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Dumbest moment while talking to someone your interested in.

  • Thread starter Nocturnal_Principal_X
  • Start date


Just thought this would be fun…cathartic or something like that.

Anyway mine has to be the following:

While talking to a German girl I got so nervous I ask if she was Russian. (I knew she was German because she had the accent)
dude, thats pretty funny!

ok, lets see...

"I see your drinking 1%, is that cuz you think your fat? Cuz your not. you could be drinking whole if you wanted to."
-Napolean Dynamite
I joke around with people quite a bit, sarcasm and the such. Well I sometimes revert to my "school yard lovin", you know, the throw the sand in the eyes of the girl you like and yell you stink and run away. :-D Except I don't throw sand or anything, but I joke, to the point that I make an idiot of myself. There is one girl that I do this almost every time because I get so nervous around her. I never get nervous around anyone, ever except for her. It is just odd at this point.
This is a goofiest moment after seeing someone.

So there is this one guy at school that I have had a passing crush on for the past two years. We are somewhat aquainted, but for the longest time he only recognized me in my work clothes. (A blue shirt and canvas hat) We only run into each other a few times a semester, now that he lives off campus. Last semester I was sitting outside the dance studio in our gym putting on my character shoes when he walked by. As he passed by he actually said, "Hi Jenn," and I was so dumbfounded all I could do was smile. In all out conversations he had never called me by name before. When I went back to my room I exclaimed to my roommate how happy I was that he actually knew my name. So very much high school and I am graduating college soon.
"When I went back to my room I exclaimed to my roommate how happy I was that he actually knew my name. So very much high school and I am graduating college soon."

Ebenezer, that is so cute :smt050

I think that is a sweet sign of purity in you :angel: not at all immature

Heh...eating breakfast at I-Hop with him AND his parents...and when the food came I poured syrup on HIS pancakes.

I didn't even order pancakes :lol:
Hehe, that's a cute story Ebenezer!
I remember one time this guy that I had known through my parents for a while and other activities introduced himself to me finally. Strangely I had been planning on it myself, figuring out the best opportunity to introduce myself to him, but when he did it, it caught me off guard, and I felt kind of dizzy for a minute...I'm sure my eyes were huge and my cheeks red when I looked up at him. :oops:
-McQ 8-)
:oops: :oops: Ok well I remember when I used to have this boyfriend at school you how you try to act all perfetct. ok so one day we were walking home and this girl was pushing me well she was playing and then i felt so i was so embarrassed :oops: :oops:
A couple of months the strangest thing happened to me. My sister had asked me to go the small supermarket near us to buy a packet of cake patties and a chicken ceasor roll. As I was about to enter the shop I noticed that the person behind the counter was a young guy (19, 20?). I didn't think twice of it. I was just going in there to get my things and leave. Once I entered, the guy turned around and instantly I was just absolutely lost in his stunning blue eyes. I can't explain it, it was just so unfamiliar to me. It was crazy. He turned around and it was like, "BAM". :-?

Suddenly becoming nervous, I walked up to the counter, looking through the window to try and find the roll my sister wanted (trying to avoid eye contact). He asked if he could help me. Now pretty much always I'm good at holding myself up infront of a guy. I'm just me in front of them. But this time I couldn't manage to cough up any words. Instantly I became so very shy. I had to look down at the shopping list (of only two items long!) to see what I was meant to be getting. All of a sudden I couldn't even READ. So, I asked, "Uh... do you have any chicken CASEAR rolls left...?" He then asked, "Ceasor?" correcting me. Humiliated from my strange behaviour I replied "Uh... yeah... that." :oops:

Before I paid, I went to get the pattie cake holders and thankfully a woman was then there behind the counter so she served me and he only handed me the roll.

How I acted... it was just insane! I just don't do that... I used to love people's eyes but never had I been lost in them, let alone INSTANTLY. I was a stumbling, stuttering mess infront of this guy. It was embarrasing. I got out of there as fast as I could. I wanted to run away but considering the high heels of my boots and long skirt I wore that day, it just wasn't an option. I haven't bene back since. It creeped the heck out of me! :oops: :P I think you'd have to be there to appreciate the humour and stupidity of the whole thing so writing this up, it may not seem as how it actually was.