I've probably shared these before, but I'll share my all-time favorite from my daughter and my all-time favorite from my son.
From my daughter, when she was just about 4 years old. We had supper and I fixed a broccoli salad with our supper. I love broccoli, but it has this "effect" on me. Later, when my daughter and I were sitting on the couch together, the broccoli kicked in and I ...you know
....! Suddenly my daughter's eyes got as big as saucers and she jumped up and looked out the curtains behind the couch. She said, "Momma, there's a BEAR out there! I heard it GROWLING!"
From my son, when he was about 4 as well. It was our family custom to have everyone say a little prayer at our dinner table before either my husband or I prayed the "table grace". Usually the kids would just say a little something. At that time, my son was still barely talking (long story that, due to his prolonged foster care), so usually his contribution to the prayer was a whispered "dank you Jesus" and that would be about it. Well, on this particular occasion, he had been in trouble earlier in the day. As a matter of fact, I had whacked his behind pretty sharply because he took off out into the fields even as I told him no. So, he was smacked pretty good and I have to admit I raised my voice with him as well, as fields with a bull and cows are no place for a little one and I wanted him to remember the message.
Well, he remembered it all right. When it came his time to pray that night at supper, he said, "Jesus, my momma panked me!" At this time I looked up at him and he had his head somewhat bowed and his little hands folded, but he was glowering right at me. He continued on "She panked me Jesus, she hit me and panked me! AND she Yelled at me, too! She did that, Jesus." I realized that my little boy was actually pulling rank on me and taking his grievance right to the top!
Both kids are riots and I laugh all the time with them, but I will always remember those two times.