“Focused On The World Or On Christ”
Colossians 3:1-3 NLT
Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.
I have been realizing so much lately in my life how easy it becomes to focus on the things of this world. Obviously, we’ve had a lot that has bombarded our minds this year that we’ve never had to deal with before. It is so easy for us to become focused on things that we need to take care of and lose sight that our focus needs to be on Christ.
For me, it is so easy for me to become focused on things at work, at home and so many other little things that need to be done and decisions that need to be made instead of focusing on letting Christ lead me. It just seems easier, for some reason, to let my mind become engrossed and overwhelmed with all the cares of the world and neglect focusing on my Savior, Jesus Christ. We all know we should focus on Him, but often, it’s just the opposite. We tend to focus on anything but Christ and then somehow expect things in our every day lives to go right.
Friends, I know that we all have so much going on in life right now that we’re still trying to process and work through. None of us are in an isolated situation when it comes to many of the things we are dealing with. We are all overwhelmed and concerned in many ways. We just let ourselves become too focused on the world and not focused on Jesus. But, we have to ask ourselves, are we going to be focused on what we want in the world or the life we are meant to have in Christ?
Often times, we like being focused on the world and all the temporary pleasures we get from chasing after things, don’t we? Come on! Admit it! We all like to chase after things that we know we shouldn’t and then somehow we think that we should be able to have the best of both worlds and try to focus on Christ as well. We think, “Hey, I can have the world and Christ, too!” Nope!!! Stop it!!! Don’t even think that. It doesn’t work that way. I struggle with the same thoughts often.
Friends, we are either consumed by and focused on the world or on Christ. We need to choose. We cannot have both and it will wear us out doing both. I encourage all of us to choose which way we will go. Let’s set our minds and hearts on Christ and not things of this world. We can enjoy what God has given to us in this world, but not to be focused and consumed by the world.
Are we focused on the world or on Christ?
Colossians 3:1-3 NLT
Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. For you died to this life, and your real life is hidden with Christ in God.
I have been realizing so much lately in my life how easy it becomes to focus on the things of this world. Obviously, we’ve had a lot that has bombarded our minds this year that we’ve never had to deal with before. It is so easy for us to become focused on things that we need to take care of and lose sight that our focus needs to be on Christ.
For me, it is so easy for me to become focused on things at work, at home and so many other little things that need to be done and decisions that need to be made instead of focusing on letting Christ lead me. It just seems easier, for some reason, to let my mind become engrossed and overwhelmed with all the cares of the world and neglect focusing on my Savior, Jesus Christ. We all know we should focus on Him, but often, it’s just the opposite. We tend to focus on anything but Christ and then somehow expect things in our every day lives to go right.
Friends, I know that we all have so much going on in life right now that we’re still trying to process and work through. None of us are in an isolated situation when it comes to many of the things we are dealing with. We are all overwhelmed and concerned in many ways. We just let ourselves become too focused on the world and not focused on Jesus. But, we have to ask ourselves, are we going to be focused on what we want in the world or the life we are meant to have in Christ?
Often times, we like being focused on the world and all the temporary pleasures we get from chasing after things, don’t we? Come on! Admit it! We all like to chase after things that we know we shouldn’t and then somehow we think that we should be able to have the best of both worlds and try to focus on Christ as well. We think, “Hey, I can have the world and Christ, too!” Nope!!! Stop it!!! Don’t even think that. It doesn’t work that way. I struggle with the same thoughts often.
Friends, we are either consumed by and focused on the world or on Christ. We need to choose. We cannot have both and it will wear us out doing both. I encourage all of us to choose which way we will go. Let’s set our minds and hearts on Christ and not things of this world. We can enjoy what God has given to us in this world, but not to be focused and consumed by the world.
Are we focused on the world or on Christ?