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Executive Order 14067 - What it means for America

Not necessarily, but could it not open a door that inevitably leads down that path?
No, it doesn't.
Wrong side of the world. The beast resides in the middle east, not north America. The only people who recieve the mark of the beast are those who followed after it.

The beast once existed before 96 AD.
It did not exist when John wrote revelation.
It does today and people from all over the world, have followed after it so as to live under his reign.

Soon he will be marking his subjects as a king would his slaves.

They rejected the Lord when he came to be thier king, now they have chosen thier own.

For this cause, when Abraham, Issac, and Jacob enter the kingdom of heaven, they themselves will be cast out. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
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No, it doesn't.
Wrong side of the world. The beast resides in the middle east, not north America. The only people who recieve the mark of the beast are those who followed after it.

The beast once existed before 96 AD.
It did not exist when John wrote revelation.
It does today and people from all over the world, have followed after it so as to live under his reign.

Soon he will be marking his subjects as a king would his slaves.

They rejected the Lord when he came to be thier king, now they have chosen thier own.

For this cause, when Abraham, Issac, and Jacob enter the kingdom of heaven, they themselves will be cast out. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Sometimes one country makes a decision and those decisions can spread, too. Just a bit of food for thought.
I looked this over. In a nutshell, 1) the Progressives and many in our government are miffed at the prospect of digital currency and exchanges without government hands controlling this. They are control freaks and it bothers them to see us, (and the whole world for that matter), going towards decentralization. 2) so as to sell this executive order to the public, it's the same ol' same ol' that this is done "for our protection" thus trying to convince the public the need for government intervention when they already made a massive cluster-flock of every other undertaking they did, and 3) they have "smiling Biden" there to convince people he's cognitive enough to draft such an executive order when in fact, the man suffers from dementia (my late father had it and I know what dementia looks like). He could not think of something like this up in his state in 10,000 years. That's my two cents on this. They are all panicking.
Biden is a very useful puppet as he’s too far gone to do anything but read the cards, unless he turns them around and we can see he was told in writing to shake hands and then sit down.
Executive order 14067 has nothing to do with prophecy.Nothing about it in the end times.

Going to a cashless currency that can be “turned off” by the government has nothing to do with the end times?

Going to a cashless currency that can be “turned off” by the government has nothing to do with the end times?

I usually don't interfere with the communications from one to another, but I just wanted to interject this thought. We are going cashless even if it's by the private sector (e.g. bit coin). In a sense, we already have been for years now as we merely swipe our credit or debit cards. The employer (or retirement fund) moves funds into your account, and that account is used to transfer payment to others, so when do we ever see any cash? It's a numbers game. The thing is that by owning an account it can be frozen at a whim (even if the owner is in the right can be a legal hassle to unfreeze it). Bit coin bypasses all that. As a matter of fact, I would not even be surprised if the introduction of an eventual mark is done in the private sector. The issue is that the control freaky governments then do not have power over it as this moves things toward decentralization - thus the reaction by this executive order. So I see this as a power grab to somehow control it the same way they can control an account. Bit coin is in effect like electronic barter trade without the need for banks and governments.

In this present world, the future beast will then have to make himself look like "an average guy" who says "hey I'm on your side" in order to have a one-world government type set-up. The government may even be in the name of massive privatization for all we know, but people will have to buy and sell that way in order for it to work. I see too much kickback in the world's population to trust any government control at this point. They tried with COVID and failed. China, Russia, Europe, here in the USA, Africa, you name it the population is against their leaders. I'm surprised there hasn't been more assassinations, China just recently came close.
Going to a cashless currency that can be “turned off” by the government has nothing to do with the end times?

The United States is not going cashless. Whoever told you it was is simply wrong.
Besides that, the United States isn't the beast. The United States did not exist before 96 ad. Revelation says the beast did.

If you would stop ignoring scripture and start ignoring things such as OP, you may start understand what scripture is saying.
I usually don't interfere with the communications from one to another, but I just wanted to interject this thought. We are going cashless even if it's by the private sector (e.g. bit coin). In a sense, we already have been for years now as we merely swipe our credit or debit cards. The employer (or retirement fund) moves funds into your account, and that account is used to transfer payment to others, so when do we ever see any cash? It's a numbers game. The thing is that by owning an account it can be frozen at a whim (even if the owner is in the right can be a legal hassle to unfreeze it). Bit coin bypasses all that. As a matter of fact, I would not even be surprised if the introduction of an eventual mark is done in the private sector. The issue is that the control freaky governments then do not have power over it as this moves things toward decentralization - thus the reaction by this executive order. So I see this as a power grab to somehow control it the same way they can control an account. Bit coin is in effect like electronic barter trade without the need for banks and governments.

In this present world, the future beast will then have to make himself look like "an average guy" who says "hey I'm on your side" in order to have a one-world government type set-up. The government may even be in the name of massive privatization for all we know, but people will have to buy and sell that way in order for it to work. I see too much kickback in the world's population to trust any government control at this point. They tried with COVID and failed. China, Russia, Europe, here in the USA, Africa, you name it the population is against their leaders. I'm surprised there hasn't been more assassinations, China just recently came close.
There is no one world goverment in scripture.
Does not the fact that Jesus Christ himself said nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom at the time of the end not tell you anything?

After the Muslims nations have attacked Israel and the United States, and then United States nukes them all you will still not realize there is no one world goverment.
There is no one world goverment in scripture.
Does not the fact that Jesus Christ himself said nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom at the time of the end not tell you anything?

After the Muslims nations have attacked Israel and the United States, and then United States nukes them all you will still not realize there is no one world goverment.
Actually, I agree with you and am a bit sloppy with my words. I do believe there will be an attempt at such and a charismatic leader, however, it quickly turns sour. Yes, in bible prophecy it is quite clear that the nations retain their identity. To give a present day example, there is hysteria (and for that matter a new religion) dealing with the environment. A lot of what's going on with the energy sector and prices along with shortages and so forth is in the name of climate change. This, in turn, like the COVID situation, leans toward a one mindset in which a leader could take control. However, the difference between nations is very real and unchangeable and turned bad. Thus the uprisings we see. One day it will get much worse.
The problem I have with Bitcoin ,it will lead to open borders ,which ideally honest trade is ok but as far as teaching that is horrible .

Imagine no power and you need gas or goods and they can be open but can't take your Bitcoin .

Internet connection is offline etc .
And sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes it's just wrath against a certain people and not the entire world.
You say, "Sometimes it's a wrath against certain people," and had to quote pregnant women/nursing, their lives are hard as it is, but destruction in the world can definitely make it worse.

However, some signs I do believe will be globally - things will start happening from one place to the next, word spreads, signs spread, something bad happening in one part of the world sometimes affects the rest of it.

Either way, this is my last response about it. I'm not going to waste my time arguing about it. You do you.
You say, "Sometimes it's a wrath against certain people," and had to quote pregnant women/nursing, their lives are hard as it is, but destruction in the world can definitely make it worse.

However, some signs I do believe will be globally - things will start happening from one place to the next, word spreads, signs spread, something bad happening in one part of the world sometimes affects the rest of it.

Either way, this is my last response about it. I'm not going to waste my time arguing about it. You do you.
Yes, one thing can effect another. I fully expect after the Muslim nations destroy Israel and attack the US, and after the US utterly destroys all of the middle east using nukes that gas prices will rise globally. I expect the price of gas to even increase in China.
Many times over. The only one world goverment in scripture is of God and of Christ and that time hasn't arrived as yet.
Other than that, there is none.

Both Daniel and Revelation speak of a World Kingdom or Governing Body symbolized by a beast with different body parts of various world kingdoms.

“This is the dream. Now we will tell the interpretation of it before the king. You, O king, are a king of kings. For the God of heaven has given you a kingdom, power, strength, and glory; and wherever the children of men dwell, or the beasts of the field and the birds of the heaven, He has given them into your hand, and has made you ruler over them all—you are this head of gold. But after you shall arise another kingdom inferior to yours; then another, a third kingdom of bronze, which shall rule over all the earth. And the fourth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others. Daniel 2:36-40

The four great world goverments or kingdoms are mentioned.


All these were and will be world governments... which shall rule over all the earth.

The kingdom of God will end up ruling the earth in the end but not until the antichrist rules through the kingdoms of this world as represent by the red dragon with 7 heads and ten horns.

And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.
Daniel 2:44
