I Like Being Single
Lee Warren
The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
-- Psalm 121:8
Torry Martin travels all across the United States performing as a Christian
comedian at various conferences, cruises, and retreats. He also writes
novels, humor columns, and episodes of "Adventures in Odyssey" for Focus on the Family.
Listen to his "embracing life" attitude: "There is no doubt in
my mind that the reason I'm single right now is because God wanted me to be available for ministry," he told me. "I actually feel called to remain single, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
In addition, he sees his ministry in much broader terms than just his
comedy and writing.
"I like being single and being available to do whatever God wants me to do," he said. "Whether that's just traveling to see my friends, or going on a mission trip at a moment's notice, or just spending time interceding for others."
He goes on to say, "My greatest ministry is having the time to be a good friend to the people in my life who are important."
Torry points to the verse above as motivation for him to embrace life right
now. "Knowing that God's got his eye on me forever, whether I remain single or marry, brings great comfort and encourages me to embrace whatever comes my way."
He also has some great advice for singles. "I don't think God is really
waiting for people to get married before he can use them to their full
potential. Look at the apostle Paul. He wasn't married, and God used him all over the place.
"And what about Mother Teresa? Do you think anyone ever told her that she wasn't living a fulfilled life just because she wasn't married?
Or what about the professor on 'Gilligan's Island'? He wasn't married, and that guy was a genius!"
Torry is obviously not afraid to use his comedic talent to make a spiritual
point. Something he does quite well.
Digging Deeper Into Psalm 121:8
1. List the ministries that God has given to you - including those you can
use to support and encourage your friends and family.
2. Do you believe that you would be able to put as much time, effort, and
prayer into all of your ministries if you were married right now? Explain.
3. Have you ever thanked God for giving these ministries to you? If not,
take the time to do so now.
4. Does Psalm 121:8 comfort you and encourage you to embrace life right now the way it does Torry?
5. Do you believe that God is waiting for you to be married before he will
use you to your full potential? Explain.
I'm sure it's Isaiah 54 that says, "Behold: your Maker is your Husband - the Lord of Hosts is His name"
I think it's Proverbs that says, "The Lord puts the desolate/lonely into families"
Do search @ http://www.BibleGateway.org
Having been an "only child", & lived in 9 towns - as well as been involved in several itinerant ministries - (gospel bands & multi-media drama troupe, as well as solo gospel singing & precinct preaching) - I have very often indeed thrilled at the joy of experiencing instant kinship in Christ in a wide range of charismatic/evangelical/Pentecostal churches
God bless!
Used by permission of Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Publishing
Group, copyright (c) 2005.
I Like Being Single
Lee Warren
The LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
-- Psalm 121:8
Torry Martin travels all across the United States performing as a Christian
comedian at various conferences, cruises, and retreats. He also writes
novels, humor columns, and episodes of "Adventures in Odyssey" for Focus on the Family.
Listen to his "embracing life" attitude: "There is no doubt in
my mind that the reason I'm single right now is because God wanted me to be available for ministry," he told me. "I actually feel called to remain single, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
In addition, he sees his ministry in much broader terms than just his
comedy and writing.
"I like being single and being available to do whatever God wants me to do," he said. "Whether that's just traveling to see my friends, or going on a mission trip at a moment's notice, or just spending time interceding for others."
He goes on to say, "My greatest ministry is having the time to be a good friend to the people in my life who are important."
Torry points to the verse above as motivation for him to embrace life right
now. "Knowing that God's got his eye on me forever, whether I remain single or marry, brings great comfort and encourages me to embrace whatever comes my way."
He also has some great advice for singles. "I don't think God is really
waiting for people to get married before he can use them to their full
potential. Look at the apostle Paul. He wasn't married, and God used him all over the place.
"And what about Mother Teresa? Do you think anyone ever told her that she wasn't living a fulfilled life just because she wasn't married?
Or what about the professor on 'Gilligan's Island'? He wasn't married, and that guy was a genius!"
Torry is obviously not afraid to use his comedic talent to make a spiritual
point. Something he does quite well.
Digging Deeper Into Psalm 121:8
1. List the ministries that God has given to you - including those you can
use to support and encourage your friends and family.
2. Do you believe that you would be able to put as much time, effort, and
prayer into all of your ministries if you were married right now? Explain.
3. Have you ever thanked God for giving these ministries to you? If not,
take the time to do so now.
4. Does Psalm 121:8 comfort you and encourage you to embrace life right now the way it does Torry?
5. Do you believe that God is waiting for you to be married before he will
use you to your full potential? Explain.
I'm sure it's Isaiah 54 that says, "Behold: your Maker is your Husband - the Lord of Hosts is His name"
I think it's Proverbs that says, "The Lord puts the desolate/lonely into families"
Do search @ http://www.BibleGateway.org
Having been an "only child", & lived in 9 towns - as well as been involved in several itinerant ministries - (gospel bands & multi-media drama troupe, as well as solo gospel singing & precinct preaching) - I have very often indeed thrilled at the joy of experiencing instant kinship in Christ in a wide range of charismatic/evangelical/Pentecostal churches
God bless!
Used by permission of Fleming H. Revell, a division of Baker Publishing
Group, copyright (c) 2005.