I hear you. All good points. I don't think it is a complete waste of time as it makes you think your position, but if you are trying to change minds then one would be frustrated IMO.
Aside: Too bad you don't debate ... I think you would be on my side so I could just take a break, sit and watch and type I AGREE. :yes
Regarding debate not a complete waste of time:
We're all on a journey.
What I mean is:
There is a JAG-2000 . . . and a FF-2000
There is a JAG-2021. . . . and a FF 2021
21 years makes a difference in our interests, our needs, and what we decide to do with our time
Back when I was continually bickering and squabbling I obviously thought, at the time, that I needed to do that.
And it was very easy for me to engage.
Now I get bored to tears with it ~ for one thing as the years roll on, you began to see an
endless pattern of repetition. Both sides say the same things over and over and over again and again
and again. True in atheists vs. Christian threads, true in abortion threads, true in Armenian vs. Calvinists
And . . .politics ! . . . LOL . . (political "debates" . . what can I say! It's an insane asylum.)
Just being chatty here:
I came to the conclusion a good while ago that:
(1) all human problems are at root, spiritual problems
(2) there are only spiritual solutions to spiritual problems
(3) there are no political solutions to spiritual problems
(4) political policies CAN temporarily "fix" the problem for awhile
but the same root problem will merely go underground and later
resurface . . . . in a new form . . . . . with a different name.
Why is that?
(5) Because the Lord Jesus and His gospel is the one and only cure for
human problems.
Here is what solves human problems:
(A) John 3:3 you must be born again (regenerated)
(B) John 3:16 you must believe in Jesus as your Savior
(C) Galatians 5:22-23 you must allow the Holy Spirit to produce His fruits
in your life ~ love, joy, peace, gentleness, patience etc
ANYTHING ,, , , NOT , , , A,B,C will FAIL as a permanent fix to the human problem.
Neither the GOP or the Donk Party has ABC in their political platforms.
Question: Am I an idealist?
Politics will NEVER go away.
By the way, me and my entire family always vote Republican.
Sometimes we have to hold our nose and vote Republican.
I am a political Conservative (yet I know Christian morality cannot be codified
(and enforced) apart from a police state.)
Sin is the problem.
And the one and only way to hugely reduce the amount of sin in America
is A,B,C up there actually realized.
So I spend my time, these days, pushing forward ABC up there.
How could I not do that, since I am convinced that ABC is the one and only
true permanent fix for America (and the world.)
God Bless.
By the way, regarding solutions to human problems that are apart from
ABC that is, apart from the Lord Jesus:
My view: Trying to find solutions to human problems apart from the Lord Jesus
is the very definition of a False Religion.
Think about it.