The K.J. all alone is good enough for me with ones penned 'testified' word of man's description of Inspiration from the Holy Ghost! This Bible even with that pen will TRANSLATE ITS MEANING as God Tel's us! Rom. 8:14 (AND NOT JER. 17:5 ones!!)
Who cares that the many names for satan are in Rev. 12, only these ones who are LED! And to fight the LEADING of Him with any of these names elsewhere used (or meaning the same) as the LOST REBEL is just that of.. kicking against the ...banned word deleted here...s or quenching or grieving Him. (Heb. 6:3 from Heb. 5:13)
The K.J. of Eze. 28 or Isa. 14:12 + many more of Matt. 4:4 & 2 Tim. 3:16 REQUIREMENTS have MANY WORDS USED to IDENTIFY the ex/covering cherub that rebelled from heaven. (perhaps some think that sin did not start with satan)
And other translations for this [one or two word] hobby/horse stuff [of satan] to vent ones anger & to lose the true doctrine of satan?? that is NOT OF GOD, but is of satan!
But, if one was to use the Jewish publication of their translation of the Holy Scripture Volume 2 on these couple verses, which I will do. But first, who would be the best for translations than LEGALISTS?? And many more reasons.. such as who was here FIRST WITH ALL TRANSLATIONS.
Rev. 9:1 tells us that a star was seen falling from heaven. Surely that WORD alone requires much study! Christ is said to be the [DAY STAR]. 2 Peter 1:19!
OK: The Jewish Bible says on Isa. 14:12 'How [art thou fallen from heaven], O DAY STAR, [SON OF THE MORNING]!]'
Now: We see Eze, 28:13-15 with 'thou wast in the garden of God'.. 'the workmanship of thy settings and of thy sockets was in thee, in the day that thou [wast created]..' Thou wast [THE FAR COVERING CHERUB]; and [I HAVE SET THEE, so that thou [wast] upon the holy mountain of God;..' (same source)
And it IS CHRIST who said in Luke 10:18 that 'I saw satan [as lightening FALL FROM HEAVEN].'
Yet, one does not use Matt. 4:4 + 2 Tim. 3:16 to straighten the Truth out, but just makes a hobby/horse out of men's descriptive words.
PS: And if one is truly sincere? Then they best do the Psalms 77:13 REQUIRED SIGHT SEEING! (THE MOST HOLY PLACE)
Who cares that the many names for satan are in Rev. 12, only these ones who are LED! And to fight the LEADING of Him with any of these names elsewhere used (or meaning the same) as the LOST REBEL is just that of.. kicking against the ...banned word deleted here...s or quenching or grieving Him. (Heb. 6:3 from Heb. 5:13)
The K.J. of Eze. 28 or Isa. 14:12 + many more of Matt. 4:4 & 2 Tim. 3:16 REQUIREMENTS have MANY WORDS USED to IDENTIFY the ex/covering cherub that rebelled from heaven. (perhaps some think that sin did not start with satan)
And other translations for this [one or two word] hobby/horse stuff [of satan] to vent ones anger & to lose the true doctrine of satan?? that is NOT OF GOD, but is of satan!
But, if one was to use the Jewish publication of their translation of the Holy Scripture Volume 2 on these couple verses, which I will do. But first, who would be the best for translations than LEGALISTS?? And many more reasons.. such as who was here FIRST WITH ALL TRANSLATIONS.
Rev. 9:1 tells us that a star was seen falling from heaven. Surely that WORD alone requires much study! Christ is said to be the [DAY STAR]. 2 Peter 1:19!
OK: The Jewish Bible says on Isa. 14:12 'How [art thou fallen from heaven], O DAY STAR, [SON OF THE MORNING]!]'
Now: We see Eze, 28:13-15 with 'thou wast in the garden of God'.. 'the workmanship of thy settings and of thy sockets was in thee, in the day that thou [wast created]..' Thou wast [THE FAR COVERING CHERUB]; and [I HAVE SET THEE, so that thou [wast] upon the holy mountain of God;..' (same source)
And it IS CHRIST who said in Luke 10:18 that 'I saw satan [as lightening FALL FROM HEAVEN].'
Yet, one does not use Matt. 4:4 + 2 Tim. 3:16 to straighten the Truth out, but just makes a hobby/horse out of men's descriptive words.
PS: And if one is truly sincere? Then they best do the Psalms 77:13 REQUIRED SIGHT SEEING! (THE MOST HOLY PLACE)