- Thread starter
- #61
To try & put it simply, if Darwin drivel was right, the differences between so-called adjacent steps of his so-called evo-ladder would be as tiny as those between the adjoining frames of a movie
The plain fact that we can so clearly distinguish between species alone proves that each species was Designer-made by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe - its Almighty Creator
If weather next Sat is a bit milder, why not meet at "EU's best zoo" - see http://www.chesterzoo.org - @ 1pm, to allow max time for folk travelling some way to that central UK spot :multi:
Evo-loopies cannot find transitional forms: there are MILLIONS of 'missing links' - @ every so-called stage 8-)
Same with fossils: the Cambrian explosion has the simplest & the most complex fossils all mixed together: no evidence of gradual development from amoeba to man :roll:
In fact, as 23 top scientists recently hit the headlines with their joint book, "The Grand Canyon: A Creationist Viewpoint", the very formation & preservation of fossils demanded the cataclysmic pressure of the global flood of Genesis 6
Its reason - as explained there - is that "God saw how great was the wickedness of man..how every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"
How very 21st century!
2 Peter 3 clearly warns that Earth is reserved for destruction by fire
Russia's gas blackmail is furthering nuclear proliferatrion, & we see Armageddon in Joel 3, Zechariah 14 & Revelation 16
"NOW is the day of salvation" says the Bible
It says, "TODAY, if you hear God's vopice, don't harden your heart
Romans 1:20 states that, from seeing creation alone, mankind has NO excuse for ignoring God
Romans 12:1-2 shows us that the only reasonable, rational response to all the wonderful things God has done for us is to love & serve Him 100%
Alpha courses worldwide will start next week - "10 free meals with 10 great videos @ a church near you: explore the meaning of life" - see http://www.alphacourse.org for your nearest lively church to join
The happiest New Year is 1 devoted to get to know Jesus better & to love Him more
Happy New Year to all our readers!
Now to do the post I came on for: exposing Bible prophecies @ the global 'Big Brother' Beast/Antichrist as the worst global tyranny ever...
The plain fact that we can so clearly distinguish between species alone proves that each species was Designer-made by the Most Brilliant Brain in the Universe - its Almighty Creator
If weather next Sat is a bit milder, why not meet at "EU's best zoo" - see http://www.chesterzoo.org - @ 1pm, to allow max time for folk travelling some way to that central UK spot :multi:
Evo-loopies cannot find transitional forms: there are MILLIONS of 'missing links' - @ every so-called stage 8-)
Same with fossils: the Cambrian explosion has the simplest & the most complex fossils all mixed together: no evidence of gradual development from amoeba to man :roll:
In fact, as 23 top scientists recently hit the headlines with their joint book, "The Grand Canyon: A Creationist Viewpoint", the very formation & preservation of fossils demanded the cataclysmic pressure of the global flood of Genesis 6
Its reason - as explained there - is that "God saw how great was the wickedness of man..how every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually"
How very 21st century!
2 Peter 3 clearly warns that Earth is reserved for destruction by fire
Russia's gas blackmail is furthering nuclear proliferatrion, & we see Armageddon in Joel 3, Zechariah 14 & Revelation 16
"NOW is the day of salvation" says the Bible
It says, "TODAY, if you hear God's vopice, don't harden your heart
Romans 1:20 states that, from seeing creation alone, mankind has NO excuse for ignoring God
Romans 12:1-2 shows us that the only reasonable, rational response to all the wonderful things God has done for us is to love & serve Him 100%
Alpha courses worldwide will start next week - "10 free meals with 10 great videos @ a church near you: explore the meaning of life" - see http://www.alphacourse.org for your nearest lively church to join
The happiest New Year is 1 devoted to get to know Jesus better & to love Him more
Happy New Year to all our readers!
Now to do the post I came on for: exposing Bible prophecies @ the global 'Big Brother' Beast/Antichrist as the worst global tyranny ever...