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Bible Study Exercising Godliness.


Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life
If you instruct the brethren in these things, you will be a good minister of Jesus Christ, nourished in the words of faith and of the good doctrine which you have carefully followed. But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness. For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance. For to this end we both labor and suffer reproach, because we trust in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of those who believe. These things command and teach.
1 Timothy 4:6-11 NKJV

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be godly. 1 Timothy 4:7 NIV

There are many instructions like this throughout the New Testament. I thought this would be a good subject to discuss, and share some things about how we go about about exercising ourselves or disciplining ourselves to be godly.

I have had to repent of many ungodly things throughout my life and found that staying away from certain people and places that were not appropriate for brothers and sisters in Christ was vital to maintaining dominion over my flesh.

I found that spending time with the Lord in prayer and private devotion, praise and worship in my prayer room, praying in the Spirit, praying for my family, friends and leaders of our country, reading and memorizing scripture to meditate on, which gives my mind something positive to “chew on” during the day, are some of the ways I train myself towards godliness.

Personally I don’t listen to secular music but prefer praise and worship, and instrumental music that stimulates stillness.

I don’t want much TV, and when I do it’s nature shows, fishing or hunting.

Sometimes my wife and I will watch a movie.

Please share some of your godly habits that the Lord has taught you to do, that strengthen your inner man, to be filled with His Presence

God bless you, JLB
I always give God the first part of my day as I carry Him with me throughout the day. I try not to get caught up in other's drama, but try to give Godly advice if the opportunity presents itself. I let the Holy Spirit lead me in that. I keep Christ with me throughout the day as I have to exercise this in order to keep myself in loving obedience to Him. I'm far from being perfect and will mess up when the flesh gets its way at times, but soon to repent and start afresh each time. The flesh might win a few battles, but will never win the war between the flesh and the Spirit.

Since I no longer work outside the house I spend a big chunk out of my day here in the forums and do a lot of studying throughout the day by those who unknowingly challenge me to dig deeper in Godly understanding and wisdom that comes only by the Holy Spirit. If we do not exercise Godliness then we can be easily swayed from the truth as we fall into deceptive was of living.
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Exercising ourselves toward Godliness.
Train ourselves to be Godly.

Sounds a lot like "Out of sight, out of mind."
In the last year or so I have gotten headaches if I watch the television for more than an hour. To me, this is God's way of reminding me to pray and mediate more. When I do, the headaches go away. So I spend a lot of time in private devotion throughout the day. I spend the rest of my time serving my charities which include people in recovery and my orphans in Kenya. The best book about switching from activity to the contemplative life was written by a pastor's wife. It is entitled, God's Joyful Surprise, by Sue Monk Kidd. It traces the path of pastor's wife, trying to be good through activities in the church, to a more personal relationship with God.
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This is a great thread and I hope many more can join in as I can't think of a better way to build the Body of Christ up.

For myself, I had the Bible on CD and since I used to drive about 2.5 hours a day, I would listen to the Bible or audio that was biblically based.

I have not cut secular music out of my life, but I would say that 95% or greater of the music I listen to is praise and worship. I also play Bass Guitar, so I play some of the music I listen to.

I remember when I first started making a commitment to growing my relationship with Christ. It started by thanking God for each meal, regardless of who I was with. My wife and I also make it a point to pray together each night. It also started with dedicating a week out of each month listening to Christian based radio,

Of course there were other things that helped, like watching my tongue and eliminating profanity. I quit drinking and all other drugs and I found a good church that could use me in order that I could grow. I worded that last sentence specifically that way because God has given us each a talent and that talent needs to be used so we can grow. A church family recognizes your talent and uses it to build the Body up.

God bless everyone!
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I surrendered my temper. It took a while but I'm getting better. I have given up most of my material possessions. I fall asleep listening to hymns. I go to bed early so I have more time with the Lord. There's so many ways we can get closer to God . Take away the bad things like drugs and alcohol and substitute the good things in their place . That way you are never empty handed. All your distractions are gone and in their place you have the "peace of God that passes all understanding." ❤
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I smile at people when I walk by them. When I walk by with a mask on, I smile with my eyes.

Since we are all spirits inside our bodies, that energy from our spirit is picked up by others. Meaning, they can sense our vibes towards them.

2 Corinthians 1:4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

A comforting look towards people can make them feel safe, like you would be at home with God.
Thanks for reminding me of the power of a smile. Before I knew Christ I used to frown a lot. And people said I looked angry. They said they got the vibe to stay away. Since the Holy S pirit came to me I've been friendly and smiling and sociable. Everybody keeps asking me what happened. I've had a radical change in personality. I finally got the love I was looking for and I wanted to share it with others. It's especially good to smile at the homeless and ask them their name. This makes their day.
I smile at people when I walk by them. When I walk by with a mask on, I smile with my eyes.

Since we are all spirits inside our bodies, that energy from our spirit is picked up by others. Meaning, they can sense our vibes towards them.

2 Corinthians 1:4 who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

A comforting look towards people can make them feel safe, like you would be at home with God.
I like people like you when I'm out and about. I generally try to make some type of a connection with the checkout clerk too. Try to get them to smile if I can.
It's kinda stupid, but it throws a lot of them off when your checking out at the grocery store. When they ask if you want your milk in a bag, just tell them that you generally drink it out of a glass, or with cereal. ?
When the cashier asks me for my credit card I always say the guy behind me is paying for my groceries. Everybody laughs. One time someone actually did pay for my groceries. Then I give them a card that said God loves you. I always get a thank you and a great smile.
I like people like you when I'm out and about. I generally try to make some type of a connection with the checkout clerk too. Try to get them to smile if I can.
It's kinda stupid, but it throws a lot of them off when your checking out at the grocery store. When they ask if you want your milk in a bag, just tell them that you generally drink it out of a glass, or with cereal. ?

Yes. I always try to make them laugh and mess with them.

Then tip real good.