Hi to all , and here is my take on Gal 1:7 .
1) Here is a literal Translation of Gal 1:7 ; " which is not another of the same kind , except there are some making you restless , and desiring to corrupt the gospel of Christ " .
2) The word " another " , is the Greek word ALLOS , meaning " other , another " , basically " another of the same kind " . It is used 2 times in Gal 1:7 and in 5:10 .
3) 2 different Greek words were translated " another " by the King James translators . Even though ALLOS and HETEROS are used interchangeably in some verses in the Bible , there are other places in the Bible where they are used to show CONTRAST , and one of these places is Gal 1:6,7 .
4) Verse 7 is showing us that there is a difference bwtween what the Judaizers preached and what Paul preached . The Gospel of the Kingdom is NOT the same as the Gospel of the Grace of God . That is the teaching here , and this is the way we are to understand it .
5) The words " would pervert " means " desiring to corrupt " , indicating a purpose . The Judaizers concidered Paul and his ministry to be wrong , and even spread RUMORS about him as as verse 23 says , that he was preaching the faith he onve destroyed , JUDAISM . The Kingdom preachers gave Paul more trouble than anyone else , even in Gentile country .
6) The Greek word for " pervert " is METASTREPHO , and means " to turnabout , turn around , desire to corrupt " . It is the idea of turning one thing into another , of turning the gospel of Christ into something that God NEVER intended .
7) The Law of Moses was never intended to be mixed with the Grace of God , but this is what is being preached in most assemblies today . This word " pervert " is parallel with the word " remove " in verse 6 .
8) The gospel of Christ is a title mentioned 10 times in the Bible , ALL BY Paul . The Gospel of Christ is part of the Revelation of the Mystery revealed to Paul in Rom 16:25 , but it is also known by other names .
#1 , Gospel of His Son , Rom 1:9
#2 , My Gospel , Rom 2:16 ; 16:25 ; 2 Tim 2:8
#3 , Gospel of your salvation , Eph 1:13
#4 , Glorious gospel of Christ , 2 Cor 4:4
#5 , Gospel of the Circumcision , Gal 2:7
#6 , Gospel of God , Rom 1:1 ; 15:16
#7 , Glorious gospel of the blessed God , 1 Tim 1:11
#8 , Gospel of peace , Rom 10:15 ; Eph 6:15
#9 , Christ's gospel , 2 Cor 2:12
#10 The Gospel of the Grace of God , Acts 20:24
The Gospel of the Kingdom is NEVER called the Gospel of Christ . The Kingdom Gospel has water baptism , for the forgiveness of sins ( Mark 1:4 ; Acts 2:38 ) and was essential for Salvation under the Gospel of the Kingdom in Mark 16:16 .
Those who refused to be Baptized REJECTED the counsel of God in Luke 7:30 .
According to the Gospel of the Grace of God , forgiveness of sins is by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ ( Eph 1:17 ; Col 1:14 ) and salvation is by GRACE through faith ( Eph 2:8,9 ) This is a big difference .
1) Here is a literal Translation of Gal 1:7 ; " which is not another of the same kind , except there are some making you restless , and desiring to corrupt the gospel of Christ " .
2) The word " another " , is the Greek word ALLOS , meaning " other , another " , basically " another of the same kind " . It is used 2 times in Gal 1:7 and in 5:10 .
3) 2 different Greek words were translated " another " by the King James translators . Even though ALLOS and HETEROS are used interchangeably in some verses in the Bible , there are other places in the Bible where they are used to show CONTRAST , and one of these places is Gal 1:6,7 .
4) Verse 7 is showing us that there is a difference bwtween what the Judaizers preached and what Paul preached . The Gospel of the Kingdom is NOT the same as the Gospel of the Grace of God . That is the teaching here , and this is the way we are to understand it .
5) The words " would pervert " means " desiring to corrupt " , indicating a purpose . The Judaizers concidered Paul and his ministry to be wrong , and even spread RUMORS about him as as verse 23 says , that he was preaching the faith he onve destroyed , JUDAISM . The Kingdom preachers gave Paul more trouble than anyone else , even in Gentile country .
6) The Greek word for " pervert " is METASTREPHO , and means " to turnabout , turn around , desire to corrupt " . It is the idea of turning one thing into another , of turning the gospel of Christ into something that God NEVER intended .
7) The Law of Moses was never intended to be mixed with the Grace of God , but this is what is being preached in most assemblies today . This word " pervert " is parallel with the word " remove " in verse 6 .
8) The gospel of Christ is a title mentioned 10 times in the Bible , ALL BY Paul . The Gospel of Christ is part of the Revelation of the Mystery revealed to Paul in Rom 16:25 , but it is also known by other names .
#1 , Gospel of His Son , Rom 1:9
#2 , My Gospel , Rom 2:16 ; 16:25 ; 2 Tim 2:8
#3 , Gospel of your salvation , Eph 1:13
#4 , Glorious gospel of Christ , 2 Cor 4:4
#5 , Gospel of the Circumcision , Gal 2:7
#6 , Gospel of God , Rom 1:1 ; 15:16
#7 , Glorious gospel of the blessed God , 1 Tim 1:11
#8 , Gospel of peace , Rom 10:15 ; Eph 6:15
#9 , Christ's gospel , 2 Cor 2:12
#10 The Gospel of the Grace of God , Acts 20:24
The Gospel of the Kingdom is NEVER called the Gospel of Christ . The Kingdom Gospel has water baptism , for the forgiveness of sins ( Mark 1:4 ; Acts 2:38 ) and was essential for Salvation under the Gospel of the Kingdom in Mark 16:16 .
Those who refused to be Baptized REJECTED the counsel of God in Luke 7:30 .
According to the Gospel of the Grace of God , forgiveness of sins is by the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ ( Eph 1:17 ; Col 1:14 ) and salvation is by GRACE through faith ( Eph 2:8,9 ) This is a big difference .