I usually don't interfere with the communications from one to another, but I just wanted to interject this thought. We are going cashless even if it's by the private sector (e.g. bit coin). In a sense, we already have been for years now as we merely swipe our credit or debit cards. The employer (or retirement fund) moves funds into your account, and that account is used to transfer payment to others, so when do we ever see any cash? It's a numbers game. The thing is that by owning an account it can be frozen at a whim (even if the owner is in the right can be a legal hassle to unfreeze it). Bit coin bypasses all that. As a matter of fact, I would not even be surprised if the introduction of an eventual mark is done in the private sector. The issue is that the control freaky governments then do not have power over it as this moves things toward decentralization - thus the reaction by this executive order. So I see this as a power grab to somehow control it the same way they can control an account. Bit coin is in effect like electronic barter trade without the need for banks and governments.
In this present world, the future beast will then have to make himself look like "an average guy" who says "hey I'm on your side" in order to have a one-world government type set-up. The government may even be in the name of massive privatization for all we know, but people will have to buy and sell that way in order for it to work. I see too much kickback in the world's population to trust any government control at this point. They tried with COVID and failed. China, Russia, Europe, here in the USA, Africa, you name it the population is against their leaders. I'm surprised there hasn't been more assassinations, China just recently came close.