We seem to be going down a rabbit hole. The point of Mosaic law was not to prevent disease, it was to teach us how to love God. That the law also helps prevent disease is just a side benefit.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[
a] may be complete, equipped for every good work."
2 Tim 3:16
All scripture is God breathed and profitable. I think "profitable" is the perfect word to describe Mosaic law.
Barbarian observes:
Galen is closer to Moses than to us. And as you see, he had no more technology to discover microbes than Moses. It was pretty obvious that contagion was a fact, and that cleanliness could help prevent it.
I hate to keep pointing this out but none of the sources you cited mentioned "cleanliness could help prevent it".
There haven't been any sources cited to back up these assertions:
"the idea of contagion is much older than the Hebrews"
" it had been so in China, and other parts of the world for much earlier.
" it was also avoidance of what modern medicine calls 'fomites'."
Galen emphasized cleaning of the operating room as a means of protecting the patient.
If he thought "cleaning" was a means of protecting the patient then why did he believe:
*Not Safe For Lunch (NSFL)*
(If anyone is eating or squeamish I suggest skipping past the blue text)
-that the formation of pus was ESSENTIAL for wound healing.
-that wounds productive of a creamy, yellow ooze tended to run a chronic course, taking months to heal
-Conversely, a thin, watery discharge was associated with a fatal outcome, with the patient dying of sepsis within days
(Alexander JW: The contributions of infection control to a century of surgical progress. Ann Surg 201:423–428, 1985)
Galen's ideas were so entrenched that from his day until the 19th century:
-Infection rates were 100%
-Surgeons' hands, rarely washed, were placed directly into the patient's wounds. Frequently, onlookers were encouraged to "take a feel" for educational purposes
-Surgical instruments were crudely wiped, placed back into their velvet carriers, and reused, some having been sharpened on the sole of the surgeon's boot.
-The floors of the surgical wards were covered with human feces, urine, blood, and pus, and the hospital walls displayed a collage of phlegm. Consequently, infection was a major cause of death, with 80% of operations plagued by "hospital gangrene" and a nearly 50% mortality rate.
(Stone JL: W.W. Keen: America's pioneer neurological surgeon. Neurosurgery 17:997–1010, 1985)
Joseph Lister (1827–1912; Fig. 1), a professor of surgery at Glasgow, was the first to see the connection between Pasteur's discovery of the fermentation process and the suppuration of wounds. In April 1867 he published his ground-breaking paper on antisepsis, stating that "all the local inflammatory mischief and general febrile disturbance which follow severe injuries are due to the irritating and poisoning influence of decomposing blood or sloughs." Lister began applying carbolic acid to compound fracture wounds. The wound healed without suppuration, amputation was averted, and the mortality rate from amputation plummeted from 45 to 15%.
(Alexander JW: The contributions of infection control to a century of surgical progress. Ann Surg 201:423–428, 1985)
The principles of cleanliness were not adopted until the 19th century.
Clearly, camel meat is not in any way less healthy than that of other ungulates. To say otherwise is just plain wrong.
Remember the law is for our benefit, not a list of things that will kill you. Pork won't kill us if we eat it either but it isn't the healthiest meat. There isn't much information about Camel meat yet but:
"They found that levels of a particular organic compound, malondialdehyde (MDA), increased substantially as the meat aged.
" Maybe God forbid eating it because of the way people stored meat back then.
Don't you believe the bible is the inspired word of God?
Do you think that no one today knows about the Amalekites? The Bible says that the memory of Amalekites will be blotted out by God. Yet we know of them today.
I take it that you don't believe the bible is the inspired word of God then.
"You came down on Mount Sinai and spoke with them from heaven and gave them right rules and true laws, good statutes and commandments, 14 and you made known to them your holy Sabbath and commanded them commandments and statutes and a law by Moses your servant." Nehemiah 9:13
I fail to see your point about the Amalekites:
"The Amalekites are unknown historically and archaeologically
outside of the Bible except for traditions which themselves apparently rely on biblical accounts"
The real trap in assuming that even things that don't have to do with God's plan for our salvation, have the same infallibility as those things that do:
Therefore, since everything asserted by the inspired authors or sacred writers must be held to be asserted by the Holy Spirit, it follows that the books of Scripture must be acknowledged as teaching solidly, faithfully and without error that truth which God wanted put into sacred writings (5) for the sake of salvation.
Dei Verbum
Solemnly Promulgated
by His Holiness
Pope Paul VINovember 18, 1965
Is believing
only the parts relating to salvation are infallible a Roman Catholic belief?
That's not what the bible says:
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God[
a] may be complete, equipped for every good work."
2 Tim 3:16