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[ Testimony ] Fish, Loaves, Why Not Cash?


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I run a small business. Every month when I balance the books, it's a struggle just to make payroll. The checking account is rarely above 20K. So I asked the Lord, how about an extra jolt for the business account? Don't have to, of course, just asking. Something in the neighborhood of 10-15k to help make ends meet.

Yesterday after downloading bank info to Quickbooks, the program tells me there's a discrepancy. Would I like a balance adjustment? The discrepancy is in my favor, and is a little under $11.5K.

I said yes.
Praise God; I love to hear such testimonies. There's an old cliché something to the effect that God is seldom early, but He is never late. He knows the road we take, and He supplies the need along with the mercy and grace that encourages our faith of His presence with us in the fires we encounter. Blessings brother in Christ Jesus.
I'm still in shock. There's no normal way this could happen. Small discrepancies, sure, even $100 sometimes. But this??!! I half expected it to be all gone today, or get a call from the bank, but nada. Today paid off one of my small business loans.

All I can say is [keanureeves]Whoa![/keanureeves].
That's awesome, KevinK. It reminds me of what some older, wiser Christians have told me: "Jesus died for YOU; not just your sins, but the whole of you." To me, that would include blessing some of us financially when He deems appropriate.
I'm still in shock. There's no normal way this could happen. Small discrepancies, sure, even $100 sometimes. But this??!! I half expected it to be all gone today, or get a call from the bank, but nada. Today paid off one of my small business loans.

All I can say is [keanureeves]Whoa![/keanureeves].
God is amazing in every facet of our lives even in our finances.
Give God the Glory and express your trust and faithfulness by giving back to the Lord 10%
with a Thankful heart and sit back and watch what God does in your finances and in your business
I run a small business. Every month when I balance the books, it's a struggle just to make payroll. The checking account is rarely above 20K. So I asked the Lord, how about an extra jolt for the business account? Don't have to, of course, just asking. Something in the neighborhood of 10-15k to help make ends meet.

Yesterday after downloading bank info to Quickbooks, the program tells me there's a discrepancy. Would I like a balance adjustment? The discrepancy is in my favor, and is a little under $11.5K.

I said yes.
The other day He sent a fan motor for my furnace my way. I'm learning to trust Him in all things... I've been chewing His ear a little lately about a small piece of land I've got my eye on.

Thanks for your testimony, I am edified by it brother. :)
But that money always exsited right? would that money cease to exsist if you worshiped the wrong god.
Well it is aparent to me that it was not there then all of a sudden there it was...
Romans 8:28 tells us
28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
.just believe By faith and trust in Gods sovereignty in our lives. It is a hard concept to grasp for unbelievers


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