A few years back this downloading stuff struck a furious reaction in me, not because of the moral ethics of downloading, but because of the way the RIAA and law handled things really entered the realm of invasion of privacy and being downright unconstitutional. All the big RIAA had to do was convince some jelly-chinned, gavel weilding judge to seize someone's somputer just out of suspicion of downloading music --- one private entity demanding another private entity's computer. This was nothing less than despotism and if the shoe was on the other foot and I as a private citizen would demand a judge to seize a corporate computer of the RIAA because I suspected they were downloading, I'll bet the national debt to every donut from Dunkin that I would be laughed to scorn. Why? Because they have the trillions of dollars leached off the artists, and if they want some peon's computer to add even more money to their 9- 10- 11 or more digit salaries, the law just bows to them. But what legal recourse does the average person have? They can't sue the big RIAA because they don't have the money.
And proof that these goons hadn't a clue what they were doing and yet arrogantly just charged anyone were the myriads of stories about dead grandmothers being sued, and infringement notices sent to households that did not even have the Internet. This is why this country is going down the tubes fast because when we think about it, the law sided with this bullying and tactics.
But then again, one thing that people have to watch for with illegal downloading is the viruses anyway. Since the average Joe has Microsoft, all one has to do is turn it on and it can be severely damaged at the drop of a hat. Back then, when I was like everyone else, that's why I was never tempted because no song (or porno girl) was worth enough to wreck a severely fragile Microsoft machine, then or even today. When it works well, I enjoyed using it and did not feel like fixing it 5 hours daily due to the virus issue.
Today, I suppose I could download music if I want, but there's nothing I really enjoy anyway, even though I no longer have a virus issue. But then that opens another question.
What about "youtube"? Here we have a site that clearly and openly hosts copyrighted music, but it's "us peons" that get the computer seized.... Oh yeah, that's right. Youtube has more money like the RIAA.
