contact number with me, but he'll be @ City Church @ 7.45pm on Tues
I nearly forgot the timely new article I came in here to post:-
New Diet-Pill Zaps Fat & Cellulite Cells Forever
"New High-Speed Diet Pill Helps
64-Year-Old Grandma Lose 11 Lbs in 7 Days...
30 Lbs and 27 Inches Overall... Even
Though Her Metabolism Was Slow
as Molasses and She'd Failed
at Dieting for 40 Years In a Row!"
(News Flash Denver, CO) If you've ever felt guilty, ashamed,
or embarrassed for failing to reduce weight with strict eating
and exercise plans, you should stop immediately. It's not
your fault.
After all, in today's busy day and age, we can't
be expected to have the time, energy, and willpower needed to
trim the weight and keep it off for good. That's why 95% fail to
drop the pounds. But there is new hope.
Leading research scientists, from the University of Tennessee,
recently stumbled upon a proprietary fatloss nutrient that
caused study subjects to lose 11 lbs of fat and cellulite
even though they didn't cut back on calories.
In another study, these same researchers discovered that subjects who received this powerful ingredient lost a whopping 10.9% of their total
body weight--that's double the amount compared to the subjects
who didn't get this nutrient! And, what startled researchers
the most was...
This All-Natural Discovery Penetrates
Old Fat and Cellulite Cells Causing Them to
Self Destruct... Never to Return Again!
This process, called "apoptosis" by scientists, is vitally
important for those wishing to quickly drop pounds and stop
rebound weight gain after reaching their ideal weight. After
all, if the fat and cellulite cells are still there, the
weight will almost instantly come back when you begin to enjoy
your favorite foods again.
But, with the cells destroyed, the
weight can't come back! This is why scientists now say it is
possible to live in the body of your dreams no matter how
many times you've failed in the past--just like Marie Seibel
who slashed 30 lbs and over 27 inches when most experts said it
would be impossible.
But there's more...
Visit the link below to hear the rest of this exciting story...
Btw, I do try & eat an apple, a banana & an orange & some fresh veg daily, & a friend who I hadn't seen for 2/3 weeks said, on Sat, that she could see I've lost weight, praise God! :-D
It's a bit of a miracle really because, thought I'd long boycotted chocolate & biscuits till I began at gym, I've tended to eat both regularly since starting the 3-times-a-week routines :roll:
I'll try & stop both - after I finish the 'biccies' I have already - honest! :wink:
