There.....I put a smiley face after that post so you won't think I'm angry and upset.
I explained it in my post.
We no longer have servants charged with the job of washing people's feet that the practice is somehow meaningful in our Western societies (maybe it is in your backward, God forsaken socialist country
. Why you stay there is beyond me. ). I suggested that if the church wants to continue the practice in the name of servanthood and humility, make it more meaningful and a real test of humility.....clean each other's shoes in the lobby before every meeting of the saints. Any takers? .....not holding my breath on that suggestion. It's too real and useful and would actually accomplish what Christ intended.
And so explain to me how it is that people at the church's annual foot washing CAN'T wash their own feet that it is somehow a show of humility.
Have you ever been to a church's scheduled foot washing? Everyone makes sure they wash their own feet before they come and that they have fresh socks on. And the foot washing is actually just pouring water over the tops of their feet into a plastic wash tub. It's a ridiculous not so real world exercise in pseudo humility. Real humility would be, for example, scrubbing the toilet out after your fellow church goer uses it after the church dinner. That's a real job that someone has, and one that is useful, and one that most certainly would require true Christ-like humility. Any takers? Or are we just going to stick with the once a year ceremonial wetting of the pleasantly clean and perfumed feet of people who don't need their feet washed in the first place?