Moving around genes as you see happening in sexual reproduction, cannot produce a new specie. Therefore, the only mechanism left in evolution to explain the production of new species, is mutation. Every observed mutation in nature or in labs has resulted in a creature less fit or not being affected at all by the mutation. Besides being rare, no mutation has ever been seen to result in a living creature having better or increased abilities. Therefore the probability of beneficial mutation occurring is highly remote. Even if beneficial mutation was found to take place, for mutation to give rise to a new specie through a series of steps, a whole series of mutations affecting various systems within a creature’s body would have to take place, virtually perfectly, for each step. In other words, the creature’s DNA would have to expertly rewritten for each stage of a mutation. Also, at each step, the creature would have to be fitter than its predecessor. How can a creature with say, 90% fish features, and 10% reptilian features fare in the wild? Wouldn’t the fact its eyes, transportation, muscular, and other systems which are between those of a fish and reptile, make it less capable of surviving among fish and therefore more prone to extinction? When you take into account the above, that:
1. Mutations are rare.
2. Every mutation observed in nature or in a lab has been seen either to have no substantial effect, or a detrimental effect.
3. Each step or transition a creature must undergo as it evolves from one specie to the next, has to take place with a highly sophisticated set of mutations affecting various systems (musculature, respiratory, circulatory, etc.) within the creature’s body.
4. A creature in a transitional state is less fit and hence more vulnerable to extinction then its progenitor specie.
You see that all these odds have to be surmounted many times over, as a specie evolves through a series of steps or transitions to become another specie. This is absolutely impossible! (To boot, no transitional creature can now be found in nature, and no fossils have been found attesting to transitional creatures existing in the past.)
The whole idea that the world was formed by chance with a staggeringly rich ecosystem that sustains millions and millions diverse forms of life (each one as if crafted with great expertise) is beyond belief! Any scientist that seriously ponders evolution would have to say that the chance of world being formed by this method is remote to an infinite degree! In other words, the world being formed via evolution it is utterly impossible.
(This link provides you access to the background information I used to write my message above. It is a great link.)
1. Mutations are rare.
2. Every mutation observed in nature or in a lab has been seen either to have no substantial effect, or a detrimental effect.
3. Each step or transition a creature must undergo as it evolves from one specie to the next, has to take place with a highly sophisticated set of mutations affecting various systems (musculature, respiratory, circulatory, etc.) within the creature’s body.
4. A creature in a transitional state is less fit and hence more vulnerable to extinction then its progenitor specie.
You see that all these odds have to be surmounted many times over, as a specie evolves through a series of steps or transitions to become another specie. This is absolutely impossible! (To boot, no transitional creature can now be found in nature, and no fossils have been found attesting to transitional creatures existing in the past.)
The whole idea that the world was formed by chance with a staggeringly rich ecosystem that sustains millions and millions diverse forms of life (each one as if crafted with great expertise) is beyond belief! Any scientist that seriously ponders evolution would have to say that the chance of world being formed by this method is remote to an infinite degree! In other words, the world being formed via evolution it is utterly impossible.
(This link provides you access to the background information I used to write my message above. It is a great link.)