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Family Worship


Lately this topic has been a popular one in our home, and I thought I might bring it up here...and share a good resource if that's okay.

Our family is always tweaking the daily schedule, but we noticed that Bible Study and Worship is always there no matter what else is going on. I did not grow up in a family of believers, and so for me to worship with my family is a dream come true. Michael and I are both very musical...singing and playing various instruments...and we desire to bless the Lord, and our family, through psalms, hymns, and praise songs. It is something that we have to make time for, and at times it's a challenge, but it is always worth it. For us, our main ministry is discipling our children, and being discipled by the Lord ourselves.

Last night we went to a hymn sing at the home of some of our friends. There were about 30 people, and we knew about half. Anyway, we utilized this program from a home discipleship ministry. It has CD's to aid people in learning the different parts of the hymns, and we just had a wonderful time singing...and worshipping...together as families. Singing is just one aspect of worship, but I looked up the site and found that they are really simply encouraging family discipleship period. I thought it was a great calling, and it reflects something that our family has been excited about for some time. I was very encouraged.

I just wanted to share with other families about this resource, but mostly about the idea that we should be praying, studying, and singing together. A family worship hour. My most blessed time of the day is prayer and study with Michael after the children are asleep. I love talking to Him about the Lord, and listening to him share about his own love of God. I am amazed at how God can lead a couple by his Holy Spirit one accord. My second favorite time is the Bible studies with the see them grow in Him, and learn things that they will practice for generations. It's wonderful, and I believe a God-given vision. Anyway, I just wanted to share, remind, and provide a bit of a resource. If anyone else has any good ideas for family worship, I'd love to hear them.

The Lord bless all of you.
I have recently set a date for my wedding which has made getting married even more real. On this note I was wondering if you have any tips about how to get into a routine for study/prayer/worship within a marriage.

At the moment we go to the same housegroup (cell group) and lead a youth group together which leads to some bible discussion etc. and we naturally talk about God as he is part of our lives, but I wonder how to take this further if you see what I mean.

Any advice would be fab especially as we are both from christian backgrounds that don't have family worship time. looking forward i would like to have this time with children etc. and think establishing something as husband and wife would provide a good base.
dancing queen,

I read this late tonight. I am going to consider, and respond fully later.

I will tell you that when I was first married to my late husband we studied two books that did impact had a study guide. We really had no clue about marriage at this time, and these books were very new concepts to us.

The Exlempary Husband, by Stuart Scott
The Excellent Wife, by Martha Peace...I believe I had a study guide for this one.

I will add more later. The Lord bless you.
Having just been to the opening of Hope City |Church new Liverpool megacentre @ Canalside Leisure Centre, Vauxhall Road, Kirkdale, Liverpool - on the 57 & 130 bus routes - I'm sure their website details classes in this vital topic, as well as many others

It's all at the online magazine

Here's its life-coaching section:- ... ching.aspx

I'm sure this is the right feature, but have no time now to read it:- ... ature.aspx

Must go!

God bless!

I was wondering if you have any tips about how to get into a routine for study/prayer/worship within a marriage

Sometimes newly married people have time for travel (before kids). You can read to each other while driving. Books such as The Autobiography of George Mueller" or Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret", or almost anything by Andrew Murray can stimulate conversation. These discussions can become a type of devotion and "searching the scriptures" time.

You may want to be cautious regarding a "routine". In a way, there can be a benefit to having one's devotional time integrated into every aspect of family life. The Bible paints a picture of parents instructing children in this integrated way;

Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God is one LORD: And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Wow Lovely!! Your children will be so blessed to have this kind of a home to grow up in! You are like the salt Jesus talked about, it really made me desire the same for our home. I checked out the website and got the book too. Our first kiddo is coming soon and I am excited to give them Jesus at home regularly. Never stop what your doing. You know how things become routine and then fizzle out? I need the reminder more than you do that this is the ONE thing in life worth always fighting for: fellowship with God. Thanks for sharing, be blessed.