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From death to life.


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Only God the holy spirit can call dead men to life. Only the spirit of God can convict men and women of sin, of righteousness and judgement. Only the spirit of God can reveal Christ in you. Yet if he calls, the Dead shall live. If he convicts, the heart will be convinced. If he reveals Christ, you will trust Christ. His power is invincible. His grace irresistible. His work infallible. We worship a great and wonderfull God. Give him ALL the credit and honor and praise for giving to his people, Life.............:)
The life is in the Spirit. Not in the flesh:carnal intellect, wisdom, reason. The life of the Spirit dwells in us. Jesus dwelled in the Father, the Father in Christ, both in us through the Spirit......thus life. Our spirit re-connected to the God of the universe.
'Christ in us the hope of glory'.
'Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything being from ourselves (carnal intellect, talents, skills, reason, worldly understanding), but our sufficiency is from God, who also made us sufficient as ministers(servants not lords) of the new covenant, not of the letter (ink on parchment), but of the Spirit; for the letter(bible's ink and paper), kills but the Spirit gives life.' 2Cor. 3:5-6 NKJV
Don't go apoplectic on me just yet.
The bible cannot and will not ever in a trillion years be grasped or understood by carnal flesh or an unredeemed mind, in a word, wretched, vile, sinful, fallen man.
'Except a man be born from above he cannot see/understand the kingdom of God.' Not in a trillion years. Flesh is flesh. Spirit is spirit.
The Word of God is Jesus. The written word is Spirit not fleshly. Only those that tap into that Spirit of God within, will ever have anything of the word revealed to him. This is where the life is at in Christ.
Now closer to the reading I believe is that the old covenant could not be kept. Death reigned therefore over the people. The new covenant brought in life for us through Christ in the Spirit. But still the Spirit must quicken His word to us or its a dead letter.
Do I have you confused yet? Smile.
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Flesh is flesh. Spirit is spirit

Well said...............Why then do men think they can make a choice while in the flesh. The two are so different.

Men cannot make a choice in their flesh if God left men ALONE. If God was not active in Men, men Would never make the Choice.

If Man was just left to himself, no man would make the choice. God has NOT left man to himself. Its called common Grace.

Ecc 3:11~~He has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in their heart(right lobe,mind), yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.

11~~He has manufactured out of doctrine
every thing good in its own time.

Also He has given the eternal doctrine
in their right lobes,
without which doctrine,
mankind cannot perceive
that which the God has made
from the beginning even to the end of history.
Why then do men think they can make a choice while in the flesh

Because God draws and the Holy Spirit convicts so that when a man hears the Gospel message (God's living Word) if he will dare to believe those Spirit filled, powerful Words he receives them and the Lord in His grace saves him. The Holy Spirit then indwells and seals.
I don't think a man can receive them in faith without the grace of God and without the Holy Spirit working in his heart.

Eph 2:8 "For by grace, ye are saved, through is a gift..."
Why then do men think they can make a choice while in the flesh

Because God draws and the Holy Spirit convicts so that when a man hears the Gospel message (God's living Word) if he will dare to believe those Spirit filled, powerful Words he receives them and the Lord in His grace saves him. The Holy Spirit then indwells and seals.
I don't think a man can receive them in faith without the grace of God and without the Holy Spirit working in his heart.

Eph 2:8 "For by grace, ye are saved, through is a gift..."

I agree in whole deb. God bless.

Now the part that gets me is that we have Christians that claim our Sovereign Lord leaves some men out or won't call some men. Its an attack on our Lords character and nature. And they think that they are defending His sovereignty.
Now the part that gets me is that we have Christians that claim our Sovereign Lord leaves some men out or won't call some men. Its an attack on our Lords character and nature. And they think that they are defending His sovereignty.

God commands All men, Everywhere to repent. If He tells us to do something, then He must give us a way to do it.
Doctrines of men

Now the part that gets me is that we have Christians that claim our Sovereign Lord leaves some men out or won't call some men. Its an attack on our Lords character and nature. And they think that they are defending His sovereignty.

How else are they going to talk about themselves being the ELECT all day long... day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... ?
God commands All men, Everywhere to repent. If He tells us to do something, then He must give us a way to do it.
Just an observation and my apologies in advance if I'm nit-picking a little but I would rather this statement read as such:

God commands All men, Everywhere to repent. If He tells us to do something, then He will give us a way to do it.

I don't think we are in a position to tell God what he must do or even to expect God to do anything beyond what he has promised.
God commands All men, Everywhere to repent. If He tells us to do something, then He will give us a way to do it.

That's good.
I didn't mean it as He MUST, as in telling God what He must do. Let see.... must as in, logically thinking...

If He tells us to do something then He must be going to or has provided a way to do that. Which is what I think you are saying.

Thanks for clearing that up.
Re: Doctrines of men

How else are they going to talk about themselves being the ELECT all day long... day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... ?

You seem to be stuck on the election of God's people. This is God's work.............We are either included in his plan of salvation or we are not. This wonderful doctrine is perhaps a stumbling block to some and a source of comfort and re-assurance to others but it is God that saves his people thru his son and his shed blood for his people. The bottom line is do you belong to him, not are you elect or not. He has the power to give life to his people and I thank him daily for what HE alone has done. We know our election and that way we can give HIM ,ALL the praise, honor and Glory due his name.

Knowing, brethren, beloved, your election of God..................1 Thessalonians 1:4
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering........ Colossians 3:12................And this we will do as he allows us to do.....................longsuffering and meekness, two of my most challenging needs. Blessings to you from our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ the Lord.
God commands All men, Everywhere to repent.

If God commands all men to repent THEN ALL men would repent, or is he not God. If he commands something it WILL be done BECAUSE he IS GOD.

God's sheep know and hear him. But there are those who are not his sheep and believe not.
And not all are called.....................Oh yes the general call goes out to all but it is a personal call to his sheep that he seeks and they know his voice and will come to him when he calls.

You seem to want to glory in what men do as a part of Salvation, I want to Glory in what Our Great God does in HIS salvation plan.........That's all.....He did it all........Give God ALL the honor, praise, and glory for what he has done and he saves his people without fail. May God bless you as only he can do......:)
If Man was just left to himself, no man would make the choice. God has NOT left man to himself. Its called common

There is a general call that goes out to all the world, but a personal call to each of his sheep. His sheep know his voice and will come. That's why he came to earth to seek out his lost sheep and he calls them by name. Some will not believe because they are not his sheep.
If God commands all men to repent THEN ALL men would repent, or is he not God. If he commands something it WILL be done BECAUSE he IS GOD.

Acts 17:29-31 KJV
29 Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device.
30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
31 Because he hath appointed a day, in the which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him from the dead.

What does the King James Bible say, " commandeth ALL men every where to repent"

He did command it.
Re: Doctrines of men

How else are they going to talk about themselves being the ELECT all day long... day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year... ?

You seem to be stuck on the election of God's people.

IMO this is you josef.. every thread, every post... all about John Calvin... and of course this is because it's what you have been taught... that you are the ELECT of God unconditionally...

This is God's work.............We are either included in his plan of salvation or we are not.

And once again, the plan is obvious... seek to save YOUR LIFE and lose it, or lose it for Christ and the gospel and save it.

All condemned in the FIRST ADAM... all justified freely in the LAST ADAM...

This wonderful doctrine is perhaps a stumbling block to some and a source of comfort and re-assurance to others but it is God that saves his people thru his son and his shed blood for his people.

ELECTION is a wonderful doctrine when it is centered upon the Lord Jesus Christ and Him alone.. it gets pretty ugly though when men are constantly boasting about how they're the elect, unconditionally.

It's a biblical fact that the Lord died not for our sins only, but for the sin of the world.

YEs we know that your teachers teach you that the world is not really the world but rather the elect...

The bottom line is do you belong to him, not are you elect or not. He has the power to give life to his people and I thank him daily for what HE alone has done. We know our election and that way we can give HIM ,ALL the praise, honor and Glory due his name.

Yes, I understand that the LORD Jesus Christ is the elect of God... do you understand that or will you insist that you're unconditionally elected by God... ?
Knowing, brethren, beloved, your election of God..................1 Thessalonians 1:4
Put on therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering........ Colossians 3:12................And this we will do as he allows us to do.....................longsuffering and meekness, two of my most challenging needs. Blessings to you from our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ the Lord.

That's right... we know that He hath from the beginning chosen us through sanctification of the spirit and belief of the truth..

Now why did He choose you ?
The S P E C I A L ones...

There is a general call that goes out to all the world, but a personal call to each of his sheep. His sheep know his voice and will come. That's why he came to earth to seek out his lost sheep and he calls them by name. Some will not believe because they are not his sheep.

Here we go... the S P E C I A L call to the elect...

It amazes me what people actually believe .
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He says that all may come, but He doesn't Really mean what He says?

All may come if they believe in him only as their saviour. Trouble is no one in there natural state will believe or come of themselves. So God choose a people, before he made the world, who will come when he calls. He chose them, justified them, died for them and Saves them without fail . The call goes out to many but only a few are choosen. "For many are called but few are choosen."............Matt.22:14

Throughout time a vast number of people are saved by our Great God. At any given time there is a remnet alive on the earth and God adds to and removes from this as he pleases. ' Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of Grace".........Romans 11:5. When someone dies they get to see God as he is, until then we are to occupy until he returns, giving him ALL the Glory, honor and praise for his wonderful plan of salvation and telling others they need a savior. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way. Trust him now and forever for he is A GREAT and powerful, loving God.

We are adopted into his family and called by him. "Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named."........Eph. 3:15

One short question? What do you believe happens when all the choosen are called and saved?
Re: The S P E C I A L ones...

It amazes me what people actually believe

well said.............It amazes me what people actually believe. I don't under stand why you get so angry at the simple doctrines of Grace by God alone. Give us all patience Lord...............................................................................

May God bless you as only he can do..............
Re: Doctrines of men

Now why did He choose you ?

Who knows what God does or why or how? Just that he does as he pleases, and I am thankful he included me. You should be also if you belong to him. Once again I ask you not to attack or try to change the Doctrines of a Soverign God. You don't like them and that's fine. I think all who read the forums see that I never attack what someone else believes. I quote scriptures often to support the truth. Believe as you will. I believe God chose me, died for me, and forgives me of my sins (that's good news) and I want to give him ALL the credit, honor and Glory for what he has done. Why did he chose me.................Because it pleased him to do so. May the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


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