Apparently I have greatly offended someone here to the point that they said I ruined this forum for them, I won't say who unless they choose to revel himself they know who they are. Anyway this is a public forum is it not? If you make a post here or on any public forum you have to know that some are not going to agree with you, and you need to be prepared for that.
Now I'm not going to apologize because I am not wrong for disagreeing with anyone we all have our own opinions and are entitled to share them. I have had numerous people here disagree with me on many things yet I still post here.
So in conclusion I would just like to add this disclaimer... Some people here will not agree with you, so don't take it personally and don't be so thin skinned.
Now I'm not going to apologize because I am not wrong for disagreeing with anyone we all have our own opinions and are entitled to share them. I have had numerous people here disagree with me on many things yet I still post here.
So in conclusion I would just like to add this disclaimer... Some people here will not agree with you, so don't take it personally and don't be so thin skinned.