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[_ Old Earth _] Evolution is a racist philosophy

Khristeeanos said:
Atheistic evolution teaches that all people are the product of random chance and are the result of an accidental cosmic burp.
It teaches that people were lower forms of primates with dark skin and are progressing to be better people with light skin and light hair.

I could go on and on.

Not only have I given more proof of evolution being racist, but I have further cemented my other proof that Christianity is a peaceful, loving religion.

Evolution teaches nothing of the sort. Your propagandization is a senseless lie.

Evolution teaches three things:

1. The common ancestry of all living organisms.
2. Genetic variation through a timeline.
3. The mechanisms which cause the selection of traits.

These are conclusions based on the given facts and evidences. It is no more a prescription (philosophy) for racism than the theory of relativity is a prescription for people who are late all the time and blame it on Einstein.
Act 17:26 And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation

Anything, from religion to great scientific theories can be used to spite hate, racism and killing. But that does not make the religion or theories wrong, it’s the people that use it as an excuse wrong. I believe in Evolution even though I am Christian, the new testament plays a big part in my life where as the old is a lot more unclear, I believe science works perfectly with religion and either one attacking the other is very sad. I mean I have lost of friends who are different races and religions, does the survival of the fittest make me want to persecute them? Or make me feel higher in status then them, no not at all. If this all was a mistake it was a very buitiful mistake, and I thank god every morning that I live in such a great world, no matter how much influence he had on it.
After reading through this thread, I still fail to understand how one can equate the actions of an individual as being representative of a system.

The actions of a few people who used Christianity as an excuse for their actions are not representative of Christianity as Christianity itself does not support such behaviour.

The same is true for evolution, I think many people are mistaking what evolution actually is. Evolution states that random mutations occur within organisms, some mutations are harmful, many have no effect, and some are actually beneficial. Those that are harmful cause that animal and possible descendants of it's DNA to face a harder time surviving than those with beneficial mutations, as a result those with beneficial mutations have a greater chance of survival and passing on their genes.

Over vast numbers of generations such mutations as are beneficial to the organism in it's particular environment (This is important), you end up with an animal that looks significantly different to when it started.

Now I believe this begs the question (And thus the assertion that evolution is a racist theory) that some people may be 'more evolved' than others. And here's where it falls off the rails, people CANNOT be more evolved, there is no such thing, they can however become more suited to their environment, if that environment is one where non blue eyed blonde haired individuals are killed then those possessing such genes find it difficult to survive.

When a white man goes to Africa he could be considered 'less evolved' than black men. Why? Because over generations people living in Africa have become more suited to their environment (One of strong sunlight).

To say something is 'more or less evolved' is akin to throwing a cow into the ocean and then saying after it drowns 'It mustn't have been very evolved'. Any attempt at eugenics is simply using a naturally occuring phenominon to pursue an individuals idea on what constitutes a perfect human.
YE creationist Henry Morris taught that blacks were intellectualy and spiritually inferior to other people. And he was the founder of the YE creationist movement among evangelicals.

And he worte that in the early 1990s.

Evolutionary theory rejects racism, because it shows that there are no biological human races. But we still see racists like Morris and Bob Jones III in the creationist camp.
Khristeeanos said:
jwu said:
No, you have provided a a precedent in which people abused evolution to promote racism, just like i have given a precedent of people doing the same with Christianity.

If you want to prove that evolution is racist, you need to derive that from the theory itself, not from what some people made with it. Else one can point out the crusades, the inquisition and so on as well...

Many cruelties have been committed in the name of Christianity, but that doesn't make Christianity a cruel religion. It's exactly the same with evolution (except that evolution isn't a religion in first instance).

What does Christianity teach?

It teaches to love your enemies.
It teaches to turn the other cheek at an attacker.
It teaches to feed and clothe your enemies.
It teaches people how to live their lives in a positive way.
It teaches people to go around the world to the less fortunate and help them any way possible.
It teaches people to live a self-disciplined life.
It teaches people to look after the needs of others before ones own self.

Atheistic evolution teaches that all people are the product of random chance and are the result of an accidental cosmic burp.
It teaches that people were lower forms of primates with dark skin and are progressing to be better people with light skin and light hair.

I could go on and on.

Not only have I given more proof of evolution being racist, but I have further cemented my other proof that Christianity is a peaceful, loving religion.

Ok I haven't read the whole topic but this just got me. You have not in any way proved that evolution is a racist theory. You have only showed a comment by a racist Person. Racism is not in the theory of evolution. Also it seems you are stating that all people who believe in evolution are racist. I am most certainly not racist, thank you. Please back up your statements with a better argument.
Sorry for double-posting but.
Show me where I called you or anybody else a racist.

I said athiestic evolution was a racist phiolosophy and provided proof by a quote.

A quote only provides you with the thought of an individual. Said individual's thoughts do not always agree with the views of others in society.

In this case you quoted a racist moron.
The quote is not proof of evolution being racist it is only proof of the quoted individual's stupidity.
Matthew 27:24-25 (NASB) When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, "I am innocent of this Man's blood; see to that yourselves." And all the people said, "His blood shall be on us and on our children!"

It seems to me that there are parts of the Bible that could encourage anti-semitism, and Christianity has been very anti-semitic in its history.
Wow, people still believe evolution relates to racial Darwinism. That's funny.
GeneCosta said:
Wow, people still believe evolution relates to racial Darwinism. That's funny.

No, some people still believe that some people are smarter then others because of the genes they inherited from their parents, ancestors, etc.... Evolutionist all know that this is not true--- :P
The leading evolutionary theory of human origins suggests that whites are more evolved than blacks because the white population arose from the black population. The next most popular evolutionary theory is that blacks and whites don't even share common ancestors within the homosapien species. Either way, this kind of thing feeds right into racism.

I don't think you have to look as far away as nazi Germany where nazis tried to use Evolution to create a more advanced humans and used Evolution to justify dehumanising some races. Just look at modern America. For example, look at how liberals condescendingly treat blacks, such as with the lower expectations reflected in Affirmative Action. Lucky for blacks that liberals prefer to hug trees than to cut them down. Nazis prefered to cut them down.
The leading evolutionary theory of human origins suggests that whites are more evolved than blacks because the white population arose from the black population.
Source? There is no "ladder" in evolutionary theory. If it's alive at the same time, it's equally evolved.

The next most popular evolutionary theory is that blacks and whites don't even share common ancestors within the homosapien species.
This is quite a strong claim. Please give sources. I won't be holding my breath though.

I don't think you have to look as far away as nazi Germany where nazis tried to use Evolution to create a more advanced humans and used Evolution to justify dehumanising some races. Just look at modern America. For example, look at how liberals condescendingly treat blacks, such as with the lower expectations reflected in Affirmative Action. Lucky for blacks that liberals prefer to hug trees than to cut them down. Nazis prefered to cut them down.
And fanatic Christians burned heretics...that doesn't make Christianity any worse than abuse by nazis affects evolution.
jwu said:
Source? There is no "ladder" in evolutionary theory. If it's alive at the same time, it's equally evolved.

So, you don't believe that species can exist in stasis or equalibrium?

[quote:3241f] The next most popular evolutionary theory is that blacks and whites don't even share common ancestors within the homosapien species.
This is quite a strong claim. Please give sources. I won't be holding my breath though.[/quote:3241f]

I don't have poll numbers. What do you think is the 2nd most popular theory of the origin of white people is, if not divergence from blacks?

And fanatic Christians burned heretics...that doesn't make Christianity any worse than abuse by nazis affects evolution.

In modern civilizations, governments avoid capital punishment of heretics. Now, it's just plain old discrimination backed up with threats of financial ruin for punishment. Even murderers usually don't risk executions anymore. BTW, I blame governments, not Christians, for what you blame Christians for.
So, you don't believe that species can exist in stasis or equalibrium?
I do think that stable niches do exist, which result in relative stability. However, what does that have to do with the above point? It seems like a non-sequitur to me.

I don't have poll numbers. What do you think is the 2nd most popular theory of the origin of white people is, if not divergence from blacks?
As far as i know there is no other theory. In other words, you made this up out of pure speculation.
And by the way, any such theory would instantly be falsified by blacks and whites being able to interbreed. This means that we're the same species by definition.

In modern civilizations, governments avoid capital punishment of heretics. Now, it's just plain old discrimination backed up with threats of financial ruin for punishment. Even murderers usually don't risk executions anymore. BTW, I blame governments, not Christians, for what you blame Christians for.
I don't blame it on Christians in general, that was my whole point.
The governments of the medieval and renaissance however had little to do with the burnings, they merely tolerated them.
jwu said:
I do think that stable niches do exist, which result in relative stability. However, what does that have to do with the above point? It seems like a non-sequitur to me.

Are you trying to have your cake and eat it too? How can you say all animals are equally evolved and at the same time say that there are also niches of relative stability of species?

As far as i know there is no other theory. In other words, you made this up out of pure speculation.

I didn't make it up. And, even if I did, that makes it the second most popular theory if there are no others. But, I'm not surprised you haven't head if it. Evolutionists get especially squarely when it comes to talking about evolution vs. the various races.

And by the way, any such theory would instantly be falsified by blacks and whites being able to interbreed. This means that we're the same species by definition.

When you find an evolutionist which holds this view, be sure to tell him his theory has been falsified.

The governments of the medieval and renaissance however had little to do with the burnings, they merely tolerated them.

Why did these governments allegedly tolerate this, if not because they approved?
Are you trying to have your cake and eat it too? How can you say all animals are equally evolved and at the same time say that there are also niches of relative stability of species?
What is the problem with it? All things which are alive today are equally evolved, as they have surviveed equally long. What would you consider "move evolved" than others?

I didn't make it up.
Then give sources for it. The internet should be full of them.

And, even if I did, that makes it the second most popular theory if there are no others.
And if two people make up the hypothesis that white people sprang forth from marble rocks and black ones from basalt, does that push yours down to the third place then? This is ridiculous.

By the way...the definition of theory is that it is a well tested hypothesis which has made successful predictions and withstood potential falsification. So if you had made this up, which i think you did, then it wouldn't be a theory yet.

But, I'm not surprised you haven't head if it. Evolutionists get especially squarely when it comes to talking about evolution vs. the various races.
Why would we? Since there is no such thing as a ladder in evolutionary theory, there is no problem whatsoever with it. By the way...the creationist explaination for the different races is nothing but evolution either; else they couldn't possibly have formed after your (long since falsified) global flood from the people of a single family. In fact that'd even be evolution on steroids...

When you find an evolutionist which holds this view, be sure to tell him his theory has been falsified.
Since there are no evolutionists who think that blacks are a different species than whites that won't happen anytime soon - as such a person doesn't use the generally accepted definition of "species" and hence cannot be an evolutionist as this is an essential part of the theory of evolution.

Why did these governments allegedly tolerate this, if not because they approved?
Because they risked major riots if they did not. Just the same that would happen if Islam was declared mandatory state religion in the USA.