- Jun 21, 2009
- 10,783
- 414
I am the happy, proud father of two sons. I've had the opportunity to learn many things about being a father. It's been quite an involved process but the Bible says, "Where you are weak, there you are strong." The particular position of a father is a very high calling. Much of this applies both the the father and the mother, both being in a position of authority over the children in the family. Plus, there is so much to learn. You might be surprised how much there is to learn even if you're not a father as we go through it.
We, as fathers, are the head of the human race. God has ordained the father to be the head of the family and the family is the head of the human race. God is of course, head of all, and He is a Father. It's interesting that those who don't know God tend to say, "We have the family and the father holds a certain position and all, and there is an image of what we have as "father" and we apply that to some being out there because that's what we call our parent and we try to extend what we know to what we don't know.
But that's for those who don't believe God but the Bible says that it was just the opposite way. That God was first. He occupies a certain position, He has a certain authority and responsibility and He transferred that to those on earth. And on earth, he placed the man into that position. So God holds the position and He puts that position of authority to those of us who are fathers on earth. For we are expressing God on earth, and it's true.
We are expressing God on earth. Those tender souls that are brought up in your family tend to know God and understand life largely depending on how the father plays his role, given by God. We find in life that we are largely shaped by what happens in our family. And whether the father was the prime source of that molding, still he is chiefly responsible. The prominent role that a father plays in the lives of their children isn't limited to the family. From what happens in the family, in the community, in the school and civil organizations and then in the nation and then in the earth. He is chiefly responsible and therefore the father chiefly shapes the future of this life.
Now in the New Testament, under the new covenant, God's role is chiefly seen as Father and we are chiefly seen as sons. Because we entered into a new relationship with God that was not the old covenant. In the old covenant, they were not born again. In the new covenant, we are begotten of God, anew, afresh. The bible calls it being "born of God." Now, being born of God, we enter into a very new and wonderful relationship. In this relationship, God becomes our Father. Jesus becomes our "pattern" that we have on earth. He began every prayer that we have recorded with, "Father..."
Our Example
Every prayer. Read them. Stretch them out. There are seven of them recorded and every one begain by Jesus saying, "Father." And so He is our example. To us, for the position that God takes in our life as being chiefly "Father" because we are born again. Now, very important role, this High Calling of God, that should be taken with a marvelous magnitude of rejoicing but also with great sobriety, but is also so viciously attacked.
I don't know of any generation where the role of father has be so systematically maligned and undermined and tried to be cast down as the one we are in now. The magnitude of the importance of a father is being played down in our society. Or fathers are not given their due, nor the feeling or sense of responsibility that they should. The role of a father is being mocked, and they are being accused. The responsibility of a father is being shirked. The respect to the office is being undermined. Other offices of authority are also being treated this way but it chiefly stands that if that one can be cast down then the very family can be corrupted from within. The true position of a father is being threatened in these days. I would dare say that every one of us here has been effected by this.
"King" of the hill
Have you ever played king of the hill? It doesn't matter how you do it, whether you push or pull, but you have to get that guy off the hill. If you trying pushing and he resists then you change the direction and pull him down on top of you, just so long as you get that guy off of the hill. That's what the devil is doing these days. Trying anything to remove fatherhood from its God given place and cast it into one of two ditches.
The 1st "ditch"
The first position (or target) is the father as a wimp. Can I use that word? That's the one ditch. The father has become a wimp, a milk-toast. Pushed around without the position of authority and therefore without the feeling of responsibility. There is a very basic concept that must be understood and that is about authority. Authority is being attacked, it's almost as if a person isn't in authority or something, like people are saying, "Who are you to tell me what to do?" and children are saying this to their parents, they are saying this to their teachers, they are saying this to the government. "You can't tell me what to do."
And there's a real simple reason why they are there to tell them what to do. And this is it: that person has responsibility for some aspect of that other one's life. And in the area they are responsible of necessity they have authority. If the teacher is responsible to see that the child is taught, then he has authority to ensure that child gets taught. That child comes out of that school untaught? Who's responsible? The teacher. Now, if society strips away the authority of that teacher, then that teacher has a right to relinquish his responsibility. He can say, "I'm not responsible for what those kids turn out like," because he didn't have authority.
Now, if on one hand you say to an individual that, "You are responsible," but on the other hand there is no authority to carry out such responsibility, you have frustrated that individual beyond tears. And that is exactly what is being done in our school system. No discipline. Don't in any way infringe upon his freedom and expression of development, yet you are responsible for the final product. Well, you and the television set, that is. But I digress....
In the family the same kind of thing is happening. The fathers were one-time-boys who grew up in a family. Many times they are brought up and not given any responsibility. They are not taught to work. They're babied. They are "mamby-pambied". Not shown the consequences of their actions. They are not required to do the hard things or cause the child to develop. They are over mothered oftentimes. They are over there somewhere doing "their own thing" in selfishness and therefore the mother, without security in the husband, tries to find security in the children. Oftentimes young boys are over-mothered and we find effeminate men on the increase in the nation. There is no strength of decision because as a child, he's never brought up that way, with responsibilities and so he doesn't have to carry them out and comes up into a position where he fathers a child and he doesn't know what to do with it. Well, that's one ditch, one place that fathers may be thrown toward in the struggle for the family and hence the earth.
Another ditch would be when a father becomes a tyrant. What happens again, he enters into the fatherhood position, and because of insecurities and all kinds of reasons, he's trying to seek his "respect". He's looking for a place where he can hold out something and really say, "This is MINE." He wants to bring forth some fruit where he has control over it and so he tries to take that authority and take that position by domineering. He's putting himself into authority without the Love of God and without the sensitivity. Therefore he becomes a tyrant. Forcing, controlling. Not in touch with the needs of the children. Or the wife and he becomes a tyrant. Harsh, overbearing and unloving. That's another one of the two ditches.
Interesting that both of these come because of a lack of love and because of a lack of sacrifice.
(more later, as time allows)
I am the happy, proud father of two sons. I've had the opportunity to learn many things about being a father. It's been quite an involved process but the Bible says, "Where you are weak, there you are strong." The particular position of a father is a very high calling. Much of this applies both the the father and the mother, both being in a position of authority over the children in the family. Plus, there is so much to learn. You might be surprised how much there is to learn even if you're not a father as we go through it.
We, as fathers, are the head of the human race. God has ordained the father to be the head of the family and the family is the head of the human race. God is of course, head of all, and He is a Father. It's interesting that those who don't know God tend to say, "We have the family and the father holds a certain position and all, and there is an image of what we have as "father" and we apply that to some being out there because that's what we call our parent and we try to extend what we know to what we don't know.
But that's for those who don't believe God but the Bible says that it was just the opposite way. That God was first. He occupies a certain position, He has a certain authority and responsibility and He transferred that to those on earth. And on earth, he placed the man into that position. So God holds the position and He puts that position of authority to those of us who are fathers on earth. For we are expressing God on earth, and it's true.
We are expressing God on earth. Those tender souls that are brought up in your family tend to know God and understand life largely depending on how the father plays his role, given by God. We find in life that we are largely shaped by what happens in our family. And whether the father was the prime source of that molding, still he is chiefly responsible. The prominent role that a father plays in the lives of their children isn't limited to the family. From what happens in the family, in the community, in the school and civil organizations and then in the nation and then in the earth. He is chiefly responsible and therefore the father chiefly shapes the future of this life.
Now in the New Testament, under the new covenant, God's role is chiefly seen as Father and we are chiefly seen as sons. Because we entered into a new relationship with God that was not the old covenant. In the old covenant, they were not born again. In the new covenant, we are begotten of God, anew, afresh. The bible calls it being "born of God." Now, being born of God, we enter into a very new and wonderful relationship. In this relationship, God becomes our Father. Jesus becomes our "pattern" that we have on earth. He began every prayer that we have recorded with, "Father..."
Our Example
Every prayer. Read them. Stretch them out. There are seven of them recorded and every one begain by Jesus saying, "Father." And so He is our example. To us, for the position that God takes in our life as being chiefly "Father" because we are born again. Now, very important role, this High Calling of God, that should be taken with a marvelous magnitude of rejoicing but also with great sobriety, but is also so viciously attacked.
I don't know of any generation where the role of father has be so systematically maligned and undermined and tried to be cast down as the one we are in now. The magnitude of the importance of a father is being played down in our society. Or fathers are not given their due, nor the feeling or sense of responsibility that they should. The role of a father is being mocked, and they are being accused. The responsibility of a father is being shirked. The respect to the office is being undermined. Other offices of authority are also being treated this way but it chiefly stands that if that one can be cast down then the very family can be corrupted from within. The true position of a father is being threatened in these days. I would dare say that every one of us here has been effected by this.
"King" of the hill
Have you ever played king of the hill? It doesn't matter how you do it, whether you push or pull, but you have to get that guy off the hill. If you trying pushing and he resists then you change the direction and pull him down on top of you, just so long as you get that guy off of the hill. That's what the devil is doing these days. Trying anything to remove fatherhood from its God given place and cast it into one of two ditches.
The 1st "ditch"
The first position (or target) is the father as a wimp. Can I use that word? That's the one ditch. The father has become a wimp, a milk-toast. Pushed around without the position of authority and therefore without the feeling of responsibility. There is a very basic concept that must be understood and that is about authority. Authority is being attacked, it's almost as if a person isn't in authority or something, like people are saying, "Who are you to tell me what to do?" and children are saying this to their parents, they are saying this to their teachers, they are saying this to the government. "You can't tell me what to do."
And there's a real simple reason why they are there to tell them what to do. And this is it: that person has responsibility for some aspect of that other one's life. And in the area they are responsible of necessity they have authority. If the teacher is responsible to see that the child is taught, then he has authority to ensure that child gets taught. That child comes out of that school untaught? Who's responsible? The teacher. Now, if society strips away the authority of that teacher, then that teacher has a right to relinquish his responsibility. He can say, "I'm not responsible for what those kids turn out like," because he didn't have authority.
Now, if on one hand you say to an individual that, "You are responsible," but on the other hand there is no authority to carry out such responsibility, you have frustrated that individual beyond tears. And that is exactly what is being done in our school system. No discipline. Don't in any way infringe upon his freedom and expression of development, yet you are responsible for the final product. Well, you and the television set, that is. But I digress....
In the family the same kind of thing is happening. The fathers were one-time-boys who grew up in a family. Many times they are brought up and not given any responsibility. They are not taught to work. They're babied. They are "mamby-pambied". Not shown the consequences of their actions. They are not required to do the hard things or cause the child to develop. They are over mothered oftentimes. They are over there somewhere doing "their own thing" in selfishness and therefore the mother, without security in the husband, tries to find security in the children. Oftentimes young boys are over-mothered and we find effeminate men on the increase in the nation. There is no strength of decision because as a child, he's never brought up that way, with responsibilities and so he doesn't have to carry them out and comes up into a position where he fathers a child and he doesn't know what to do with it. Well, that's one ditch, one place that fathers may be thrown toward in the struggle for the family and hence the earth.
Another ditch would be when a father becomes a tyrant. What happens again, he enters into the fatherhood position, and because of insecurities and all kinds of reasons, he's trying to seek his "respect". He's looking for a place where he can hold out something and really say, "This is MINE." He wants to bring forth some fruit where he has control over it and so he tries to take that authority and take that position by domineering. He's putting himself into authority without the Love of God and without the sensitivity. Therefore he becomes a tyrant. Forcing, controlling. Not in touch with the needs of the children. Or the wife and he becomes a tyrant. Harsh, overbearing and unloving. That's another one of the two ditches.
Interesting that both of these come because of a lack of love and because of a lack of sacrifice.
(more later, as time allows)