Never had dreams about falling. Sometimes I have a short falling sensation while falling asleep that'd wake me up again immediately, but it's not nightmare-ish.
But flying, yes. It's really easy, just jump off the ground and don't fall. In some dreams about flying I have to practice it for a while, other dreams I can do it perfectly right away.
Actually I did dream about falling to my death once. Just when I hit the ground the dream stopped and I saw a white noise kind of signal, like when you pulled the antenna cable of an old fashioned antenna TV.
But when I was younger I often had scary dreams about being pregnant. :shock Nowadays I'd be happy to have kids so pregnancy isn't a topic for nightmares any more.
I have repeatedly dreamt of killing someone and then spent the rest of the dream being scared of getting caught.
Also I often dream about the end of the world. My brains comes up with various crazy ideas how the world could end. Then my mind follows the despereate and doomed to fail struggle of the last survivors. Sometimes I'm one of them, sometimes I only watch it as if it was a movie. Sometimes I switch between observer and participant position. Those dreams never involve my own death, they usually end when at that point (or put me into an observer role instead).
And the symptoms of my mental illness haunt my dreams, of course.
Sometimes my night mares end in a state of sleep paralysis that is really crazy. My brain is awake enough to realise where I am, but not awake enough to function normally, it's really crazy and terrifying, but also very enjoyable.
Any attempt at moving my body or calling for help would not only fail, but result in my body and brain exploding (or at least feel as if they would). That was scary when I was a kid, but ever since I learned how that it's a natural phenomenon many people have at some point I do really enjoy it when it happens.