Evil Has No Name In Biblical Prophesy
Throughout the bible there are strange names for all the evil participants in biblical prophesy. There is a simple reason for this....Evil people, and nations, have no name in biblical prophesy. It must be remembered that all those people whose name is not written in the 'Book of Life' (hint: evil people) are already lost for eternity. God's righteousness prevents him from using actual names that are already blotted out of the 'Book of Life'. All the evil participants in biblical prophesy have no actual name anymore, but they do have a symbolic name! Anyone that is not written in the Book of Life is lost in hell for eternity. Therefore God will not use any evil person's real name in biblical prophesy since it has already been blotted out of the Book of Life!
In fact I would doubt that the bible is the word of God if the bible had actually used the actual names of the evil participants. When you read the book of revelation all the evil nations and persons are denoted using symbolic names since God has already forgotten their actual name since it is not written in the book of life.
People find the bible confusing to read since all those who are lost in sin are referenced by a symbolic name and not the actual name to prove that the bible is the actual word of God. Just imagine if all those who are dammed to an existence in hell for eternity begin to point to the bible saying that even though their name isn't in the book of life it is in the bible. They would argue that the bible should be used as a book of life since it is written by God.
Thankfully any person who does evil in biblical prophesy isn't named directly, but symbolically, to thwart those individuals and nations from using the bible as their book of life and demanding an eternity in heaven with God!
Please make sure your name is in the “Book of Life' by believing in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for all of your sins. Then rest assured that you'll spend eternity in heaven with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit!
The Bible Is The Word Of God – God As Jesus Christ!
God Bless
People always complain that God does not warn them of evil persons, especially evil spouses. How can God warn anyone of an evil person since God has already forgotten their name since it is not written in the book of life. If you want God's protection then make sure you associate with God's faithful since God knows all their names!
It is interesting that those people who do not believe in Jesus Christ go to great lengths to find a way to keep their name 'alive' after their death. They do this simply because they know that their name is nowhere to be found in the hereafter, especially as it is not to be found in the Book of Life! Evil people, like communist leaders, corrupt politicians, greedy businessmen, etc. , already know that there will be no reference of them (hint: no name in the book of life) in the hereafter so they will do anything to 'plaster' their name and likeness on anything in this world! This world becomes their Book of Life!
Throughout the bible there are strange names for all the evil participants in biblical prophesy. There is a simple reason for this....Evil people, and nations, have no name in biblical prophesy. It must be remembered that all those people whose name is not written in the 'Book of Life' (hint: evil people) are already lost for eternity. God's righteousness prevents him from using actual names that are already blotted out of the 'Book of Life'. All the evil participants in biblical prophesy have no actual name anymore, but they do have a symbolic name! Anyone that is not written in the Book of Life is lost in hell for eternity. Therefore God will not use any evil person's real name in biblical prophesy since it has already been blotted out of the Book of Life!
In fact I would doubt that the bible is the word of God if the bible had actually used the actual names of the evil participants. When you read the book of revelation all the evil nations and persons are denoted using symbolic names since God has already forgotten their actual name since it is not written in the book of life.
People find the bible confusing to read since all those who are lost in sin are referenced by a symbolic name and not the actual name to prove that the bible is the actual word of God. Just imagine if all those who are dammed to an existence in hell for eternity begin to point to the bible saying that even though their name isn't in the book of life it is in the bible. They would argue that the bible should be used as a book of life since it is written by God.
Thankfully any person who does evil in biblical prophesy isn't named directly, but symbolically, to thwart those individuals and nations from using the bible as their book of life and demanding an eternity in heaven with God!
Please make sure your name is in the “Book of Life' by believing in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for all of your sins. Then rest assured that you'll spend eternity in heaven with God the Father, God the Son Jesus Christ, and God the Holy Spirit!
The Bible Is The Word Of God – God As Jesus Christ!
God Bless
People always complain that God does not warn them of evil persons, especially evil spouses. How can God warn anyone of an evil person since God has already forgotten their name since it is not written in the book of life. If you want God's protection then make sure you associate with God's faithful since God knows all their names!
It is interesting that those people who do not believe in Jesus Christ go to great lengths to find a way to keep their name 'alive' after their death. They do this simply because they know that their name is nowhere to be found in the hereafter, especially as it is not to be found in the Book of Life! Evil people, like communist leaders, corrupt politicians, greedy businessmen, etc. , already know that there will be no reference of them (hint: no name in the book of life) in the hereafter so they will do anything to 'plaster' their name and likeness on anything in this world! This world becomes their Book of Life!