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Today I realize how much I do believe.....
I did not realize how much telling me that my religion is thought up by man would hurt or shock me. Yes, I was told this tonight in college by a professor. At first I was angered. But why be mad, I told myself. All humans are entitled to feel the way they do by free will. "That thing that the good Lord blessed all of us with." I had to realize they are also blessed to use it the way they want, even if that means not believing in and loving God.Sucking it up and eager to learn all about my religion and others from a historical view point, anyhow. I know mine ain't made up in my heart up and that is all that really counts...My opinion of Christianity is it was divinely inspired and brought forth by God through man. He lead those great men of faith to write the word...... GOD IS GOOD no matter what anyone says and He is as real as my son that is standing before me !
You're well on your way to understanding GRACE, and the love that envelops it.
Willie T thank you ! I try oh, do I try. Some of the subjects that I take are taught by atheist. I usually do not let anything offend me, but I am human and in love with Christ ! Having a very spiritual moment and grateful for it !
Yeah, college professors tend to be pretentious and decidedly against Christianity. One of my parents is a professor, so I grew up around it, When I was in undergrad the first time, way back when, I had a professor who compared communion to cannibalism. That was extra special, trust me.
Today I realize how much I do believe.....
I did not realize how much telling me that my religion is thought up by man would hurt or shock me. Yes, I was told this tonight in college by a professor. At first I was angered. But why be mad, I told myself. All humans are entitled to feel the way they do by free will. "That thing that the good Lord blessed all of us with." I had to realize they are also blessed to use it the way they want, even if that means not believing in and loving God.Sucking it up and eager to learn all about my religion and others from a historical view point, anyhow. I know mine ain't made up in my heart up and that is all that really counts...My opinion of Christianity is it was divinely inspired and brought forth by God through man. He lead those great men of faith to write the word...... GOD IS GOOD no matter what anyone says and He is as real as my son that is standing before me !
Awww, Kelly you have such a big heart. :)
One point I do want to make clear. While our God is very real, and not "invented", I firmly believe that a very large portion of our practice of "religion" is strictly manmade.


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