I was just glancing at the The Oprah Winfrey showas changing stations.
Her topic was how the economy is now and how people are panicking themselves into worse financial troubles.
As her guest was telling the audience as to what they could to do to start protecting themselves, the
only thought that kept going through my mind is that you need to
These days a lot of people seem to be taking advantage of all that they have.
But now that it seems that some of it needs to be taken away they cry out and say "WHY?"
While it's sometimes obvious that GOD is trying to get the message out and trying to get some to turn to him, some are still not getting the message.
I know that all I have is from God and by no means from any other source. I know that he is going to provide whatever my needs are from one day to the next.
The following prayer is for those that are not getting the same graces that I know that I am.
Dear Lord
I am praying for the people all around the world that have run into financial turmoil.
I pray that very soon that these people will one day open their eyes and hearts and turn to you for their financial needs.
May they know and come to you and ask for forgiveness for not placing their trust and faith that only you
could provide all their needs.
May they not fall into bargaining with what they do have with The Devil.
May these people spit him out of their hearts and tell him to just plain go away and never return into their lives.
May you especially protect and grace with mercy and love those that do know you and are still struggling.
Even though I sometimes fall into this category Lord I know that you arte still providing me with so many things that I may not deserve.
Provide to people that are not struggling to help those that are in need and not take for granted for what they do have.
The most important thing that any human can possess is not money but the wisdom of knowing YOU.
This I pray in your name Lord Jesus Amen