Let’s take a look at revelation chapter 13~19, these chapters should be looked as a whole, it is the catastrophe’s perspective view from the beast and false prophet.
Chapter 13 describe what beasts done and for 42 month, that is 3.5 years.
Chapter 14 angels preaching everlasting gospel.
Chapter 15 those saints against the beasts were all matyred.
Chapter 16 because of what the beasts have done, God’s 7 vial pour out upon earth, and so the beast’s seat and kingdom were darken, anti-christ and kings were gathered at Amageddon, prepared to fight with the almighty at the end day, the final war against Jesus the king at Jerusalem.
Chapter 17~18 describes the final chapter of the beasts, politically, religion, economic and the end day of Babylon.
Chapter 19 Jesus Christ second coming, standing on a cloud from sky down to earth surface, catch the anti Christ and false prophets, throw them to the hell.
And so seal #1 ~ seal #6 and #1~#7 trumpets sounds, their occurred time is same as Mathew 24:15~29.
From the view of revelation chapter 13~19, the beasts is the same as below listed
Daniel chapter 7 and chapter 8’s “little horn”
Daniel chapter 11’s “king of the north”
2 Thesalonians chapter 2 “man of sin”, meaning the big sinner.
1 John 2:18 anti Christ
They are all related to the same person, and the causes 3.5 years of catastrophe, new and old testament use “a time, times and half a time”, “1260 days”, “42 months” describe this catastrophe time, which is 3.5 years, they are all identical.
Now, let’s take a closer look at chapter 19 Jesus coming, anti Christ and false prophet’s end, 2 things happened verse 6 declare Jesus Christ as the king, verse 7 time for the marriage of the Lamb.
Mathew 22:1~14 this parable is told for the marriage of the Lamb.
Kingdom of heaven = millennium, 1 thousand year
Son = Jesus Christ
Wife: new wife: his wife = those win the battle, those prepared, those faithful servants, those prepared virgins.
Those first invited guests are Israeli, they refuse to attend the wedding ceremony.
Those not wearing wedding garment are those unprepared, unfaithful servants, unprepared virgins, 3 parable told in Mathew chapter 24 and 25, casted into darkness, which is not for us to describe, but obviously, they cannot attend the marriage ceremony, so we can say, they are left at the middle of the sky for a thousand year, because kingdom of God , the millennium is 1 thousand year.
Those lastly invited guests are us “gentiles”, which also church era’s believers, between 2 comings of Jesus.
Israeli are resurrected after 3.5 years of catastrophe and for the judement. Daniel 12:1~2, Isaih 26:19, Luke 22:29~30, they are judge by the 12 Apostles in millennium, the kingdom of God, the promised land.
So now, based on all my previous post. We are now clear that these things will be happened for believers, winners and losers.
Believers including winners and losers.
Winners and losers are those 3 parables in Mathew chapter 24 and 25
Winners and losers are treated differently, losers cannot attend the marriage ceremony, which means they have no room in kingdom of God which is millennium, but of course, after that, everlasting life.
Believers can be Israeli of course, but the 3.5 years of catastrophe are specially for the chosen one, and for people who saw raptured believers, and believe, and they will all matyred in that 3.5 years of catastrophe, they will be resurrected before millennium and judge by the 12 Apostles.
Resurrect body, since it was not limited by space time and matter, Jesus together with these rulers (winner), the millennium without Satan and with these rulers, no one will and no one could commited sins, all people born since lived happily for a thousand years, countless baby born, which also fulfilled the prophecy, first year born baby will be one thousand year old after millennium.
Kingdom of God is a promised prophecy to Israeli, but, to be fair, they will also have to overcome temptations, and so Satan will be released after millennium, and to fight against the people of God, winner will go thru, to the everlasting life, their identity will be also to be forever, it is what they earned, the price.
And last, New castle, New Jerusalem, of called it heaven, it is now down to earth, I think it is floating, with a cube perimeter, God is with us forever, and also, hell is on earth too.
Revelation 22:11 Literally it means righteous and the filthy remains righteous or filthy forever.
Revelation 21:8 stated clearly who will go to hell, now there is a theology that second death, in hell is not really means the place we saw in movies etc… but it simply means they cannot go near to God, cannot eat those fruits, can not walk to the castle, the punishment is forever without the presence God, what is more painful than that? And actually the place of hell is just outside the castle, it means, it is on earth.
My theory, heaven is good of course and is with God, but why heaven (where God lives) have to go down to earth as a castle, to be new Garden of Eden? and why the everlasting life is in this earth (renewed) The theory is simple, this is what I thought…
Because we are made out of dust, by which angels admired too, we have soul and we have flesh, and to see and to rule all other creation of God, and at the end, we will going to have a body which will be enjoy happily forever, we can travel the world anytime, any place, or eat anything or not to eat, we can see lions eating grasses. Have you thought that is it possible for God to let dinosaur appear on earth again, the answer of course yes. Dinosaur were vanished, at that time, the whole earth were destroyed by Satan and his fellows, before Genesis chapter 1, Satan already cast down to earth by angel Michael. Use your imagination, our future home is absolutely wonderful.
By these knowledge of eschatology, Genesis chapter 1 is very cleared, I will share it in the future.
God bless, this is my last translation for that article. I will continue to share some others as well.
Chapter 13 describe what beasts done and for 42 month, that is 3.5 years.
Chapter 14 angels preaching everlasting gospel.
Chapter 15 those saints against the beasts were all matyred.
Chapter 16 because of what the beasts have done, God’s 7 vial pour out upon earth, and so the beast’s seat and kingdom were darken, anti-christ and kings were gathered at Amageddon, prepared to fight with the almighty at the end day, the final war against Jesus the king at Jerusalem.
Chapter 17~18 describes the final chapter of the beasts, politically, religion, economic and the end day of Babylon.
Chapter 19 Jesus Christ second coming, standing on a cloud from sky down to earth surface, catch the anti Christ and false prophets, throw them to the hell.
And so seal #1 ~ seal #6 and #1~#7 trumpets sounds, their occurred time is same as Mathew 24:15~29.
From the view of revelation chapter 13~19, the beasts is the same as below listed
Daniel chapter 7 and chapter 8’s “little horn”
Daniel chapter 11’s “king of the north”
2 Thesalonians chapter 2 “man of sin”, meaning the big sinner.
1 John 2:18 anti Christ
They are all related to the same person, and the causes 3.5 years of catastrophe, new and old testament use “a time, times and half a time”, “1260 days”, “42 months” describe this catastrophe time, which is 3.5 years, they are all identical.
Now, let’s take a closer look at chapter 19 Jesus coming, anti Christ and false prophet’s end, 2 things happened verse 6 declare Jesus Christ as the king, verse 7 time for the marriage of the Lamb.
Mathew 22:1~14 this parable is told for the marriage of the Lamb.
Kingdom of heaven = millennium, 1 thousand year
Son = Jesus Christ
Wife: new wife: his wife = those win the battle, those prepared, those faithful servants, those prepared virgins.
Those first invited guests are Israeli, they refuse to attend the wedding ceremony.
Those not wearing wedding garment are those unprepared, unfaithful servants, unprepared virgins, 3 parable told in Mathew chapter 24 and 25, casted into darkness, which is not for us to describe, but obviously, they cannot attend the marriage ceremony, so we can say, they are left at the middle of the sky for a thousand year, because kingdom of God , the millennium is 1 thousand year.
Those lastly invited guests are us “gentiles”, which also church era’s believers, between 2 comings of Jesus.
Israeli are resurrected after 3.5 years of catastrophe and for the judement. Daniel 12:1~2, Isaih 26:19, Luke 22:29~30, they are judge by the 12 Apostles in millennium, the kingdom of God, the promised land.
So now, based on all my previous post. We are now clear that these things will be happened for believers, winners and losers.
Believers including winners and losers.
Winners and losers are those 3 parables in Mathew chapter 24 and 25
Winners and losers are treated differently, losers cannot attend the marriage ceremony, which means they have no room in kingdom of God which is millennium, but of course, after that, everlasting life.
Believers can be Israeli of course, but the 3.5 years of catastrophe are specially for the chosen one, and for people who saw raptured believers, and believe, and they will all matyred in that 3.5 years of catastrophe, they will be resurrected before millennium and judge by the 12 Apostles.
Resurrect body, since it was not limited by space time and matter, Jesus together with these rulers (winner), the millennium without Satan and with these rulers, no one will and no one could commited sins, all people born since lived happily for a thousand years, countless baby born, which also fulfilled the prophecy, first year born baby will be one thousand year old after millennium.
Kingdom of God is a promised prophecy to Israeli, but, to be fair, they will also have to overcome temptations, and so Satan will be released after millennium, and to fight against the people of God, winner will go thru, to the everlasting life, their identity will be also to be forever, it is what they earned, the price.
And last, New castle, New Jerusalem, of called it heaven, it is now down to earth, I think it is floating, with a cube perimeter, God is with us forever, and also, hell is on earth too.
Revelation 22:11 Literally it means righteous and the filthy remains righteous or filthy forever.
Revelation 21:8 stated clearly who will go to hell, now there is a theology that second death, in hell is not really means the place we saw in movies etc… but it simply means they cannot go near to God, cannot eat those fruits, can not walk to the castle, the punishment is forever without the presence God, what is more painful than that? And actually the place of hell is just outside the castle, it means, it is on earth.
My theory, heaven is good of course and is with God, but why heaven (where God lives) have to go down to earth as a castle, to be new Garden of Eden? and why the everlasting life is in this earth (renewed) The theory is simple, this is what I thought…
Because we are made out of dust, by which angels admired too, we have soul and we have flesh, and to see and to rule all other creation of God, and at the end, we will going to have a body which will be enjoy happily forever, we can travel the world anytime, any place, or eat anything or not to eat, we can see lions eating grasses. Have you thought that is it possible for God to let dinosaur appear on earth again, the answer of course yes. Dinosaur were vanished, at that time, the whole earth were destroyed by Satan and his fellows, before Genesis chapter 1, Satan already cast down to earth by angel Michael. Use your imagination, our future home is absolutely wonderful.
By these knowledge of eschatology, Genesis chapter 1 is very cleared, I will share it in the future.
God bless, this is my last translation for that article. I will continue to share some others as well.