many say and accept and would have others accept that everything came from nothing whilst the wiser ones it seems say and accept and would have others also accept that everything came from everything - if we start from the beginning with absolute nothing - nothing cannot have any properties or attributes - in particular nothing cannot have length, volume, time or intelligence. It can have neither beginning nor end - it cannot have an origin and it cannot be a thing - in short it cannot have the property of existence and so cannot exist. Since it is true that 'absolute nothing' cannot exist anywhere at any time, then its opposite/inverse must also be true that 'absolute everything' must exist always and everywhere. The absolute existence must have all the inverse properties of nothingness. Whereas the nothing has no size, the inverse must be infinite in extent or omnipresence. whereas nothing has no knowledge it inverse must be omniscient. Whereas nothing has no existence, its inverse must have infinite existence. Whereas nothing has no power, its inverse is omnipotent. These are precisely the characteristics of God as presented by Scriptures - so there was nothing at all before God and God came from nowhere for there was nowhere He could come from[Dr.Brunton] - any comments - twinc
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