cupid dave
You are really getting silly with your attempts to object to every point with what amounts to nonsense.
Of course there was time when the environment of the Earth was ideal for a general Spontaneous Generation of life of various types.
These were the first sprouts of life.
They were the foundation for the evolutionary developments from that first era of Abiogenesis.
Both of these concepts are in essence the same idea.
Abiogenesis is merely that appearance of life from the atomic dirt of the earth.
The hypothesis offers the view that the organic materials became abundant and available to an organic Chemistry.
Thougth such considerations were beyond the early suggestion of a Spontaneous Generation, the ideas are the same.
Of course there was time when the environment of the Earth was ideal for a general Spontaneous Generation of life of various types.
These were the first sprouts of life.
They were the foundation for the evolutionary developments from that first era of Abiogenesis.
Both of these concepts are in essence the same idea.
Abiogenesis is merely that appearance of life from the atomic dirt of the earth.
The hypothesis offers the view that the organic materials became abundant and available to an organic Chemistry.
Thougth such considerations were beyond the early suggestion of a Spontaneous Generation, the ideas are the same.