But exactly this black and white attitude is quite a threat to many Christians. I've seen many being convinced by the evidence against a literal Genesis and for evolution which then lost their faith completely as they were indoctrinated that a literal Genesis is a requirement for being a Christian.
I can see that most people don't like to see either black, or white but prefer the gray areas. Which only says I don't have to believe in anything, except that which suits me.
As far as science is concerned they rejected Darwins theory for a long time, until someone realized Ah-Oh now we have to admit God does exist. Since they couldn't do that! they have now created a theory Darwin would not have probably even accepted. Like the big BANG!, there remains only one problem with that. They just couldn't seem to figure out where that came from. So they said that it all started with a singularity, a point of light. But again the problem just wouldn't go away, because now they can't figure a way to explain where that light came from.