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Bible Study Faith


Fight the good fight of faith
2024 Supporter
Faith means the trustworthiness or reliance on Gods word for his salvation for us who believe in him. It's a belief in the promises and blessings of his word and applying his word to our daily walk with him by seeing the confidence in the testimony of others.

The nature of faith is seen through the fruits of the Spirit, which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance, which these fruits brings about kindness, self control and faithfulness through the works of God that comes from our heart.

Faith gives us freedom from condemnation and freedom of salvation through adoption as we become one body in the Lord as we walk by faith, live by faith, pray by faith and resist evil by faith. By faith we are an overcomer of this world as we stand fast and are grounded in Gods word knowing we have assurance of all of his promises that makes us victorious in all things here on earth by us applying his word to our lives to know for a surety that he will never leave us or forsake us.

Faith is a living reality in ones life through Gods service by declaring his word as we bear witness to his name by the mighty works he has done. It’s not even our faith, but that of Jesus who is our faith as we believe in who he has said he was and to the glory and honor that he has brought before the Father through his life, death and resurrection that we to can become heirs to the throne of grace by coming boldly to his throne and surrendering all of us to him to be Lord and Savior of our live.

Hebrews chapter 11 is probably one of the greatest faith chapters in the Bible as it brings us back to the OT Prophets who by faith believed in God and it was counted unto them in God's righteousness. We have these same promises today and forever because of the covenant God made with Abraham in Genesis 12:1-3 and for all generations to come because we are the heirs of God and joint-heirs of Christ, Romans 8:12-17.​
The concept of Biblical faith can be understood by the commonalities among the great stories of faith in the Bible:
  • All have a belief that the Word of God is Truth (reliable).
  • All took action that was based on that belief.
  • The 'hoped for' results were in line with the will of God, that is to say, it was not offensive to Him.
  • All were persistent in their actions despite any trials / obstacles they encountered because of their confidence in that belief.
christian1724 is absolutely correct.
Faith requires belief, but it also requires action. If there is no action, then that faith is dead. Action is the spirit that gives life to the body of belief (James 2:26).

Consider a chair. You see the chair and think it looks sturdy. You BELIEVE it will support you if you were to sit on it. You think and rationalize and debate the merits of sitting, but still you have no rest for your feet.
Faith is actually putting your butt in the seat and taking the weight off your feet and trusting the chair to support you and deliver on the promise of rest.

It is the same with God. If we fail to fully trust Him, and throw ourselves into full obedience to His commands, then we will fail to experience the rest He promises to those who do obey Him. Remember what was said in Heb 5:9, “And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,”

Who will be saved? Only those who obey Christ.
Php 1:27

Only let your conversation be as it becomes the gospel of Christ KJV
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ NASB
Only worthy of the Good News of the Christ live as a citizen of The Kingdom.
The word rendered, Let your conversation be, politeúō; signifies literally, "to behave as citizens of some city or nation." To the Church this is truly the Kingdom of God.

Eph_4:1. Col_1:10. 1Th_2:12; 1Th_4:1.

There is no higher charge given in the Bible than to Live a life WORTHY of the Gospel of Christ!
There is no charge harder to stand firm on than to Live a life worthy of the Gospel of Christ.
Yet, this is where we stand and the Discipleship we seek to attain in Christ Jesus as His servants.
The righteousness of God which is ours in GRACE by faith in Jesus Christ
Made Righteous freely by His Grace through the propitiation in Jesus Christ.
Grace is the unmerited gift of a loving Father to meet our need in what we could not do.
Faith is when the truth of that gift becomes real to me
and I accept it without having to see the evidence.
Simply I Believe God without having to see proof!

This is the GOSPEL, the good news, In Christ there is real HOPE, JOY, SALVATION.
For this to be our main goal in life My ALL In ALL is JESUS, there are many ways to serve and live for HIM.