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Elon Musk's Mission


Hey Forums glad to be here...

I want to discuss Elon Musk...

I think and feel that by watching the news on what Elon Musk is doing with his work is that he is trying to save the world.

The problem with this is only Jesus can save the world.

Also this old earth is D2BD (Destined To Be Discarded) 1 Jn2v17

Because this earth will pass away I find not much purpose in trying to save it completely.

Elon Musk is a smart and Brilliant man. And on a Babylon Bee interview it is shown that Elon accepted the Lord.

Elon could be of great use for the Kingdom.

I would tell him instead of trying to save the world, try to save morality and good principles. And use your talent and intelligence to build things to enhance people's lives like he's been doing.

I believe we cannot save the world, but we can leave our mark on it. And this mark can be permanent and never ending.

Blessings :) <3 \m/
Hey Forums glad to be here...

I want to discuss Elon Musk...

I think and feel that by watching the news on what Elon Musk is doing with his work is that he is trying to save the world.

The problem with this is only Jesus can save the world.

Also this old earth is D2BD (Destined To Be Discarded) 1 Jn2v17

Because this earth will pass away I find not much purpose in trying to save it completely.

Elon Musk is a smart and Brilliant man. And on a Babylon Bee interview it is shown that Elon accepted the Lord.

Elon could be of great use for the Kingdom.

I would tell him instead of trying to save the world, try to save morality and good principles. And use your talent and intelligence to build things to enhance people's lives like he's been doing.

I believe we cannot save the world, but we can leave our mark on it. And this mark can be permanent and never ending.

Blessings :) <3 \m/
Christ tells us to store up treasures in heaven. Not earth. Someone who knows Christ knows that. Whether your name is Elon or something else Christ's Words still apply today.
Hey! :wave2 I like Elon Musk too. Like you said, he's brilliant and smart, and I think he has conservative values. He was so upset when one of his kids (who lives with their mom) came out as trans. I understand his disappointment, as I have a g-daughter who thinks she's a guy. It's very hard to deal with.

Elon could be of great use for the Kingdom.

I agree, although I'm not sure if he's truly accepted Christ as his savior. I think he wants to believe, but I also think he's surrounded by non-believers who might influence him or mock his belief in God. And it's very hard for super rich people to give up their wealth for the God's Kingdom...

" Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” (Matthew 19:24)

I don't think Mr. Musk is quite ready to give all his millions to the poor to follow Jesus.

On the other hand, God has used the most unlikely people for His purposes...think Moses, Jonah, and the initially rebellious Peter! The seed of the Gospel might have been planted in Elon, which is great. But ONLY God can water it and make it grow.

Again, I do like Elon Musk and I'm glad you created this post. Something new to think about 🙂
Christ tells us to store up treasures in heaven. Not earth. Someone who knows Christ knows that. Whether your name is Elon or something else Christ's Words still apply today.

Hi Noah :wave2 ...What you say is true and I agree. But if Elon did accept Jesus as his savior, then he's still a baby Christian and doesn't know everything yet. He will have to read the Bible and, hopefully, a true believer might come into his life to help instruct him. Like I said, I fear he is surrounded by the secular world. But nothing is impossible with God and we need to allow the Lord room to work if it's in His Will to do so. Only time will tell.
Hi Noah :wave2 ...What you say is true and I agree. But if Elon did accept Jesus as his savior, then he's still a baby Christian and doesn't know everything yet. He will have to read the Bible and, hopefully, a true believer might come into his life to help instruct him. Like I said, I fear he is surrounded by the secular world. But nothing is impossible with God and we need to allow the Lord room to work if it's in His Will to do so. Only time will tell.
Hi Melissa :wave2 I guess my question is that if Elon is trying to save the world is he really saved? When you know Christ then you also know that only He can save the world and that as humans even if we do great things we can't save like Jesus saves :)
Hi Melissa :wave2 I guess my question is that if Elon is trying to save the world is he really saved? When you know Christ then you also know that only He can save the world and that as humans even if we do great things we can't save like Jesus saves :)

That's true Noah. Maybe 'save the world' isn't the right phrase to use here. I think he's trying to improve the world we live in now. Lol, and he wants to colonize Mars. Tbh, I admire him for his intelligence, innovation, philanthropy, and the desire to make things better. I don't know if he's truly saved or not :erm

Tbh, I admire him for his intelligence, innovation, philanthropy, and the desire to make things better.

Is it wrong to respect (not idolize) people who aren't saved?

Thomas Edison invented the light bulb and God allowed his invention to spread to most industrial nations. The same with Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone. All the great modern inventions were created by someone. Is it wrong to like their creative abilities? After all, God gave human beings a wonderful brain; is it wrong to use one's brain for the benefit of everyone?

A person's salvation is between them and the Lord. But I don't think it's a sin to appreciate someone's work regardless of their salvation status. Aren't all human beings created in God's image?

Forgive me if you think I'm wrong. I'm simply curious and not too prideful to accept rebuke if I am.

Blessings - Melissa
That's true Noah. Maybe 'save the world' isn't the right phrase to use here. I think he's trying to improve the world we live in now. Lol, and he wants to colonize Mars. Tbh, I admire him for his intelligence, innovation, philanthropy, and the desire to make things better. I don't know if he's truly saved or not :erm
The corporation I started this year could use some startup capital, but if Elon wants to colonize an uninhabitable planet for no apparent reason that doesn't make sense to me. So I guess to summarize, helping others is a good thing. Colonizing a planet, not so much. Also, thanks for the Like :)
Elon could adjust to be a high level supporter of God and Faith in Christ.

"You don't have to believe to be chosen." - Anonymous

Hi -- Was thinking about the quote you used. It confused me at first glance. But then I remembered the gold standard verses:

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." (John 3:16-17)

So really, God did 'choose' everyone, before anyone believed. But eternal salvation has a condition: a person has to believe (in the Gospel message about Jesus Christ) AFTER being chosen.

Elon doesn't need to adjust. He simply needs to believe what he's been told about the redeeming work of Jesus Christ, accept Him as his Savior, repent of his sins, and get baptized. Then the Holy Spirit can begin to transform his heart and mind.

And I agree with you about the possibility of Elon being a great supporter of God and Jesus Christ. If he announced to the world that he believed in God and was saved (and his lifestyle changed and showed the fruits of salvation), it would be a really big deal! His influence could initially draw many unbelievers to Christ Jesus!

However, I hope he would then be prepared to lose popularity, funding, a lot of money, friends, and family. Because once he "came out" as a believer, the secular world would hate him; mock and scorn him like it did to Jesus.

* sigh * Would be nice if it would be nice if many high profile people became saved and used their money and mouth for the Kingdom. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Blessings ~ Melissa