I emphatically believe in trusting by faith in God to be with us on everything we do.
But I have to agree with you, Reba. When we start looking at it like,"Well, I did THIS, God, so I expect you to give me THAT as a payment that I have earned by doing my part."... then there just may be something wrong with how we understand Scripture.
I understand where you're coming from, and it's not as if you're wrong. But in the same vein, I can't say that iLove is wrong either.
Looking back through the scriptures, we see patterns. In the OT, almost everything was
if this, then that. If you obey, then I will bless you and so forth, if you do not, then I will not bless you. The OT is entirely typified of behavior and things to come.
Take tithes for example. One can obey them and be blessed. Or one can try to mock God, and only pay tithes in order to try to make a profit from Him. God is not a vending machine and will not be mocked, this is true.
But if ones heart is in the right place, and the relationship is secure, then there's no mockery involved, but a confident knowledge of how God is and what to expect from Him. It's like having a good friend that one can count on. If you walk with honor with regard to your friend, then you know that you can count on him to do certain things for you. This is not done with the same heart and position of one that is demanding that his friend do something, this is a confidence and trust that he will. It is in this light, that we very surely can depend upon the Lord and expect for Him to respond in the ways which he has told us that He will in scripture.
This is how I am perceiving iLove's post to be made in. He has a good heart for the Lord and so his faith and trust in the Lord is confident, not demanding. Can you see the difference?